加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息佳作共欣赏,疑义相与析(含讲评、译文范例)


版竹注:本文是外研社对社内编辑进行培训的《翻译沙龙》活动中,外研社编辑委员会主任、社长顾问凌原老师给编辑们留的作业。如果你想提高自己的翻译水平,不妨也尝试着翻译一下。本文后面,分别链接着这些新闻标题的讲评和范例,欢迎大家与自己的译文对照、欣赏。希望通过这样的方式,对你的帮助更大。 1.美校园枪击案或将影响美国立法 2.蔡武:和平发展是中国实现现代化的必然选择 3.个税申报为何公众率先官员断后? 4.湖北数所高校领导腐败落马 5.比尔•盖茨明起访华 6.王金平透露拟访大陆谈“三通” 7.变性美女全球征男友 8.李敖称若台海危机爆发 台军仅能够支撑两天 9.打击网络淫秽色情 10.黄金周购票难将缓解 11.房产商百万年薪聘下海官员 12.中日拟建立军事热线 13.校长惩罚学生互抽耳光 14.少妇网上视频裸聊被抓 15.中国必须和平发展 16.追本溯源:台闽豫千年前是一家 17.第六次全国铁路提速首列列车驶出 由成都至广州 18.国新办就中国知识产权保护状况等举行发布会 19.罪犯劫持直升机劫狱 20.安倍称反对解除对华武器禁运 21.英国国防大臣就水兵“故事换金钱”一事正式道歉 22.美国耗费巨资推行“青少年禁欲计划”惨遭失败 23.英国患癌母亲产下双胞胎男婴 24.美国总统候选人喜男扮女装 25.美弗吉尼亚理工大学学生网上对话披露枪击案细节

三千日夜吟愁赋,一亿白发尽满头。梦入枫林遍芳丛,觉来惆怅恨无数。 [[FONT=宋体]加拿大,请在不远的地方等我http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=263009][/FONT] [[FONT=宋体]起程-[FONT=宋体]献给[/FONT]91[FONT=宋体]旧政和[/FONT][FONT=宋体]新政的同路人[/FONT]][/FONT] [[FONT=宋体]一个等待移民者的内心独白http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=255315[FONT=宋体]][/FONT][/FONT]回复: 佳作共欣赏,疑义相与析(含讲评、译文范例)1.美校园枪击案或将影响美国立法 枪击案: shootings; rampage;shooting rampage 佳译举例: Campus shootings to impact US legislation; US campus shooting challenges lawmakers; Gunman’s campus rampage likely to impact US legislation 注:“或将”有多种处理方法,译成likely to是比较简洁明了的一种;标题翻译中的动词是重点,此例中的“影响”也有多种译法,译成impact比较有力度,令人印象深刻。 2.蔡武:和平发展是中国实现现代化的必然选择 佳译举例: Peaceful development a must for China’s modernization; China’s modernization bound to peaceful path; Peaceful development inevitable way for modernization: Cai Wu 注:此例别出心裁,将发言人放在句末,突出了发言内容。 Peaceful development a prerequisite for China’s modernization; Peaceful development natural choice for Chinese modernization; Peace, development China’s way to modernization; Peace,development the Chinese way to modernization 注:上例将“和平发展”处理为两个名词,正是当代世界的两大主题,非常独特而又不失原意。另外,标题翻译中常省略掉and,以逗号代替,以节省空间,以上两例也注意到了这个原则,翻得很好。 3. 个税申报为何公众率先官员断后? 注:“官员”有的译成officers,有的译成cadres,都不太好,常用的说法应为officials。“个税”也出现了两种译法:Private Income Tax和Individual Income Tax,应以前者为准,简称为PIT。 佳译举例: Why public before officials in income tax declaration? Why the public lead officials in income tax declaration? 注: the public是集合的概念,后面的动词形式不应该是单数形式,此例注意到了这一点,语法处理得很准确。 Why the public outrun officials in PIT declaration 注: A outrun B是体育比赛等竞赛中常用的说法,表示A领先、超越B,并不适合用在这里,此例应该注意,换用别的说法。 Why officials lag behind public in reporting/declaring income tax? Tax declaration: Why public first, officials second? 4.湖北数所高校领导腐败落马 落马:outsed/ sacked/ removed/ toppled 佳译举例: Corrupt Hubei university leaders down: Cadres in several Hubei universities dismissed for corruption; 注:应尽量避免使用cadre这样的词汇。 Hubei university officials fired for corruption; Hubei college leaders down for corruption; Corruption downs university leaders in Hubei; Corruption spells doom for Hubei college leaders 注:“落马”还有一种处理方式:...the undoing of…,undoing是一种正式的说法,表示“造成某人毁灭或垮台的原因”。最后一例译文也可改为:Corruption the undoing of Hubei college leaders. 请注意,标题翻译中往往省略连词和系动词,此例中就把is省略掉了。 5.比尔盖茨明起访华 多数人译法:Bill Gates to visit China tomorrow 佳译举例: Bill Gates to Visit China Tomorrow On 注:此例再次体现了省略原则,tomorrow on前省略掉了From。 Bill Gates to start China visit tomorrow

