Dear Dear可以用来称呼朋友,也可以用来称呼亲密爱人,也有可能是长辈称呼小辈。 Dear使用的范围比较广。可以用来称呼朋友,也可以用来称呼亲密爱人,也有可能是长辈称呼小辈。另外英语日记通常会用dear 开头。写信时通常的称呼也是Dear XX。 经典美剧老友记第一季第8集中,Ross和Monica的奶奶去世后,Ross在家里收拾东西,他和他妈妈有这么一段对话,Ross就被妈妈叫做dear:Ross: Oh my God...Mrs. Geller: Is everything all right, dear?Ross: Yeah, just... just Nana stuff.Honey, Darling和Baby都是“亲爱的”比较常见的表达。例句:I love you, honey.Darling, would you please wait a second.When my girlfriend started calling my best friend "baby", I knew it was over.Honey也会写成hunny或者hunnie,表示的都是“亲爱的”。说到这里就想到去年的《海角七号》的插曲《爱你爱到不怕死》:“Honey darling baby,或是叫我的小亲亲,只要哄我高兴,冥王星都陪你去。”

FN: 2007年10月31日There are things you wish for and accomplishments you work for.Nothing expresses your pure joy like a Canada Permanent Residence visa... 赏

FN: 2007年10月31日There are things you wish for and accomplishments you work for.Nothing expresses your pure joy like a Canada Permanent Residence visa...回复: 七夕教你“亲爱的”不同说法甜蜜七夕的十个小锦囊Leave Notes (in Unusual Places) 留便条(在特别的地方)Perhaps life has become so busy that you feel like your schedule rarely coincides with that of your partner or kids. How about leaving them a note somewhere unexpected? You've probably all heard of kids having little notes from their mom's in their lunch bags--that's one place to start, but how about a note by the kettle, in the fridge, on the pillow, on the computer screen...? This can become a bit of a game as you compete to leave a note in the most unusual places!也许生活总是很忙碌,你很难和你的爱人、孩子有共处的时光,在一些特别的地方留些字条怎么样?你也许听说过有的母亲会在孩子的便当包里放些小纸条,这是个不错的开始。你还可以把纸条贴在茶壶上、冰箱上、枕头上、电脑屏幕上……在特别的地方留下字条,会成为你和家人们的一个互动的小游戏。 Hug Someone 来个拥抱Physical gestures mean a huge amount, and a hug can be just what a loved one needs to put a big smile on their face. Whether it's snuggling up on the sofa with your partner or giving your kids a goodnight hug, being held and warmed by another person is a perfect way to feel loved.肢体语言很重要,拥抱会使被爱的人感到愉快。无论是在沙发上和爱人紧紧相拥,还是在孩子睡前给他们一个拥抱,他们都能够完美地感受到你爱的暖意。 Write A Poem 写一首小诗A time-honored way to say "I love you" is to write a poem. You don't have to be Shakespeare--look for sincere, original ways to tell someone that you love them. Try not to fall back on hackneyed phrases about their beautiful blue eyes or their rosy red lips; write about something that's meaningful to you, perhaps that dimple on their chin, or the way they laugh at your jokes.以诗示爱自古就有。你不必非要有莎翁的文采,只需充满诚意地自创一首去表达爱意。尽量摒弃那些赞美碧眼朱唇的陈词滥调,写些对你而言有意义的东西,也许是他们脸颊的一对酒窝,也许是他们为你开怀大笑的样子。
FN: 2007年10月31日There are things you wish for and accomplishments you work for.Nothing expresses your pure joy like a Canada Permanent Residence visa...回复: 七夕教你“亲爱的”不同说法Give An Unexpected Gift 送份出乎意料的礼物I'm sure you give your loved ones gifts on their birthday, at Christmas, and on special occasions like Valentine's day. But how about bringing a gift completely at random? An unexpected present is a moment of pure joy for the recipient and the giver, and it needn't be anything expensive. A few of their favorite chocolates, a small bunch of flowers, a book which you know they'll enjoy...for a few dollars, you have the perfect way to say "I love you".我相信在爱的人生日以及圣诞、情人节等等特别的日子你会送礼物给他们,但是有没有尝试过在寻常的日子送一份礼物给他们呢?一份不期而至的礼物会让送礼物和收礼物的人都感到快乐。这份礼物不需要多贵,一盒他们喜欢的巧克力,一小束花,一本你知道他们会喜欢的书,只需要花上几美元,你就能完美表达你的爱意。 Do The Chores (Without Being Asked) 主动帮忙做家务For many people, another extremely welcomed gift is someone else doing the chores! If it's your partner who usually cleans the kitchen, why not do it and surprise him/her? If you normally have to be nagged to vacuum, get it done without being asked. Finding little ways to make someone else's day smoother lets them know how much they mean to you.