加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息求教:Textbook Grant (TTG)


请问:Textbook and Technology Grant (TTG) 是不用直接申请的吗? 回转到帐号上,还是寄支票呢?How to Apply You do not have to fill out a separate application form for this grant, because your eligibility is based on the information supplied on your OSAP Application for Full-Time Students. Use the 2010-2011 OSAP Application for Full-Time Students. This application is available online or in paper format. Applications are usually available in early May. For complete details go to Step 1: Fill Out an Application. Application DeadlinesIf you are taking a one-term program, the deadline to apply is within the first 30 days of your study period. If you are taking a two- or three-term program, the deadline to apply is 90 days before the end of your study period.

回复: 求教:Textbook Grant (TTG)原来我没有看后面有,它提示:How You Get Your Aid The Textbook and Technology Grant is paid by cheque. It will be mailed to you at the mailing address you provide on your OSAP Application for Full-Time Students. When You Get Your Aid The cheque will be approved as soon as the National Student Loan Service Centre (NSLSC) issues you your first instalment of OSAP aid. If no other OSAP funding is being provided to you by the NSLSC, the grant will be mailed after your institution processes your Confirmation of Enrolment form.不过我还没收到. 有收到的TZ吗?

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