加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息VOA流行美语


1:bummed  I’m really bummed that I have to get up so early! I’m also bummed out that Dr. Johnson is teaching this class. I’ve heard she’s really tough.  if I got turned down for a date I’d be bummed. I’m also bummed that summer vacation is over.  bummed 或者是 bummed out, 意思是不高兴,烦恼;    2.chill/chill out  Glad class is over! I’m ready to chill for the rest of the morning. I haven’t had a chance to chill out these last few days, getting ready for school and all.  I like to chill out at the cafe with a book sometimes. And I know that you like to chill at the museum.    Cool. Have fun chilling tonight at your friends’. See you later!    chill 或者是 chill out, 意思是休息,放松,或者玩。

Frisch weht der Wind,Der Heimat zu,Mein Irish Kind,Wo weilest du?赞反馈:cindyycm 和 昆虫国际 2010-01-07#2 生命的狂想
31,849 $0.00 回复: VOA流行美语3.ditch  It’s too noisy. Let’s ditch this place.   If we want to get away from someone you could say, "Let’s ditch him," which means to leave someone behind.  To ditch work/the meeting  To ditch表示 要离开某个人,因为你不想跟他在一起了;或表示要马上离开一 个不想再呆的地方。    4.hit the spot  Good coffee, really hits the spot. I feel more awake now.  A burger would hit the spot. Let’s go, I’m hungry.  A hot bath would hit the spot.  To hit the spot 是感到过隐,觉得很痛快。

Frisch weht der Wind,Der Heimat zu,Mein Irish Kind,Wo weilest du?回复: VOA流行美语 5.big guns  Ah, I’ve got a meeting with the big guns this afternoon. They want to talk to me about continuing to work here after graduation.    Yea, I ’m meeting with my bosses. Sometimes we call them the big guns of the office.  It’s an expression that can be used to describe powerful people.  the big guns, 意思是大人物,对决策有重大影响的人    6.quarterback    This is the conference room. We had a meeting here yesterday on our plan for a new building. The project leader quarterbacked the meeting.  Quarterback here is a verb, meaning to lead. The word quarterback is borrowed from American football, where the quarterback leads the team.    to quarterback,意思是主持会议,或总管项目。

Frisch weht der Wind,Der Heimat zu,Mein Irish Kind,Wo weilest du?回复: VOA流行美语7.drag  I hate going to the museum on such a nice day, it’s such a drag.  I can’t imagine you would like someone who is a drag.  drag,意思是没意思, 枯燥    8.trip  Actually, I really enjoyed the photography exhibit. I thought it was a trip.  I would also call our photography class professor a trip, her style is a trip.  trip,意思是与众不同,别出心裁,但是含有褒意。

Frisch weht der Wind,Der Heimat zu,Mein Irish Kind,Wo weilest du?回复: VOA流行美语9. hard headed/stubbon  Are you calling me hard headed?  I remember meeting him, he is certainly hard headed.    hard headed, 意思是:顽固,固执10. choke/to fail under pressure   In fact, I choked on a test last week.  I think that New York is going to win. Maybe they won’t choke after all.    Let’s get going, though. I have to study for a test. I don’t want to choke on the test again.    To choke是糟糕,失败    11. money  Washington is going to win. Michael Jordan will make the last shot. He is money.  by money, here I mean that he performs consistently at a high level.  you could say Yao Ming is money too.  Do you think the coffee shop we like to go to is money?  money是保持高水平,非常棒

Frisch weht der Wind,Der Heimat zu,Mein Irish Kind,Wo weilest du?回复: VOA流行美语12. put an all-nighter  In fact, I’ve got a lot of studying to do. I’m going to need to pull an all-nighter.  all-nighter, 意思是开夜车    13.cram  I perform better on tests when I cram.  cram, 这是指中学生或大学生在考试前临时抱佛脚

Frisch weht der Wind,Der Heimat zu,Mein Irish Kind,Wo weilest du?回复: VOA流行美语14.tick off/get angry/annoy   I got pretty ticked off a few days ago when the professor gave me a low score on the exam.  Crossing the streets in New York and Washington is dangerous. But getting ticked off about it won’t do you any good.  ticked off, 意思是为了什么事情生气    15.close call  The paper you and I turned in this week was almost late. That was also a close call.  Oh, my god! Are you okay? Geez, that was really a close call.  close call,意思 是差一点没发生倒霉的事,或是差一点完不成该做的事

