加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息推荐:加拿大最常听到的习语[个人收集]
1. A pain in the neck/ass : a bothersome/ an annoying person or event2. Keep an eye on : watch carefully3. Nosy : overly curious about the affairs of others4. Up to my ears : having too much work or trouble 5. On my toes : alert, ready to act 6. Out of the blue : unexpected7. Slip my mind : to forget 8. Hold my tongue : not to speak although you want to9. See eye to eye : to agree, to have the same opinion10. Keep my fingers crossed : to wish strongly for something11. By heart : by memorizing 12. Get on my nerves : to annoy or irritate = pain in the ass13. Give somebody a hand : help14. Make up my mind : to decide15. Off the top of my head : without thinking hard16. Levelheaded : sensible and calm =level-headed17. Face the music : accept the consequence/ punishment18. Have my hands full : be extremely busy19. On the tip of my tongue : to know it but not remember it at the moment20. Be all ears : eager to hear21. Keep in touch with: you will see lots letters/emails end with: "Keep in touch!"22. Lose face23. In the long/short run : in the end, in the final result / in the immediate future24. Broke : without money25. A team player26. At the drop of a hat : immediately27. Be in my shoes : shoes = position职位/situation状况/plight 困境: You would understand my decision if you put yourself in my shoes.28. Know the ropes : have thorough knowledge29. Give a shout/ring : call, phone30. Rings a bell : to sound familiar31. A fish out of water : not fit in, out of usual surroundings32. Get the picture : understand the meaning after some difficulty33. Walking on air / on cloud nine / in seventh heaven : extremely happy because something great has happened34. Keep it under my hat : keep a secret35. A white lie : an untrue statement told to keep from hurting someone’s feelings36. Out of nowhere : suddenly, unexpectedly37. Break the ice : to make people comfortable at a first meeting/in a gathering38. The tip of the iceberg : a small of a larger problem39. In hot water : in trouble40. Under the weather : sick41. Take a raincheck : to be unable to accept an invitation but to ask to be invited again later, reschedule42. feet on the ground : to be sensible43. Beat around the bush : delay talking about the important part of the subject44. A piece of cake : very easy45. Hit the roof/ceiling =fly off the handle = see red : become angry46. Take it easy : relax47. In no time flat : quickly48. Take (somebody's) time : to avoid hurrying. When you ask someone to do something for you, it's polite to say :"Take your time."49. In the same boat : in the same bad situation50. Bug : n.wiretap 窃听器; v. bother,annoy, pester烦扰. "Stop bugging me, leave me alone!"51. BooBoo : A stupid mistake; a blunder愚蠢的错误. >> 小心呦,别说成"Boob"-- "boob" or "booby" is breast.Haha! 喜欢就加分哟.......
回复: 推荐:加拿大最常听到的习语[个人收集]Very good. 给你加声望了.Thanks
回复: 推荐:加拿大最常听到的习语[个人收集]thanks
回复: 推荐:加拿大最常听到的习语[个人收集]不给句子没什么用。
回复: 推荐:加拿大最常听到的习语[个人收集]不给句子没什么用。点击展开...先理解最重要.我们接触习语最先是听到,而不是自己用到. 听懂了才会记住,下次自己用.习语使用时一般简捷.不会象我们学习托福词组或短语,一定要用于长句.比如, pain in the ass, take it easy,ring a bell? 就是一句话. 还有,Walking on air / on cloud nine / in seventh heaven : extremely happy because something great has happened Bryan Adams一首歌叫 ..cloud no. nine, 一个非常有名的电视系列剧seventh heaven, 学了这些习语后我才明白是什么意思, 还有电影 云中漫步, a walk in the clouds,估计也是这个意思. 所以我觉得学习语对在北美生活非常有帮助,而明白意思是首要的.
回复: 推荐:加拿大最常听到的习语[个人收集]22. Lose face点击展开...这不是中文的说法吗?外国人没有丢脸的说法,顶多用shame这个词吧。
回复: 推荐:加拿大最常听到的习语[个人收集]这不是中文的说法吗?外国人没有丢脸的说法,顶多用shame这个词吧。点击展开...多谢提醒,我Google了一下,发觉这个英语词汇居然真是来源于中国! Lose face - Be humiliated; lose one's reputation.Origin'Lose face' began life in English as a translation of the Chinese phrase 'tiu lien'. In 1876, the consular official Sir Robert Hart published a series of essays - These from Land of Sinim 'Save face' comes later. It has no direct equivalent in Chinese and is merely the converse of 'lose face'.
回复: 推荐:加拿大最常听到的习语[个人收集]10. Keep my fingers crossed : to wish strongly for something = cross my fingers
回复: 推荐:加拿大最常听到的习语[个人收集]再加两个常用的,而且是不学就不明白的.呵呵. You bet : 1. Short for “You can bet on it.” =feel sure and/or agree with someone eg. A: “She is so hot!” B: “You bet.” (= sure / Certainly) 2. no problem.eg. A: “Thank you for your help.” B: “You bet.” (= you’re welcome.) Beats me : Means I don't know, A: “Why is he here?”B: “Beats me!” (=I have no idea.)
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有一种情怀,淡如轻烟,却能长久而执著地散发着暖人的温馨;有一种感动,默无声息,却能让我们为之心酸并为之泪流满面. 赏 反馈:xhe 2008-11-12#11 L 405 $0.00 回复: 推荐:加拿大最常听到的习语[个人收集]喜欢
回复: 推荐:加拿大最常听到的习语[个人收集]再加几个"粗话":Fuck off : Go away! AND LEAVE ME ALONE!Get laid: have sex Not give a fuck/shit/damn : REALLY not care about Fuck up: make a mistake, to make a mess of (things) Don't fuck up this time! 搞砸
回复: 推荐:加拿大最常听到的习语[个人收集]大手印,有用哇
临行清单:http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=174682小猪菜谱:新增泡菜http://www.canadameet.com/forumshowthread.php?p=3833393#post3833393回复: 推荐:加拿大最常听到的习语[个人收集]好贴!!加分分。
回复: 推荐:加拿大最常听到的习语[个人收集]These are of great use, though several slips I feel should be pointed out and several others can be perfected.9. see eye to eye with30. ring the bell 41. a rain check42.beat sb.43.get laid withAnd the following two has long since been given exact meanings in Chinese.37. break the ice 破冰38. the tip of the iceberg 冰山一角
回复: 推荐:加拿大最常听到的习语[个人收集]Rain check For people : “take a rain check” means they accept your offer, but they can't go today, they will do it later. For sports games or shows: a new ticket for the make-up game For stores: a promise to deliver goods or services at a later date when a merchant has run out of.
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三千日夜吟愁赋,一亿白发尽满头。梦入枫林遍芳丛,觉来惆怅恨无数。 [[FONT=宋体]加拿大,请在不远的地方等我http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=263009][/FONT] [[FONT=宋体]起程-[FONT=宋体]献给[/FONT]91[FONT=宋体]旧政和[/FONT][FONT=宋体]新政的同路人[/FONT]][/FONT] [[FONT=宋体]一个等待移民者的内心独白http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=255315[FONT=宋体]][/FONT][/FONT]回复: 推荐:加拿大最常听到的习语[个人收集]no rain check 什么意思?
===================Fight, Love, Make Mistakeno rain check 什么意思?点击展开...The sales price only applies to the current items. You can not order this item at this price when the sale items are all sold out. 打折价格只对当时现有存货。
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