三千日夜吟愁赋,一亿白发尽满头。梦入枫林遍芳丛,觉来惆怅恨无数。 [[FONT=宋体]加拿大,请在不远的地方等我http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=263009][/FONT] [[FONT=宋体]起程-[FONT=宋体]献给[/FONT]91[FONT=宋体]旧政和[/FONT][FONT=宋体]新政的同路人[/FONT]][/FONT] [[FONT=宋体]一个等待移民者的内心独白http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=255315[FONT=宋体]][/FONT][/FONT]回复: 佳作共欣赏,疑义相与析(含讲评、译文范例)6.王金平透露拟访大陆谈“三通” 三通:three direct links or Three Links 注:台湾等地的华人姓名不用汉语拼音,用韦氏拼法(Wade-Giles)或特定的拼法,如Wang Chin-ping(王金平),Ma Ying-jeou(马英九),也有例外,如Lee Ao(李敖)。 原中文标题并未提及王金平的身份,有些译者在英文中给出了他的身份(Speaker of the Legislative Yuan of Taiwan; Taiwan’s top legislator),这种补译有助于外国读者了解情况,是很好的。 佳译举例: Wang lets out mainland visit plan for three links 注:* let out出自英语谚语let the cat out of the bag,是有趣的佳译。 Wang discloses plan to visit mainland for three links; Wang reveals plan to visit mainland for three links; Wang intends to visit mainland, promote Three Links; Taiwan’s top legislator hints at mainland visit on Three Links 7.变性美女全球征男友 佳译举例: Male-to-female beauty seeks boyfriend globally; Trans-gendered beauty advertise globally for boy friend; Boyfriend globally wanted for transsexual beauty; Transsexual belle seeks boyfriend worldwide; Transsexual beauty goes global hunting for boyfriend 注:“变性”常译为trans-gendered或transsexual,例一别出心裁,是灵活的译法。“美女”处理成belle,也是佳译。   标题翻译中不要出现副词,上例中就都避免了globally的用法;也尽量不要使用被动语态,尤其是不要出现by…的字样。 8.李敖称若台海危机爆发 台军仅能够支撑两天 注:“台海”即台湾海峡,有人译为Taiwan Strait,也有人译成Taiwan Straits。海峡应当为复数形式straits,因此在这个标题里产生cross-straits的说法。(为简便计,下面多数例子省略了“李敖称”。) 佳译举例: Lee Ao says Taiwan troops can only hold for two days in case of war; Taiwan can last 2 days if straits crisis breaks out: Taiwan troops to survive 2 days in cross-straits crisis; 2 days for Taiwan troops once cross-straits crisis arises; Taiwan troops likely to crumble in two days in cross-straits war 9.打击网络淫秽色情 多数译法:Fighting/ Combating/ Cracking down on online/ web/ Internet pornography 佳译举例: Crackdown on pornography on Internet Strong / Stern measures against online obscenity taken 注:最后一例中的taken位置改一下会更好些:Strong measures taken against online obscenity 10.黄金周购票难将缓解 难:stress/ headache/ jitters/ quandary/ anxiety… 佳译举例: Golden week ticket crisis likely to relieve; Golden Week ticket buying pressure to be mitigated; Ticket strain of Golden Week will be lessened; Golden week ticket rush to ease up; Golden Week ticket woes to be allayed 注:此例中的woes是佳译,形象地译出了“难”的内涵。

