加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息09年11月16日希拉里上海世博园美国馆致辞
Remarks at USA Pavilion at Shanghai Expo Hillary Rodham Clinton Secretary of State Shanghai, China November 16, 2009 在上海世博园美国馆建设现场的致辞 美国国务卿 希拉里•克林顿 中国 上海 2009年11月16日 Thank you. Thank you so much. Well, good morning, and let metell you how pleased I am to be here with all of you in the rain, whichmeans good fortune. I thank the vice mayor for his very kind words. Andto all of our Chinese friends who are here today, we are very grateful for your support of this pavilion。 很高兴与大家冒雨来到这里参加这个活动,因为下雨代表着好运。感谢副市长的热情介绍,感谢各位到场的中国朋友对我们美国馆的支持。 I want to thank Ken Jarrett and the USA Pavilion Board of Directors. I wish to thank Mr. Yang Xiong, our executive vice mayor. I want to thank Ms. Zhong Yanqun, vice chair. Mr. Hong Hao, director general, Ms. Wu,deputy director general, and our friend who is the Chinese ambassadorto the United States, Ambassador Zhou Wenzhong. Thanks also to U.S. Commissioner General Jose Villarreal, to our Consul General Beatrice Camp, toAmbassador Elizabeth Bagley and Kris Balderston from our GlobalPartnerships in the State Department, and to Ellen Eliasoph and theU.S. Pavilion team. Thanks to all of you。 我想要感谢季瑞达(上海世博会美国国家馆组织方理事会主席)以及美国馆的各位理事,感谢上海常务副市长杨雄先生,感谢上海世博会执委会专职副主任钟燕群女士,上海世博局局长洪浩先生、副局长吴云飞女士,以及我们的朋友中国驻美大使周文重先生。同样感谢美国展区总代表费乐友,美国驻上海总领事康碧翠,负责全球伙伴关系事务的特别代表伊丽莎白•巴格利大使和克里斯•鲍尔德斯顿,感谢艾秋兴女士和美国馆的全体人员。感谢大家!
Frisch weht der Wind,Der Heimat zu,Mein Irish Kind,Wo weilest du?回复: 09年11月16日希拉里上海世博园美国馆致辞And there are a number of corporate representatives here who I would like to acknowledge,because without your financial support, this magnificent USA Pavilionbehind me would not be possible. Our global sponsors, PepsiCo, GeneralElectric Corporation, and Chevron; our newest sponsors, Proctor andGamble, Yum! Brands, Honeywell, Intel, Pfizer, and Qualcomm, and I wantto note a special sponsor, Boeing, which has just agreed to double itscontribution to $2 million to support this effort. We’re grateful foryour generosity and your steadfast belief in the importance of theexpo, the American role here, and what this USA Pavilion can do tostrengthen cooperation and partnership between the American people andthe people of China。 我还想感谢今天到场的许多公司的代表,因为没有你们资金的支持,就没有我身后这座宏大的美国馆。感谢我们的全球赞助商百事公司、通用电气公司、雪佛龙公司,感谢我们最新的赞助商宝洁公司、百胜餐饮集团、霍尼韦尔公司、因特尔公司、辉瑞公司、高通公司,我还想感谢我们特别的赞助商波音公司,它刚刚同意将其对美国馆的赞助增加到200万美元。我们感激你们的慷慨赞助,你们对世博重要性和美国在世博发挥作用的坚定信心,对美国馆在加强美中两国人民的合作与伙伴关系的支持。 It is very fitting that this expo will be here in Shanghai, one of the most dynamic and cosmopolitan cities in the world. I’m pleased to be here withPresident Obama and to be back in China after my first trip here asSecretary of State earlier this year. This USA Pavilion will showcaseAmerican innovation, it will demonstrate the kind of values thatAmerica holds dear freedom, diversity, teamwork, creativity and itwill be built around the theme “Better Cities and Better Lives。” 世博会放在上海召开是最恰当不过的,因为上海是一个充满活力的国际大都市。我非常高兴在今年初首次作为国务卿访华后再次同奥巴马总统一道来到这里。美国馆将把美国在科学、商业、技术等领域的创新成果展现在世人面前。美国馆将围绕“城市让生活更美好”的主题,体现美国在商业、科技方面的创新和美国价值。
Frisch weht der Wind,Der Heimat zu,Mein Irish Kind,Wo weilest du?回复: 09年11月16日希拉里上海世博园美国馆致辞I understand there will even be a story told in 4-D. I know there are some in the audience who are still contemplating sponsorship or who may be in negotiations with the USA Pavilion team. Now is the time to join this effort. Wewant to assemble the strongest team of partners possible. I lookforward to returning next summer to see for myself what our pavilionlooks like and to tour the magnificent Expo grounds。 我知道美国馆甚至将会有一个用四维方式讲述的“故事”。我知道,你们中有一些企业正在考虑成为赞助商,或者正在与美国馆团队进行磋商,这正是一个好时机,来加入这个行列。我们希望尽可能打造一个最强的公司伙伴团队。我期待明年夏天来到这里看看美国馆的样子,并到世博园区一游。 There’s a famous American movie called Field of Dreams. And in it,the hero, played by Kevin Costner, builds a baseball field at hisremote farm. A lot of people tell him what he’s doing doesn’t make anysense, they think it’s a big risk, but he loves baseball, and he hasfaith that he can build something that will be meaningful. And duringhis project which so many people criticize, he keeps hearing “If youbuild it, they will come。” 有一部著名的美国电影叫《梦想之地》,凯文科斯特纳扮演的男主人公在他家偏远的农场建了一个棒球场,许多人告诉他这么做没有任何意义,认为只有风险,但他热爱棒球,富于让事情变得有意义的信念,在众多质疑的声音中,他一直清晰地听见“如果你建成它,就会有人来”。 Well, ladies and gentlemen, we believe the same. We are building it,and we believe that when the Expo opens in 166 days, 70 million peoplewill come. And with this rain today, maybe 100 million people, with even greater good fortune, will come. Thank you all very much. Thank you。 女士们,先生们,我们也有着同样的信念。现在还在建设中,但我们相信166天以后将会有7000万人参观上海世博会,借着今天下雨的好兆头,也许会增加到1亿人来参观世博会,带来更大的好运。非常感谢各位,谢谢!
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