加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息迈克尔-杰克逊遗嘱中英文对照


LAST WILL OF MICHAEL JOSEPH JACKSON  迈克尔-杰克逊最后遗嘱  I, MICHAEL JOSEPH JACKSON, a resident of the State of California, declare this to be my last Will, and do hereby revoke all former wills and codicils made by me。  我,迈克尔-杰克逊,加州居民,宣布以下是我最后遗嘱,先前所做的遗嘱和附属条款全部无效。  I  I declare that I am not married. My marriage to DEBORAH JEAN ROWE JACKSON has been dissolved. I have three children now living, PRINCE MICHAELJACKSON, JR., PARIS MICHAELKATHERINEJACKSON and PRINCE MICHAEL JOSEPHJACKSON,IT.I have no other children,living or deceased。  我宣布我目前没有婚姻关系。我同黛比-罗的婚姻关系已经解除。我有三名在世的子女,普林斯-迈克尔-杰克逊,帕丽斯-迈克尔-凯瑟琳-杰克逊,普林斯-迈克尔-杰克逊II。我没有其他子女,在世的或是已经死去的。  II  It is my intention by this Will to dispose of all property which I am entitled to Dispose of by will. I specifically refrain from exercising all powers of appointment that I may possess at the time of my death。  这份遗嘱代表了我处置有自由处置权的全部财产的意愿。我放弃在我死亡时的财产处置权。  III  I give my entire estate to the Trustee or Trustees then acting under that certain Amended and Restated Declaration of Trust executed on March 22, 2002 by me as Trustee and Trustor which is called the MICHAEL JACKSON FAMILY TRUST, giving effect to any amendments thereto made prior to my death. All such assets shall be held, managed and distributed as a part of said Trust according to its terms and not as a separate testamentary trust。  我将全部财产交付委托管理人管理,我曾做出一份修改和重新表述的信托声明并于2002年3月22日执行,通过迈克尔-杰克逊家庭信托明确了委托人和委托管理人关系,在我死前所作的任何修正都是有效的。委托管理的全部财产的保有、管理和分配都将根据规章执行,不能视为单独的依遗嘱建立的信托基金。  If for any reason this gift is not operative or is invalid, or if the aforesaid Trust fails or has been revoked, I give my residuary estate to the Trustee or Trustees named to act in the MICHAEL JACKSON FAMILY TRUST, as Amended and Restated on March 22,2002, and I direct said Trustee or Trustees to divide, administer, hold and distribute the trust estate pursuant to the provisions of said Trust, as hereinabove referred to as such provisions now exist to the same extent and in the same manner as though that certain Amended and Restated Declaration of Trust, were herein set forth in full, but without giving effect to any subsequent amendments after the date of this Will. The Trustee, Trustees, or any successor Trustee named in such Trust Agreement shall serve without bond。  如果因为任何原因导致这份遗产失效,或上述信托基金破产或被撤销,我将剩余财产转交给迈克尔-杰克逊家庭基金任命的其他委托管理人,该信托基金于2002年3月22日进行了章程修改和重新表述。我授权委托管理人按信托基金条款分割、管理、保有和分配信托基金,如上述条款同修订和重新表述的信托宣言一样适用同样范围和同等方式。修订和重新表述的信托宣言在此全文表述,但并没有规定可以进行任何的后续修改。委托管理人或任何继承委托管理人应依照执行。

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