三千日夜吟愁赋,一亿白发尽满头。梦入枫林遍芳丛,觉来惆怅恨无数。 [[FONT=宋体]加拿大,请在不远的地方等我http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=263009][/FONT] [[FONT=宋体]起程-[FONT=宋体]献给[/FONT]91[FONT=宋体]旧政和[/FONT][FONT=宋体]新政的同路人[/FONT]][/FONT] [[FONT=宋体]一个等待移民者的内心独白http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=255315[FONT=宋体]][/FONT][/FONT]回复: 佳作共欣赏,疑义相与析(含讲评、译文范例)11.房产商百万年薪聘下海官员 注:“房产商”出现了多种译法,正确的应该是developer或realtor;“百万年薪”也产生了各种翻译形式,比如1m a year/ at millions/ a million yuan per year/ 1 million annual salary等,第一种不太容易理解,其余的都可以考虑。“下海官员”可以理解成someone who quits officialdom for the business world,也可以说是official turned businessman,美国前总统里根就被人称作the movie-star-turned 40th president of the United States。许多同事选择ex-officials/ former officials,是较简洁的译法。例一句子结构不错,但不可以说business officials,因为这表示管理商业的官员,英文中常见此类名词组合,如lawyer husband, farmer worker等,这种情况下前面的名词往往表明后面名词的身份。 佳译举例: Million RMB hunt for business officials by developers; Developer’s million-yuan hunt for official-turned businessman; Developer recruits ex-officials with million-yuan salary; Developers offer million-yuan salary for former officials; Realtor hires former government official with million-yuan salary; Former officials wooed by real estate agents with a million RMB 注:最后一例可改为Realtor woos ex-official with million-yuan salary,避免使用被动态。Woo是佳译,相应的说法还有court, pursue, solicit等。 12.中日拟建立军事热线 佳译举例: China, Japan to establish/set up/open military hotline; Sino-Japanese Military Hotline Under Contemplation Sino-Japanese military hotline on agenda; 注:on agenda是此句中“拟建立”的优秀译文。 13.校长惩罚学生互抽耳光 抽耳光:slap/whack/hit sb in the face; give sb a box on the ears; box sb’s ears; Headmaster asks students to give each other a box 注:有了英文中的固定说法box sb’s ears,上例的处理方式就不会引起误解,是很好的译文。 多数译法:Headmaster/headteacher/principal/schoolmaster punishes students to slap each other 佳译举例: Headermaster punishes students by mutual face-slapping; Headteacher purnishes students by slapping each other in the face 注:这两例中的by是简练的译文,并不是被动语态的标志。 14.少妇网上视频裸聊被抓 裸:nude/ naked; 抓:nab, bust, catch,arrest,collar 注:“少妇”出现了几种译法,如young woman, young married woman, woman, 甚至有middle-aged woman,最简洁的译法是young wife。“少妇网上视频裸聊”的一种佳译就是 young wife chatting online with nothing on。 佳译举例: Naked cyber chatting woman arrested; Young Women Caught Video-chatting Naked; Young woman arrested for chatting online naked; Young housewife handcuffed for nude chatting; Young wife caught chatting naked online; Young wife busted for chatroom nudity 15.中国必须和平发展 佳译举例: China must adhere to peaceful development Peaceful development is/, a must for China 上例中的下划线部分去掉就是一个好的标题

三千日夜吟愁赋,一亿白发尽满头。梦入枫林遍芳丛,觉来惆怅恨无数。 [[FONT=宋体]加拿大,请在不远的地方等我http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=263009][/FONT] [[FONT=宋体]起程-[FONT=宋体]献给[/FONT]91[FONT=宋体]旧政和[/FONT][FONT=宋体]新政的同路人[/FONT]][/FONT] [[FONT=宋体]一个等待移民者的内心独白http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=255315[FONT=宋体]][/FONT][/FONT]回复: 佳作共欣赏,疑义相与析(含讲评、译文范例)16.追本溯源:台闽豫千年前是一家 注:英文标题中提到中国省份、自治区时一般不用简称,要用全称,所以“台闽豫”应该译成Taiwan, Fujian, Henan。“追本溯源”可译成root seeking,简洁明了。“千年前”译成one millennium ago也挺好。“是一家”可说是of same origin/ have same ancestors,翻译成are family更是地道的英语。 佳译举例: Taiwan, Fujian, Henan traced back to same root; Taiwan, Fujian, Henan flow the same blood; Taiwan, Fujian, Henan are family (1,000 years ago) for a millennium 17.第六次全国铁路提速首列列车驶出 由成都至广州 佳译举例: First 6th national railway speedup train leaves Chengdu for Guangzhou First train of 6th railway speedup leaves Chengdu for Guangzhou Sixth railway speedup starts with Chengdu-Guangzhou train 注:上例中的句式中,动词也可换成unveiled。换成另一种句式: Chengdu-Guangzhou train… sixth railway speedup,两组名词之间可用unveils/heralds/kicks off/leads等动词连接。 18.国新办就中国知识产权保护状况等举行发布会 注:“国新办”出现了各种译法,应该是哪一种呢:National Press Office? NIO? SCI? State Information Office? SCNO (State Council News Office)? National News Office? News release office? 准确的应该是SCIO(State Council Information Office)。这样的官方名称一般都可通过网络查到,不应出现错误。做翻译时请用学者的严谨态度对待各种专用名词的翻译! 知识产权:IPR; 知识产权保护intellectual property right protection 佳译举例: SCIO briefs on intellectual property protection; SCIO briefs on China’s protection on IPR; SCIO holds press conference on China’s IPR China holds press conference on intellectual property right protection 注:外国人往往不知SCIO为何物,用China取而代之,反而使标题变得一目了然。 19.罪犯劫持直升机劫狱 注:“罪犯”在英文中不能随意使用,只有审判确定有罪者才能称得上criminal, 否则只能用suspect,或者用安全的译法:man。此句也可以灵活处理,把“罪犯”回避掉,见第一例。“直升机”的译法也请注意,看哪种最简便。 佳译举例: Copter hijacked for jail delivery; Criminal hijacks copter for jail delivery; Hijacker Rescues Prisoner by Chopper; Outlaws hijack helicopter to rescue prisoners; Helicopter hijackers play jailbreak :) a popular web game) 注:此例用了一种流行的网络游戏的名称jailbreak,英文读者应该一看即知,是灵活运用了国外社会文化背景的佳译。 Men hijack copter, attack/raid jail 20.安倍称反对解除对华武器禁运 解除:lift;反义:impose 禁运:ban/sanction/arms embargo (on/against sb.) 注:“安倍”还是用全名的翻译Shinzo Abe比较好。 佳译举例: Abe says he opposes lifting China arms embargo; Shinzo Abe opposes removing arms embargo on China; 下面两例中,用介词代替动词,有异曲同工之妙。 Abe against removal of arms embargo on China; Abe Against Lifting Arms Embargo on China