对很多人来说,他人主动帮忙做家务就算得上一份礼物。如果一般是你的爱人打扫厨房,你可以帮他/她做好,给他/她一个惊喜。如果你老是要被别人催着去吸尘,这回主动去做。做些小事让他人的生活更顺心,他们就能感觉到自己对你来说有多重要。 Hold Hands 握住双手Like hugging, holding hands is something that we often neglect to do when a relationship becomes cozy and familiar. Try taking your partner's hand when walking down the street, or hold their hands across a table in a restaurant. Being in contact physically helps you feel closer emotionally. This is especially important if you need to talk through a difficult issue or problem. Holding hands can also be a visible demonstration of support if your partner is upset or feeling down.和拥抱一样,握手是当我们和他人之间的关系变得舒适熟悉之后常常忽略的动作。走在大街上,或者隔着餐桌,拉起爱人的手,生理上的联系会让你心理上感到更加亲近。在你需要告诉他们一些重要的事情或问题的时候,这一举动尤为重要。当你的爱人情绪低落的时候,握住他/她的手,是一种对他/她看得见的支持。
FN: 2007年10月31日There are things you wish for and accomplishments you work for.Nothing expresses your pure joy like a Canada Permanent Residence visa...回复: 七夕教你“亲爱的”不同说法Make A Special Meal 做特别的一餐If Friday nights usually mean ordering takeout, why not offer to cook for a change? Make a special meal for your partner (you don't need an excuse for this--it doesn't have to be Valentine's day or an anniversary!) Include their favorite foods, take a few minutes to set the table, to light candles and put music on, and your usual forgettable evening slumped on the sofa can become a night to remember.如果周五的晚上你们通常叫外卖,试试这回自己下厨。不需要非得等到情人节或者纪念日,你随时都可以为你的爱人做一桌他们爱吃的东西。花几分钟铺好桌子,点上几根蜡烛,放点音乐,通常窝在沙发里度过的无聊时光就会成为你们难忘的一夜…… Dress Up 打扮自己In the early stages of a relationship, you probably made the effort to look your best. Of course it's nice to get to the point where you can lounge around in your jammies or your over sized, hole-ridden t-shirt...but occasionally getting dressed up can rekindle that early excitement in the relationship. Why not go out to a "swankier" restaurant than usual (it doesn't have to be much more expensive), or just get dressed up in your party clothes for a special meal for two at home?恋情刚刚开始的时候,你可能还很在乎你的装扮。穿着睡衣、宽松的T恤到处跑当然很舒适,不过偶尔你也可以尝试打扮下自己,重燃初恋时的激情。去家平常高档一点的餐厅(也不需要贵很多),或者在家吃饭的时候,偶尔穿上你去派对时候的礼服。 Give a Foot/Shoulder Rub 给他们擦肩、擦脚Modern life is stressful and many of us have aches and pains caused by tense muscles. A shoulder rub, back rub or foot rub is a wonderful way to tell your partner "I love you". It demonstrates that their physical well being and comfort is important to you, and it's also a great way to reinforce physical and emotional closeness。现代生活纷繁忙碌,很多人都因为肌肉紧张有这样那样的疼痛。给爱人擦擦身体是向他们表达心意的绝佳方式。他们能够感受到他们的健康对你来说有多重要,而且使你们的身心更为亲密。 Listen to Them 倾听他们说话It's easy to talk over people or to tune out most of what they're saying whilst reading the newspaper or chatting online with friends. Listen actively to your partner--when they want to talk, put down what you're doing, and focus all your attention on them. Listen for what they don't say; unvoiced concerns or worries, or hints at what they'd really like. Nod and make eye-contact to show that you're paying attention。读报纸、上网聊天的时候很容易和家人搭讪,试着在他们说话的时候放下手中的事情,全神贯注去听他们讲话。试着领会他们没说出口的的心事,了解他们喜欢什么。点头、眼神交流都表示你听得很专心。
FN: 2007年10月31日There are things you wish for and accomplishments you work for.Nothing expresses your pure joy like a Canada Permanent Residence visa...回复: 七夕教你“亲爱的”不同说法学习~
Frisch weht der Wind,Der Heimat zu,Mein Irish Kind,Wo weilest du?回复: 七夕教你“亲爱的”不同说法顶
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