颜色也是会说话的。看到红色就像看到过年、结婚,看到绿色就想到春天、活力。不过呢,颜色在不同的国家,寓意也有不同。废话就不说了,第一次我们就来侃侃“绿-Green”。1. green with envy, green eyed 嫉妒,“眼红”,Besides "green with envy", English has the term "green-eyed monster" or just "green-eyed" - both meaning jealous, envious. However, in Chinese, an expression_r often used to describe envy or jealousy is 眼红 or 害了红眼病 - literally "red-eyed". Quite a different color for the same thing! Interestingly, in the old days, the Chinese expression_r 戴绿帽子, 戴绿头巾 (literally "to wear a green hat/head band" ) meant to be a cuckold.和以前提到的一些词一样,green在中英文语言环境中表达的意思也存在着差异。先看be green with envy,这是个非常口语化的短语,意思是:羡慕极了。古代的不列颠人似乎认为心里一妒忌,脸色就发绿。注意这个词,有些书上把它解释成"非常怨恨",但是这一表达方式并没有那么强烈的意味。例如:Wait till you see my new skirt. You're going to be absolutely green with envy.你等着看我的新裙子吧,准叫你羡慕得不得了。We were all green with envy when we learned that Julian had gotten a date with the most beautiful girl in our class.知道Julian跟我们班的“班花”约会以后,我们都羡慕极了。最有意思的还是green-eyed。在西方,人们把嫉妒心强的人成为green-eyed monster。嫉妒心太强,难免做出一些坏事,称为魔鬼也算恰当,但为什么这个魔鬼一定是绿眼睛的呢?在希腊神话中,天王Zeus(宙斯)有7位妻子,第七位是他的姐姐Hera(赫拉)。赫拉是个绝顶美女,但是脾气不好,特别爱嫉妒别人,这一点可是让Zeus吃尽了苦头。而这位有着醉人green eyes的女神,也成了英语中表达嫉妒的一种方式。关于green-eyed和“红眼”的关系应该这样表示:红眼>green-eyed也就是说,“红眼”的程度要比green-eyed严重。2. a green thumb 园艺高手“眼睛绿了”,是表示羡慕。那么“拇指绿了”是什么意思呢?to have a green thumb 是指有“高超的种植才能--做的一手好园艺”。绿色的拇指,意味着“有培育花木、蔬菜等植物的才能”。例如:Mr. White has a green thumb. His garden is always beautiful.怀特先生有搞园艺的本领。他家的庭院总是很美的。3.give the green light 开绿灯Give the green light 开绿灯,这个中英文里的意思是一样的。比如:They've just been given the green light to build two new supermarkets in the region. 他们同意在这个地段建两个超级市场。中文里也有不少带绿的语言。在中文里,绿常用来比喻青春,比如绿鬓朱颜;也可以用来表示伤感的情绪,比如“绿暗红稀”,和英文里的blue有同样的意境。4. green salad 蔬菜沙拉greenhouse effect 温室效应green awareness 环保意识green hands 新手green card 绿卡 等等~~~
FN: 2007年10月31日There are things you wish for and accomplishments you work for.Nothing expresses your pure joy like a Canada Permanent Residence visa... 赏

FN: 2007年10月31日There are things you wish for and accomplishments you work for.Nothing expresses your pure joy like a Canada Permanent Residence visa...回复: 五颜六色的英语至于我们时常提到的红色,也不可把它忽略哦1.red in tooth and claw.残酷无情;血淋淋的2.a red rag to a bull(斗牛的红布)联想:就是激起人怒火的事物3.be in the red:负债;亏空The company has plunged $37 million into the red.这家公司已经负债3700万。4.red-card:红牌5.red carpet:红地毯(比喻隆重的接待)I didn't expect to be given the red carpet treatment!我可没想到会受到隆重招待!6国际红十字会大家应该不会陌生吧*the International Red Cross简称IRC~~7.red-blooded:血气方刚/**旺盛的
FN: 2007年10月31日There are things you wish for and accomplishments you work for.Nothing expresses your pure joy like a Canada Permanent Residence visa...回复: 五颜六色的英语虽然黑色常常让人想起葬礼什么的,但其实黑色在好多场合还是有好的含义的,一般呢,黑色是比较酷的颜色,好多酷哥酷姐们都喜欢穿黑色系列的衣服。我也喜欢穿黑色的衣服,不过原因和他们的不一样--我是因为懒得洗衣服,哈哈。言归正传,这次我们来说说“黑-BLACK”这个词。HOHO~~1. Blacklist, black market, black-hearted不管是在英语还是汉语里,“黑”常常和一些不太好意思联系在一起。In both English and Chinese, there are various terms indicating that black is often associated with negative qualities: blacklist (黑名单), black market (黑市), black-hearted (黑心肝的) and a number of others.Interestingly, in business English, "in the black" has a good meaning; i.e., running a business profitably. Example: Since he became manager, the company has been running in the black. 