加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息Prepositions 语法:介词用法小测验
1 : I might have a barbeque tomorrow night but it depends _____ the weather。 A onB ofC inD about 2 : I hate maths. I always have difficulty _____ long division. A. toB. withC byD. about 3 : Don't laugh _____ him, it's not kind. A. atB. underC. toD. through 4 : We need to decide _____ a date for the party. A. aroundB. inC. onD. up 5 : John was given more homework because he was rude _____ his teacher. A. toB. inC. forD. from 6 : Everybody agrees ______ me that we should go to the beach today. A. atB. toC. betweenD. with
FN: 2007年10月31日There are things you wish for and accomplishments you work for.Nothing expresses your pure joy like a Canada Permanent Residence visa...回复: Prepositions 语法:介词用法小测验1. A正确。我们用depend + on 或者 depend + upon 来表达此类条件句。2. B正确.我们用 difficulty + with 来表达对做某事感到困难。3. A正确。英语里取笑某人的说法是 laugh + at, 这是一个固定搭配。4. C正确。当我们谈论做一个决定的时候我们用decide + on. 5. A正确!我们用 rude + to 表示当某人对他人说话或行为粗鲁。6. D正确。 我们用 agree + with 来描述两方或更多方达成共识。
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