加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息和know有关的短语你真的都know吗


know是个大家都认识的英语单词,不过和know有关的短语大家却不见得都知道是什么意思,一起来看看吧。   be in the know   英英解释: have inside knowledge about a situation  英汉释义:知道实情,掌握内幕例句: Talk to Tim. He's in the know。  跟蒂姆谈谈,他有内幕消息。Are you in the know about the current crisis?  关于目前的危机,你有什么内幕吗   know better  英英解释: have knowledge about how one should behave  英汉释义:很懂的,很明白例句:You know better than to do that!  你明知道不应该那么做!  I wish he had acted differently. He certainly knew better!  我希望他有不同的表现,他知道该做什么。   know-how  英英释义: understanding of how a task should be done  英汉解释:实际知识;技能;诀窍例句:I'd call technical support and ask someone with the know-how。  我要打技术支持电话问个明白人。Do you have the know-how to upgrade our servers?  你有升级我们服务器的能力吗?

FN: 2007年10月31日There are things you wish for and accomplishments you work for.Nothing expresses your pure joy like a Canada Permanent Residence visa...回复: 和know有关的短语你真的都know吗know the tricks of the trade   英英释义: possess the skills and knowledge to be successful in a particular task  英汉解释:了解在特殊领域成功的能力和诀窍例句:Let's ask Tom. He knows all the tricks of the trade。  咱们去问问汤姆吧,他知道这里面的门道。I think we need to bring in a specialist who knows the tricks of the trade。  我觉得我们需要引进以为懂行的专家。   know one's ABCs   英英释义: to understand and be capable of doing the basics  英汉解释:了解基本知识。例句:I don't think he should do this. He doesn't even know his ABCs。  我认为他不应该做这个,他对此一无所知。Do you know the ABCs of programming?  你了解编程的基础知识吗?   know someone or something like a book   英英释义: completely understand someone or something  英汉解释:完全了解某人或者某事例句:  She knows Jerry like a book。  她非常了解杰瑞。I think Peter knows the Johnson account like a book. Ask him。  我觉得皮特非常了解约翰森会计师事务所,去问问他吧。

FN: 2007年10月31日There are things you wish for and accomplishments you work for.Nothing expresses your pure joy like a Canada Permanent Residence visa...回复: 和know有关的短语你真的都know吗know someone by sight   Definition: be able to recognize someone  英汉解释:能认出某人例句:I know Peter by sight. I'll got to the airport。  我能认出皮特,我要去机场啦。Do you know Mary by sight?  你能认出玛丽吗?   know something from memory   英英释义: have something memorized  英汉解释:凭记忆知道……例句:She knows the piece from memory。  她零星有点印象。Can you sing "New York, New York" from memory?  你能凭记忆唱出《纽约,纽约》这首歌吗?   know something inside out   英英释义: have completely knowledge of something  英汉解释:对某件事彻底了解,完全了解例句:  Susan is the expert. She's knows this stuff inside out。  苏珊是专家,她非常了解这些事。Let me do it. I know this inside out。  让我来做吧,我很清楚是怎么回事。

FN: 2007年10月31日There are things you wish for and accomplishments you work for.Nothing expresses your pure joy like a Canada Permanent Residence visa...回复: 和know有关的短语你真的都know吗know the ropes   英英释义: know how to do something  英汉解释:掌握诀窍,知道内情。例句:We need to bring somebody in who knows the ropes。  我们应该找个知道内情的人。I've never used Linux so I really don't know the ropes of installation。  我从没用过Linux系统,所以我真不知道这个应该怎么安装。   know the score   英英释义: understand the facts about a situation  英汉解释:知道一件事情的真相,深知其害例句:  I know the score. Don't try to fool me。  我知道事情的真相,别想糊弄我。  Please stop making excuses. I know the score and I know you are to blame。  别找借口了,我知道是怎么回事,我也知道这件事应该怪你。

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