自从他成为管理者以来,公司一直在赢利。相反,in the red 则表示公司经营不善,出现赤字--这种用法应该是源于会计上的账簿,如果是亏空,在账簿上反映出来就是用红颜色填写。但是到了股市上,红色可不是亏空。全线飘红--一片形式大好,股票都在涨呢,相反要是一片绿色的话,事情可就不妙了,不信你去观察观察那些股民的眼睛,那真是--眼睛都绿了。2. Black eyeBlack eye 在英文里指“在打架时被人打出来的青肿眼眶”。但give someone/something a black eye 引申出来的意思却是:败坏(某人)的名声。比如:The bully gave Jimmy a black eye. (Jim被流氓打的鼻青眼肿。)这里是按照字面意思使用的场合。做比喻意使用时,是“使人失去体面”、“败坏他人名声”或“把某人或某一事物搞臭”的意味了。比如:The rumors that he has been friendly with underworld figures has given the candidate a black eye. (关于那位候选人与黑社会人物交往密切的流言把他的名声搞臭了。)3. The black sheep of the family意思是:(家族里的黑羊)败家子。这个表达法来源于谚语There is a black sheep in every flock. (羊群里有黑羊。)black sheep 为什么会成为“败家子”呢?书上是这样解释的:第一:黑绵羊的毛不值钱;(不过黑豆,黑芝麻之类的黑色食品近几年似乎很吃香,很值钱呀。)第二:它的黑颜色使其它的羊害怕。因此,自古以来,人们就认为黑绵羊是给羊群添麻烦的东西。现在black sheep也可以引申为一个组织里给大家添麻烦或是搞破坏的人。black box:黑匣子 black belt:黑带(柔道、空手道高级别)beat sb black and blue:打得***青一块紫一块的。black out:昏厥~
FN: 2007年10月31日There are things you wish for and accomplishments you work for.Nothing expresses your pure joy like a Canada Permanent Residence visa...回复: 五颜六色的英语说了黑,免不了要说白,这对反义词似乎总也分不开,比如“黑白颠倒”,“黑白分明”,“混淆黑白”等等。HOHO~~1. weddings and funerals 红白喜事To most Chinese and westerners, whit has certain similar connotations: purity, innocence(清白,无辜). 西方的婚礼习惯以白色为基调,Lily white(像百合一样洁白)就是bride dress的那种颜色。但中国的婚礼习惯以红色为基调,白色是葬礼的颜色,所谓"披麻戴孝"嘛。"红白喜事"就是指婚礼和葬礼喽!这个如果按照字面直译,估计没有多少老外能懂,反而是翻译成weddings and funerals 一目了然。2. Every white hath(has)its black. 金无足赤我们常说“金无足赤,人无完人”,这句话在英语中就是Every white hath(has)its black. 啦。下次你听到别人评论一个优秀人物的缺点时,不妨把这句话卖弄一下。3. Your face is as white as a sheet. 你的脸色好苍白。中国人说脸色发白,外国人也一样。要是面色惨白,我们也可以说,Are you under the weather?Your face is as white as a sheet。4. 最后,奉送大家一些有关“白”的短语:white lie善意的谎言(谎言常常弄巧成拙,即使是善意的)white sale 家居用品减价出售(通常是窗上用品等白色的东东)white elephant 昂贵又无用之物 (这个大家都知道了,翻译的经典反面例子)white flag 白旗 to raise/show/ wave the white flag. white-collar 白领说到翻译,汉语中很多词都带个“白”,但是此白非彼白,翻译的时候可是要注意哦!In some cases, 白may refer to the color, but the English equivalent of the term or expression_r usually does not have the word white, as in 白菜(Chinese cabbage), 白熊(polar bear), 白蚁(termite). In other cases, 白 has nothing to do with the color at all; the meaning might be something like "in vain(徒劳)", as in 白费事(all in vain, a waste of time and energy), 白送(give away, free of charge, for nothing). Or 白 might mean "plain, unadulterated(白丁)", as in 白开水(boiled water), 白肉(plain boiled pork). It might even have more generalized meaning that is apparent, as in 坦白(to confess, to make a clean breast of things, to be frank), 白痴(idiot), 白话(vernacular), etc. the important thing to remember is that not all that is 白is "white".。
FN: 2007年10月31日There are things you wish for and accomplishments you work for.Nothing expresses your pure joy like a Canada Permanent Residence visa...回复: 五颜六色的英语学习~
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移民行业十年看到tx们移民成功是我最大的快乐回复: 五颜六色的英语顶
寒月悲笳,万里西风瀚海沙;碧血丹心,关河渺茫梦征尘。回复: 五颜六色的英语谢谢分享
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