加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息教你如何用英语打招呼:认识新同学


Greetings in the Classroom  It is polite to greet a new student that joins your class. Introductions immediately follow this type of greeting。  和班里的新同学打招呼是有礼貌的行为,此类问候后紧接着就是自我介绍。  Tips  Say hello and exchange names。  说你好并互相告知姓名。  Exchange nationalities。  互相告知国籍。  Engage in one line of small talk (weather, surroundings, news)。  开始关于一个方面的简单谈话(比如天气,环境,新闻)。  Useful Phrases  I'm from……(city or country)*  I hear it's beautiful/hot/expensive there。  How do you like it here?  How long have you been here?  Learners often say "I come from..." instead of "I'm from...". Native speakers use "come from" for things or animals, not people: The toys come from China. Milk comes from cows。  *英语学习者常常会说"I come from..."而不是"I'm from...",但事实上英语国家的人将"come from"用于东西或动物身上,不用于人。例如:The toys come from China. 这些玩具来自中国。Milk comes from cows. 牛奶是奶牛产的。  Pair Practice  A: Hello. I'm Sasha。  B: Hi Sasha. I'm Brent. (hold out hand to shake)  A: Nice to meet you Brent. Where are you from?  B: Chicago, Illinois. And you?  A: I'm from Australia. I live in a small town near Sydney。  B: Australia. Wow. I've always wanted to go there. How long have you been in Canada?  A: I just arrived this week. It's my first day of school。  B: Really? I think you'll love Vancouver. It's very beautiful here。

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