Frisch weht der Wind,Der Heimat zu,Mein Irish Kind,Wo weilest du?回复: VOA流行美语16 Prince Charming Sue: Buying a lady a drink is romantic. Maybe he’s your Don Juan?   苏: 请小姐喝酒很浪漫啊。说不定他就是你的唐璜?   Rose: No. He’s not my type.   柔丝: 才不是。他不是我喜欢的那一型。   Sue: How do you know?   苏: 你怎么知道?   Rose: A guy that listens to heavy metal could never be a Don Juan.   柔丝: 听重金属的男生绝对不是唐璜。   Sue: We’ll see. Remember, Prince Charming comes disguised as a frog for some girls.   苏: 我们等着瞧吧。别忘了,某些女人的真命天子,是以青蛙王子的装扮出现的。   Rose: What are you saying?   柔丝: 你在说什么啊?   Sue: I mean, he might be your Prince Charming... disguised as a computer geek!   苏: 我是说,他说不定就是你的真命天子……只是假装成电脑怪人    Prince Charming理想的女婿,这个词来自于《仙履奇缘》,里面的王子就是Prince Charming。

Frisch weht der Wind,Der Heimat zu,Mein Irish Kind,Wo weilest du?回复: VOA流行美语17 Don Juan 唐璜 Sue: So what kind of 1) guy is your type?   苏: 那你喜欢的男人到底是什么样子?   Rose: A man who knows and loves music. He should be 2) romantic, too. I want a 3) Don Juan.   柔丝: 懂音乐而且爱音乐的人。他还必须浪漫才行。我想要一个浪漫如唐璜的人。   Sue: All girls want that. But a Don Juan is a 4) playboy.   苏: 每个女人都想要这种人,但唐璜是个花花公子。   Rose: Not my Don Juan. He’ll be very 5) loyal.   柔丝: 我的唐璜不会,他会非常忠实。   Sue: Rose, 6) get real.   苏: 柔丝,实际一点!   Rose: I believe that he’s 7) out there somewhere...   柔丝: 我相信这个人就在某处…… Don Juan 唐璜   Don Juan“唐璜”原是欧洲(比如西班牙)传说中的风流汉子,拜伦、莫里哀与普希金都写过唐璜的故事题材的作品,从而使唐璜举世驰名。唐璜是个标准的“花花公子”playboy,生活的动力来源就是追女孩子。   莫里哀的剧作中,唐璜说过这样的话:   难道你让我永远厮守着第一次所爱的人?受她束缚控制,为她与世隔绝,不能再看别人一眼?   不!不!平生不二色只是蠢人的原则。   天下美女都有权让我动心:   最先遇到的女人不能剥夺其他女人占有我的心的权利。

Frisch weht der Wind,Der Heimat zu,Mein Irish Kind,Wo weilest du?回复: VOA流行美语18. 你一定要踏出第一步    Herbert: Every time I’m near a girl, I get tongue-tied.   赫伯特: 每次我一靠近女孩子,就会变得结结巴巴。   Don: You have to make the first move, Herbert.   唐: 你一定要踏出第一步,赫伯特。   Herbert: Like what?   赫伯特: 比如说?   Don: Why not write a letter?   唐: 为什么不写封信?   Herbert: I’m not good with words.   赫伯特: 我的文笔不好。   Don: I’ll write a great love letter for you.   唐: 我来帮你写一封很棒的情书。     1) tongue-tied (a.) 结巴的   2) make the first move 踏出第一步   3) good with words 文笔好

Frisch weht der Wind,Der Heimat zu,Mein Irish Kind,Wo weilest du?回复: VOA流行美语19.You guessed it.你猜对了     当别人在你的话中得到足够的线索,接着说出你想说的话,你可以说You got it.(你说对了)假如你讲得很含糊,对方还是猜出你的意思,你应该说You guessed it.     A: Don’t tell me she’s been listening to the fortune-teller again.   别跟我说她又听算命的话了。   B: You guessed it. She says we have to get married on January 2nd, or we’ll have bad luck.   你猜对了。她说我们得在一月二号结婚,否则就会倒霉。

Frisch weht der Wind,Der Heimat zu,Mein Irish Kind,Wo weilest du?回复: VOA流行美语20.there’s more to life than... 生活除了……还有更多    Sue: But there’s more to life than a job, Rose.   苏: 但生活除了工作还有其他的东西,柔丝。   Rose: You’re talking about men again.   柔丝: 你又在说男人了。   Sue: You guessed it.   苏: 你猜对了。   Rose: I’m NOT interested.   柔丝: 我没兴趣。

