加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息球场上的各种“犯规”


2010南非世界杯鸣锣开战。在南非对阵墨西哥的揭幕战中,墨西哥中场华雷斯为了阻截对手不惜手球犯规,领到本届世界杯首张黄牌。你知道足球场上的各种“犯规”英文中都如何表达吗?下面就来看一下吧。  绊人犯规 tripping  Tripping results in a 10-yard penalty against the offending team。  绊人犯规导致犯规队被判罚10码开外的点球。  铲球犯规 foul sliding/slide tackle  包括tackle from behind(背后铲球)、late tackle(铲球过迟,球已离开对方脚下)  Afoul sliding tackle may also constitute misconduct, resulting in either yellow card (caution) or a red card (send off)。  铲球犯规或许包含其它不当行为,导致判罚黄牌(警告)或者红牌(罚下)。  假摔 diving/simulation  一个球员为了令对方球员得到黄牌、红牌或为了博取任意球和点球而假装受伤倒地,此动作近似跳水,故英文称为diving。  As much as it may be unappealing to many, diving is just apart of the game of soccer。  虽然很多人对假摔行为嗤之以鼻,但它其实也是足球比赛的一部分。  拖延比赛 delay of game  Delay of game is an action in a sports game in which a player or team deliberately stalls the game, usually with the intention of using the delay to its advantage。  拖延比赛是指在比赛中,运动员或球队故意延缓比赛进程,通常是为了确保自己的优势。  严重犯规 serious foul play  A player is sent off and shown the red card if he is guilty of serious foul play。  球员如果严重犯规将被红牌罚下。  故意犯规 intentional foul  The player committed an intentional foul。  那名球员是故意犯规的。  越位 offside  当球员所在的位置比“球和站在最后第二位的对方球员更靠近对方底线”,就属于越位。  The goal was called offside by the referee。  那个进球被裁判判为越位。  打人犯规 striking  The player was once sent off because of striking。  这名队员曾因为打人犯规而被罚下场。  手球犯规 handball;hands;handling  球员踢球时用肘以上肩以下的部位触球就是手球犯规。  Penalty kick for hands。  手球犯规罚点球。

看贴你愉快,回贴你精彩回复: 球场上的各种“犯规”教练如何评价比赛 南非世界杯的头两场比赛都以平局收场,东道主南非队延续了“东道主首场不败”的传说。看完比赛后,相信大家对这四个队的表现都有自己的看法,不过,这里,我们来看看各队的教练和队员都是怎么说的呢?  1. Considering it was the Opening Match, this is a good result for us。(Carlos Alberto Parreira, South Africa coach)  因为这是世界杯的首场比赛,这样的成绩对他们来说已经不错了。(南非队主教练佩雷拉)  2. I’m not happy with our performance today. (Javier Aguirre, Mexico coach)  我对我们队今天的表现很不满意。(墨西哥队主教练阿吉雷)  3. We played really badly after their goal and we had to work extremely hard to get back into it。(Javier Aguirre, Mexico coach)  对方进球以后我们表现很糟糕,为了扳回比分我们费了很大的力气。(墨西哥队主教练阿吉雷)  4. Apart from the first 20 minutes I think we did well。(Siphiwe Tshabalala, South Africa midfielder and Budweiser Man of the Match)  除了刚开场那20分钟,我觉得其余时间我们表现还不错。(南非队中场球员、本场最佳球员查巴拉拉)  5. Maybe we missed a few chances but the good thing is that we created them in the first place。(Siphiwe Tshabalala, South Africa midfielder and Budweiser Man of the Match)  可能我们错过了几次进球的机会,但幸运的是我们先进了球。(南非队中场球员、本场最佳球员查巴拉拉)  6. It was a hard match and we expected that. We're more or less content with the result but not with our play。(Oscar Tabarez, Uruguay coach)  这场比赛很激烈,当然这是我们所期待的。我们对比赛结果还算满意,不过对我们的表现就不那么满意了。(乌拉圭队主教练塔巴雷斯)  7. Our opponents were solid, as you'll see in the coming matches. We succeeded in stopping them from building almost any moves。(Raymond Domenech, France coach)  我们的对手很顽强,在接下来的比赛中你们会发现这一点。我们成功阻止了他们的所有进攻。(法国队主教练多梅内克)  8. We had a few good chances but we were often guilty of wasting our final ball。(Diego Forlan, Uruguay forward and Budweiser Man of the Match)  我们有几次很好的进球机会,但是最后都在门前丢掉了,我们为此感到愧疚。(乌拉圭前锋福兰,本场最佳球员)

