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Despite improvements, nurse shortage still predicted, numbers showLast Updated: Tuesday, October 23, 2007 | 3:56 PM ET CBC News With the growth in the number of nurses in Canada just slightly ahead of population growth and the average age of nurses increasing, the profession is headed for a shortage, new research suggests.That's the prediction in a study released Tuesday by the Canadian Institute for Health Information (CIHI).The report finds that new graduates are moving in to replace retiring nurses. In 2006, there were over 50,000 regulated nurses employed in nursing who had graduated from nursing school in the previous five years, an increase of 28% over the last four years. (CBC) ​The number of regulated nurses employed in nursing in Canada grew by more than 15,000, or five per cent, between 2003 and 2006, reaching 325,299. The Canadian population grew three per cent over the same time period, according to the CIHI report."Every year, for the past four years, we've seen a slow rise in the number of regulated nurses in Canada," said Francine Anne Roy, director of health resources information at CIHI.In 2006, there were 772 registered nurses per 100,000 Canadians, 205 licensed practical nurses and 51 registered psychiatric nurses.But the average age of nurses is increasing, a concern to the profession, according to the Canadian Nurses Association (CNA), which could lead to a potential shortage down the road.Continue Article // '); // ]]> dcmaxversion = 9dcminversion = 7DoOn Error Resume Nextplugin = (IsObject(CreateObject("ShockwaveFlash.ShockwaveFlash." & dcmaxversion & "")))If plugin = true Then Exit Dodcmaxversion = dcmaxversion - 1Loop While dcmaxversion >= dcminversionIn 2006, the average age of a nurse in Canada was 44.8, up slightly from 44.5 in 2003. Registered psychiatric nurses were a little older than their peers, at 47.2, and licensed practical nurses were the youngest, at 44.1."CNA is concerned with the element in there that focuses on the aging RN workforce," Lisa Little, associate director, public policy and communications at the Canadian Nurses Association in Ottawa told CBCNews.ca Tuesday."It reinforces what we've been hearing for many years ? the fact that 20 per cent of current RNs in the workforce are eligible to retire at any time, which is about 50,000. And that there are more RNs in the age group of 50 to 54 than other age groups."Encouragingly, the report finds that new graduates are moving in to replace retiring nurses. In 2006, there were over 50,000 regulated nurses employed in nursing who had graduated from nursing school in the previous five years. That's an increase of 28% over the last four years.But the CNA says it's not enough. "We are only graduating 8,300 RNs in 2006 ? well below the required 12,000," said Little. She added that the profession needs to increase the number of graduates and to "make better use of the existing workforce."This includes projects like the Late Career Initiative, a project launched in 2006 at the University Health Network. Aimed at nurses over age 55, it encourages employers to free up 20 per cent of a nurse's time to do less physically-demanding work and to undertake assignments such as mentoring new workers. The idea is to keep nurses in the workforce longer.Nurse practitioner numbers riseAs well, the CIHI report finds that the number of nurse practitioners almost doubled between 2003 and 2006, increasing to 1,300 from 725. A nurse practitioner is a registered nurse with additional education in health assessment, diagnosis and management of illnesses and injuries, including prescribing drugs.This pleases the CNA. "It's good news for Canadians in terms of access to care and reducing wait times," says Little. "[Nurse practitioners] can be used to treat the non-urgent or less-urgent cases saving the more urgent and acute cases for physicians."The number of internationally-trained nurses has also risen very slightly to 7 per cent in 2006 from 6.7 per cent in 2003. The most common countries of graduation were the Philippines (29.3 per cent of all internationally educated regulated nurses), the United Kingdom (19.8 per cent) and the United States (6.6 per cent).Despite the improvements highlighted in the current report, a nursing shortage is likely inevitable, Little says."The projected shortage is 78,000 RNs by 2011 and 113,000 by 2016. We haven't seen a huge increase in the supply of RNs, we haven't seen a major change in the number of internationally-educated RNs; we have seen a slight increase in the number of new graduates. We're still feeling that the shortage is going to happen if the numbers don't change."

目标---封禁用户.仍须努力.赞反馈:crystal_clear 2007-10-23#2 著 222 $0.00 回复: (推荐)加拿大护士短缺,就业前景广阔.In 2006, there were over 50,000 regulated nurses employed in nursing who had graduated from nursing school in the previous five years, an increase of 28% over the last four years

目标---封禁用户.仍须努力.回复: (推荐)加拿大护士短缺,就业前景广阔.怎全是英语啊

回复: (推荐)加拿大护士短缺,就业前景广阔.看不懂

http://shop33413142.taobao.com/我的店铺,大家支持我啊!回复: (推荐)加拿大护士短缺,就业前景广阔.请问在加当护士需要怎样的条件呢?