Frisch weht der Wind,Der Heimat zu,Mein Irish Kind,Wo weilest du?回复: VOA流行美语21.end up 结束,落得……的下场    Sue: Do you want to end up an old maid?   苏: 你想变成老小姐吗?   Rose: Im happy as a single woman.   柔丝: 我乐于做单身女郎。   Sue: Maybe now, but what about when you’re old?   苏: 或许现在是,但你老的时候怎么办?   Rose: I’ll worry about that then.   柔丝: 我到那时再担心也不迟    A: I keep gaining weight.   我的体重一直在增加。   B: If you don’t watch out, you’ll end up as big as your mother.   若是你不留意,你最后就会跟你妈妈一样大块头。

Frisch weht der Wind,Der Heimat zu,Mein Irish Kind,Wo weilest du?回复: VOA流行美语 22.This drink is compliments of the gentleman over there. 这杯是那位先生请的    Don: Just your type? I think so, too. Just go over and talk to her. Go on!   唐: 正是你喜欢的那型?我想也是。你就过去跟她说话啊。去!   Herbert: I can’t!   赫伯特: 我不行啦!   Don: You can! In fact, you’re going to buy her a drink first.   唐: 你行!事实上,你还要先请她喝一杯。   Herbert: No! (Don walks over to Rose)   赫伯特: 不要!(唐走向柔丝)   Don: This drink is compliments of the gentleman over there.   唐: 这杯是那位先生请你的。

Frisch weht der Wind,Der Heimat zu,Mein Irish Kind,Wo weilest du?回复: VOA流行美语23. to be in someone’s league 配得上(某人),跟(某人)属于同一类    Don: The lady told me to thank you, Herbert.   唐: 那位小姐要我谢谢你呢,赫伯特。   Herbert: So?   赫伯特: 所以咧?   Don: So, here’s your 1) chance.   唐: 所以,你的机会来了。   Herbert: She’s just being 2) polite. She doesn’t want to hurt my feelings.   赫伯特: 她只是客气。她不想伤害我的感情。   Don: She accepted your drink. That means she 3) invites you to talk to her.   唐: 她接受了你的饮料。那表示她邀你去跟她说话。   Herbert: No, she’s too pretty. I’m not in her 4) league.   赫伯特: 不,她太漂亮了。我配不上她。   Don: Don’t blow it, Herbert! Get over there!   唐: 你别搞砸了,赫伯特。赶快过去吧    若要表示“配不上” 、“不同属一类” ,除了把be改成be not,也可以说to be out of someone’s league.     A: Look at the new girl! She’s definitely my type.   你看那个新来的女生!她绝对是我要的型。   B: Keep dreaming. She’s out of your league.

Frisch weht der Wind,Der Heimat zu,Mein Irish Kind,Wo weilest du?回复: VOA流行美语24.handle     A: You should tell Matt that you cheated on him.   你应该告诉麦特你背着他搞外遇。   B: It’s a confession that I don’t think he can handle.   这样的告白我想他无法承受。

Frisch weht der Wind,Der Heimat zu,Mein Irish Kind,Wo weilest du?回复: VOA流行美语25.cheesy (a.) 俗气的    A: That show was so cheesy.   那节目真是俗到家了。   B: Yeah. That’s why all the girls were crying.   对啊。那就是为什么女孩子看了都在哭。

Frisch weht der Wind,Der Heimat zu,Mein Irish Kind,Wo weilest du?回复: VOA流行美语26.compatible (a.) 相容的    A: Why did you break up with Don?   你跟唐怎么分手的?   B: We weren’t compatible.   我们合不来。     Rose: I don’t know if we’re compatible or not.   柔丝: 我不知道我们俩适不适合。

Frisch weht der Wind,Der Heimat zu,Mein Irish Kind,Wo weilest du?回复: VOA流行美语27.Don’t make me sound so bad. 别这么糗我,把我说得这么不堪    A: You? Study for the test? That would be a rare sight!   你?看书准备考试?真是奇景!   B: Don’t make me sound so bad. I just don’t need to study as much as you do.   你别把我说得一文不值。我只是不必像你那样用功。

Frisch weht der Wind,Der Heimat zu,Mein Irish Kind,Wo weilest du?回复: VOA流行美语28.have a weakness for... (n.) 抵抗不了……的诱惑    A: Keep that candy away from me!   把那糖果拿远一点!   B: Oh! You have a weakness for sweets, too!   哦!原来你也挡不住甜食的魅力!    A: If you want to win Tom’s heart, make him a cheesecake.   若是你想讨汤姆欢心,做起司蛋糕给他吃准没错。   B: Great idea! I know he has a weakness for sweets.   好主意!我知道他看到甜食就没辙。

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