加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息工资的range多大合适
我是新移民,申请一个安防project manager的工作,我有10年PM经验,本科,可是工作要求最低是高中,有人说只要高于高中就行,本科不会让人认为高。在网上看过:如果被问到工资的时候要说range,这样容易凑到公司能给的范围,我不知道这样的PM工作如果说年薪50K-70K,是不是range太大了?我是从网上看PM大概是这个范围,新移民是不是也就50K?是一家比较有名的公司。谢谢!
回复: 工资的range多大合适I will not answer that kind of question directly, usually, answer it with another question, such as "what is your company's budget for this position?" if their answer makes you happy, then proceed another question for further discussion, such as "I will like my pay check to match my performance, since I am very confident my knowledge and experience, I am interested to know your company's standard on performance review and the policy on raise. "
回复: 工资的range多大合适I will not answer that kind of question directly, usually, answer it with another question, such as "what is your company's budget for this position?" if their answer makes you happy, then proceed another question for further discussion, such as "I will like my pay check to match my performance, since I am very confident my knowledge and experience, I am interested to know your company's standard on performance review and the policy on raise. "点击展开...谢谢您!给了我一个新的思路。还不了解这边的情况,不知道这样回答也可以。以前听说的是:问了就要回答,公司好知道他们是否留得住你。期望高和低都留不住人。
回复: 工资的range多大合适我是新移民,申请一个安防project manager的工作,我有10年PM经验,本科,可是工作要求最低是高中,有人说只要高于高中就行,本科不会让人认为高。在网上看过:如果被问到工资的时候要说range,这样容易凑到公司能给的范围,我不知道这样的PM工作如果说年薪50K-70K,是不是range太大了?我是从网上看PM大概是这个范围,新移民是不是也就50K?是一家比较有名的公司。谢谢!点击展开...如果是你第一份工作,就要50-55k比较好。有工作经验之后,以后再慢慢涨。
坛子里有一些喜欢做新移民生意的RESP经纪,大家要小心他们的言行误导。详见拙作http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=241498回复: 工资的range多大合适bruceyag,谢谢!对这边的文化有了一点点了解,希望这次能成功吧。
回复: 工资的range多大合适帮不上忙。祝楼主好运!
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