加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息如何准备Mature Student Test?
刚拿到Mohawk College ECE Program 的offer 但开学前还要进行一个Mature Student Test,网上搜了一下,似乎是考英文的读和写。有筒子们知道这种考试的写作一般会出什么样的题目?俺好临阵磨磨枪。谢谢
既来之则安之回复: 如何准备Mature Student Test?有人知道吗?写作不是我的强项,心虚啊
既来之则安之回复: 如何准备Mature Student Test?Mature Student Test是专门为什么样的学生准备的?
回复: 如何准备Mature Student Test?看了一下: For admissions purposes, mature students are defined as those applicants who have not completed their OSSD or GED certificate, are at least 19 years of age (as of the start of the school year) and have been out of high school at least 1 year. OSSD, Ontario Secondary School Diploma???GED, General Educational Development (or GED) tests are a group of five subject tests which, when passed, certify that the taker has American or Canadian high school-level academic skills. The GED is sometimes referred to as a General Equivalency Diploma or General Education Diploma.?????好像是给高中没毕业的人准备的,是也不是啊???????
回复: 如何准备Mature Student Test?如果没有G12的证书,上college就要参加MST,说是有读有写,就不知道会让写些什么?
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