回复: (推荐)加拿大护士短缺,就业前景广阔.请问在加当护士需要怎样的条件呢?点击展开...首要条件就是英语。

回复: (推荐)加拿大护士短缺,就业前景广阔.怎全是英语啊点击展开...当然得英语了当护士,英语不好的话,抢救病人时连说话都听不懂,不就完了?

回复: (推荐)加拿大护士短缺,就业前景广阔.如果在国内没有学过、做国护士,学习的话需要几年?难度有多大?

回复: (推荐)加拿大护士短缺,就业前景广阔.顶一下。

http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=386790回复: (推荐)加拿大护士短缺,就业前景广阔.看来大家都睡了,没有人回答问题了!!!!


回复: (推荐)加拿大护士短缺,就业前景广阔.我觉得和国内做没做过护士没有多大关系,和你的英语有多好关系比较大,即便你英语不错,那些生僻的医学词汇也够忙活一阵子的

回复: (推荐)加拿大护士短缺,就业前景广阔.支持一下。。。

回复: (推荐)加拿大护士短缺,就业前景广阔.其实和英语多好关系也不是特别特别大,托福成绩好象也就是要比MBA高一些,比education低一些。因为读护士往往需要读四年,这四年里英语基本上就练的差不多了。当然还是需要一个好的英语基础的,但最主要是有一个学习的决心,以及自己到底喜欢不喜欢这个行业。我认识的一个朋友,现在学护士学到第三年,离毕业还有一年,直接就把工作找好了(或者说医院直接把她给预订了^_^),实习期间开始拿工资,一小时大概26。

回复: (推荐)加拿大护士短缺,就业前景广阔.关注

回复: (推荐)加拿大护士短缺,就业前景广阔.其实和英语多好关系也不是特别特别大,托福成绩好象也就是要比MBA高一些,比education低一些。因为读护士往往需要读四年,这四年里英语基本上就练的差不多了。当然还是需要一个好的英语基础的,但最主要是有一个学习的决心,以及自己到底喜欢不喜欢这个行业。我认识的一个朋友,现在学护士学到第三年,离毕业还有一年,直接就把工作找好了(或者说医院直接把她给预订了^_^),实习期间开始拿工资,一小时大概26。点击展开...看来做护士也不容易的。

===================Fight, Love, Make Mistake回复: (推荐)加拿大护士短缺,就业前景广阔.除了英语必须好之外,就是要有爱心、耐心、细心,身体素质和心理素质也要好~P.S.我一个朋友当年就是4年边带孩子边把护士学下来的。。。很是让我佩服啊!

Living in Toronto~回复: (推荐)加拿大护士短缺,就业前景广阔.现在还是很紧缺吗?

回复: (推荐)加拿大护士短缺,就业前景广阔.昨天看到南京的报纸上有广告,在南京就可以培训加拿大护工,男女不限,40周岁以下。怕是骗人的,没敢问。西方国家一战后婴儿潮那批人现在都60多岁了,要去伺候那些白人老头老太,还不如去当labor工呢。

回复: (推荐)加拿大护士短缺,就业前景广阔.昨天看到南京的报纸上有广告,在南京就可以培训加拿大护工,男女不限,40周岁以下。怕是骗人的,没敢问。西方国家一战后婴儿潮那批人现在都60多岁了,要去伺候那些白人老头老太,还不如去当labor工呢。点击展开... 肯定是骗人的。 西方在医疗方面管的相当严,过来后必须要考证甚至重学后才能工作。 还有护工不是护士。 国内一提到护士第一个感觉就是伺候人的,地位很低。 而在北美注册护士必须要本科护理学位或以上,在本地人中的地位高,也是最受尊敬的工作之一(加拿大几年前曾做过一个全国调查,护士是前10做受尊敬的工作,第一是医生,其他国家如美国新西兰也均是如此)。 有硕士学历的护士甚至可以开药看病。 护士薪水也很高,安省工作8年和以上的本科护士底薪就有8万加元,拥有硕士的nurse practitioners平均底薪9万多加元。 怎么算也都属于高薪工作了。

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