看贴你愉快,回贴你精彩回复: 球场上的各种“犯规”世界杯决赛边看边聊 A: 决赛马上要开始啦,现场气氛好紧张啊。  A: The final match will be taking place in a minute. I can even sense the tension。  B: 这是当然了,相信意大利和法国都会派最好的球员去赢得大力神杯的。  B: Absolutely, I believe Italy and France are going to send their best players to win the World Cup。  A: 这两只球队的阵容都很强大,你认为谁会赢?  A: They both have really great squads. Who do you think will be the winner?  B: 法国队吧,因为他们有齐达内,他是最棒的。  B: France, because they have Zidane, the best player in the world。  ……  A: 90分钟的比赛结束了,还没有分出胜负。会不会出现点球决胜呢?  A: 90 minutes of regulation is over and we don't have a winner. Is this going to be a penalty shootout?  B: 可能吧,不过加时赛进球也不是不会发生。还记得2000年欧锦赛决赛的进球吗?  B: Probably, but a goal might just happen in extra time. The golden goal in the final game of Euro 2000, remember?  A: 怎么回事?齐达内红牌?!不会吧!  A: What is going on? Zidane, A Red Card?! No!  B: 齐达内头顶了马特拉齐,他为什么要这么做?太不可思议了!  B: Zidane headbutted Materazzi, but why did he do that? Unbelievable!  A: 我预感到法国队要输了,就在齐达内杯罚下后。  A: I see France losing this game, as Zidane is being sent off。  B: 看来点球大战不可避免了。我决定不看点球了,我要去缓一缓。  B: It seems a shootout is inevitable. I'd rather not see that. I need a moment。  (点球大战太残酷了,当时我也躲起来没看……)

看贴你愉快,回贴你精彩回复: 球场上的各种“犯规”南非世界杯的“足球”比普通足球更圆? With the World Cup soccer tournament underway in South Africa, a couple of things for the science-interested audience to watch for。  值此南非世界杯战势正酣之际,除了观看精彩的足球比赛,爱好科学的球迷们还可以留心一下以下几点:  First, the games will feature a new ball, called the Jabulani, the Zulu word for “celebrate。” And some players think something foul is afoot. They contend that the ball doesn’t behave the way a normal soccer ball should, that it even turns the wrong way in mid-air. Adidas, which makes the ball, claims that the players complaining all have contracts with Adidas’s competitors。  首先,采用新型比赛用球是本届世界杯的一大亮点。所选用的球叫作Jabulani,在祖鲁语中是“普天同庆”的意思。一些球员对此表示不以为然, 他们声称,这种球踢起来不像是个“足球”,飞到半空甚至会转错方向。 该球的制造商阿迪达斯则对此做出了回应-这些不买帐的球员都和自家竞争对手有合同关系。  The Sports Technology Research Group at England’s Loughborough University designed the ball. The sections aren’t stitched together anymore. Instead, the seams are glued or heat-sealed. The group leader, Andy Harland, told the Telegraph newspaper, “We have created a ball that is almost perfectly round, and more accurate than ever before。” Well, millions of soccer fans will ultimately decide the latter。  英格兰拉夫伯勒大学的运动科技研究团队设计了Jabulani, 足球的各部分不再是缝在一起的, 而是用胶水粘合或热密封的。 该团队的领导者,安迪哈伦告诉《每日电讯报》的记者,“我们创造出了几近完美的圆球,比之前的任何一种都要圆。” 这球完不完美,还要留待千百万的球迷判决,且让我们拭目以待。  Also watch for the effects of altitude. Some of the games in South Africa will be played at elevations over a mile high, which could make catching one’s breath the primary goal。  另外,球迷们还可以关注海拔因素对比赛的影响。 部分比赛将在海拔超过一英里的地区举行,解决呼吸困难问题将成为球员们的首要任务。

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