回复: 加拿大大学好难进,大家帮帮忙要certified的还是怎么样的?如果不是certified的话,自己编一个也行吧~


回复: 加拿大大学好难进,大家帮帮忙已经寄了在中国的大学成绩单给加拿大大学了,只是加拿大大学看不懂成绩单的分数是达到哪个水平,要求有个分数制度证明。就是90分,到底只是及格还是优秀了。 你们有没有遇到这种情况的,请求帮忙!!!点击展开...要证明还是说明?这两个很不一样的说。。。能quote一下加拿大大学给你寄过来的说明么?

我心似广柔的宇宙,包容千年万年的尘嚣,万物都是缘,感恩一切的相识相遇。。。oldfatcrab 你好!我小孩也在国内读过一年大学,来加已几星期。请问在BC怎么申请大学?谢谢!点击展开...报名网站:www.pas.bc.ca 各大学的网站有具体的报名要求和注意事项。。。UBC和SFU等现在报肯定已经晚了。。。如果不想耽误时间的话,去Kwantlen和Langara看看自己想读的Program能不能在那里找到transfer program。。。明年再transfer进去。。。 不过还是要确认一下。。。孩子有托福或者雅思分么?确定英语能跟得上么?


我心似广柔的宇宙,包容千年万年的尘嚣,万物都是缘,感恩一切的相识相遇。。。回复: 加拿大大学好难进,大家帮帮忙oldfatcrab 你好! 今天中午你有班. 我就等你回贴了. 我儿子该上雅思学校,但不知道温哥华哪个雅思学校好.另外,他到已到VCC报名考完试 是LEVEL 5 .VCC 有雅思课程吗? 谢谢!
我心似广柔的宇宙,包容千年万年的尘嚣,万物都是缘,感恩一切的相识相遇。。。要证明还是说明?这两个很不一样的说。。。 能quote一下加拿大大学给你寄过来的说明么?点击展开... 加拿大大学邮件回复是这样的: A complete school profile from Nanhua College of Industry & Commerce(China) which includes confirmation of your school's accreditation and information on grade distribution. The document must be submitted by the indicated deadline to avoid the cancellation of your file. Important Note: DO NOT SUBMIT YOUR ORIGINAL DOCUMENTS. Transcripts are considered official if they have been sent directly to the Undergraduate Admissions Application Centre by the institution or examining board concerned. If your records are in a language other than English or French, please arrange for the submission of a certified translation in either English or French in addition to the official transcript in the original language. If you have original documents, you may submit photocopies for a preliminary assessment. 能帮我看看,到底是需要哪些东西?谢谢
回复: 加拿大大学好难进,大家帮帮忙加拿大大学邮件回复是这样的: A complete school profile from Nanhua College of Industry & Commerce(China) which includes confirmation of your school's accreditation and information on grade distribution. The document must be submitted by the indicated deadline to avoid the cancellation of your file. Important Note: DO NOT SUBMIT YOUR ORIGINAL DOCUMENTS. Transcripts are considered official if they have been sent directly to the Undergraduate Admissions Application Centre by the institution or examining board concerned. If your records are in a language other than English or French, please arrange for the submission of a certified translation in either English or French in addition to the official transcript in the original language. If you have original documents, you may submit photocopies for a preliminary assessment. 麻烦帮我看看,到底还需要些什么东西?谢谢!(之前已寄以前大学成绩单中英文版并盖教务处的章,而且信封封口地方也盖了教务处的章。学历复印件也一起给了加拿大大学,不过一点是,大学成绩单和学历都是复印件,应该没问题的,因为原件给了学校,自己就没了。)
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