三千日夜吟愁赋,一亿白发尽满头。梦入枫林遍芳丛,觉来惆怅恨无数。 [[FONT=宋体]加拿大,请在不远的地方等我http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=263009][/FONT] [[FONT=宋体]起程-[FONT=宋体]献给[/FONT]91[FONT=宋体]旧政和[/FONT][FONT=宋体]新政的同路人[/FONT]][/FONT] [[FONT=宋体]一个等待移民者的内心独白http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=255315[FONT=宋体]][/FONT][/FONT]回复: 佳作共欣赏,疑义相与析(含讲评、译文范例)21.英国国防大臣就水兵“故事换金钱”一事正式道歉 注:“国防大臣”也出现了误译,成为Defense Secretary,很不应该。这是不难查到的说法,还是请大家注意专用名称的翻译的准确性。有的译者直接用英国现任国防大臣的姓名来代替,不失为一种灵活的译法。 佳译举例: Brown apologizes for approving sailors’story-selling deal UK Defense Minister apologizes for sailors’ cash-for-stories deal 22.美国耗费巨资推行“青少年禁欲计划”惨遭失败 注:禁欲”出现了很多译法,如acetic; keeping off sex plan; youth ascetic plan; teenagers’ no-sex program等。但“青少年禁欲计划”是美国影响很大的一个计划,网上很容易查到其英语名称:abstinence-only-until-mariage programs,简化为 abstinence-only programs。大家翻译成abstinence programs,也说得过去。把“耗费巨资”译为money-devouring (programs)不太符合英语的习惯,用一个形容词costly即可。“失败”译成falls apart/ falls flat都很好。 佳译举例: America fails to suppress adolescent sexual passion; Large sums wasted on abstinence-only programs for teens; US teen abstinence programs a costly flop 23.英国患癌母亲产下双胞胎男婴 注:“母亲”在英文中也应注意措词。已怀孕而并尚未产下小孩的女性能否称为mother呢?要视不同的社会文化而定。“产子”一般可译为give birth to/ deliver,但译成lay就不好了。“双胞胎男婴”:twins/ majority/ twin boys都不错,twin brothers是灵活的佳译。 患癌母亲:British mom with cancer/ cancer-suffering mother/ cancer-stricken mother 佳译举例: UK cancer sufferer becomes mother of twin boys 24.美国总统候选人喜男扮女装 注:“男扮女装”或“女扮男装”:cross dressing。专指男扮女装的词汇有dress in drag和 drag queen。在所有的作业中,无人选择dress in drag或 drag queen,只有彭林一人正确使用了cross dressing。 佳译举例: US male presidential candidates like to dress as woman; W. House hopeful likes disguising as woman; acting as a female …takes to women’s clothing …likes to disguise himself as woman US Presidential Candidates In for Disguising as Female; US presidential candidate likes cross dressing; US presidential candidate a drag queen或…delights in dressing in drag 25. 美弗吉尼亚理工大学学生网上对话披露枪击案细节 注:“披露”译成reveal/ disclose都可以,let on也不错。英文标题翻译以简洁明了为宜,尤其要注意适当的省略,注意动词和介词的运用。 佳译举例: Shooting details revealed via… cyber chat Web chat lets on shooting details; US Virginia Tech students disclose shooting rampage details in Net chat

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