加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息每天进步一点点--那些地道的英文


上衣的肩带 the spaghetti straps of the top 小小的银耳环 tiny silver hoop 条纹T恤 striped T-shirt 绑带高跟鞋 high strappy shoes 豹纹的 leopard-print 标志性形象 signature look 你变整洁了 you have smartened up a bit 剪头发 snip off the hair 我感到一阵愤怒 I feel a slight swell of indignation 我在一瞬间就能体会到一个地方的气氛,就像野人在荒野里一样I can pick up the vibe of a place in an instant, like bushmen in the wild 我一下子被店里那些昂贵皮革的气味所包围了 I am hit by the overwhelming smell of expensive leather 人形模特 mannequin 摈除头脑中一切杂念 clear your mind of all extraneous thought 我在瑜伽锻炼中如鱼得水 I’m a bit of a natural at yoga 我的目光紧紧跟随着那个渐行渐远老人的身影 My eye drifts toward the retreating figure of the old man 主持烛光晚餐派对 preside over candle-lit supper party 我想到即将要走了,的确感到有点悲伤 I feel a slight twinge at the thought of leaving 我喜欢美国 I was made for America 聚沙成塔,积少成多 look after the pennies and the pounds will look after themselves 这是个天气晴朗的好日子,微风徐徐,阳光反射在窗户和汽车玻璃上,闪闪发亮It is a sunny day with a slight breeze, and the sunlight is glinting off windows and cars 山脉和茶园绵延不绝,融入远方湛蓝的天空中Hills and tea plantations stretch ahead, then merge into a deep blue sky

Frisch weht der Wind,Der Heimat zu,Mein Irish Kind,Wo weilest du?回复: 每天进步一点点--那些地道的英文1 今天好朋友过生日,偶送了她一副墨镜,里面夹了张卡片,想想应该写写什么突然灵光一现--“Your future is so bright you have to wear shades !" 嘿嘿 2 美剧里男主人公说了一句话很经典:“Why go out for hamburger when you have steak at home?" 3 很少的时间可以说 zero time for instance: I 've got zero time to prove myself 4 I've been sensing something in the air lately 我最近悟出了一点道理 5 zeitgeist 与时俱进(来自德语的外来语) 6 She is like business barbie 她就是个交际花 7 有一天我和拉拉逛到淮海路的一家蒂凡尼,看到橱窗里惊艳的项链,对自己说了一句:“ It's a fabulous fatasy, but I have to face the reality " 于是淡定地走了。。。 8 钱没有问题可以这样表达:money will take care of itself 9 最后一句话是送给大家的 : If you obey all the rules, you miss all the fun ! Let's fuck in regular way

Frisch weht der Wind,Der Heimat zu,Mein Irish Kind,Wo weilest du?回复: 每天进步一点点--那些地道的英文1 描写现代女性的独立: They travel, they pay taxes and they will spend $ 400 on a pair of Manolo Blahnik strappy sandals ( 替换independent)注:Manolo Blahnik 和 Jimmy Choo为国际著名女鞋品牌,“欲望都市” 里的Carrie 的鞋子全部是这两个牌子记得Carrie 说了一句话 “I walked 48 blocks in my $ 400 shoes” 2 描写自信: I left feeling powerful, potent and incredibly alive ? nothing and no one could get in my way (替换 confident) 3 描写上海是各种文化的大熔炉: It was the crème de la crème of Shanghai, whipped into a frenzy. Sometimes you got a soufflé, sometimes cottage cheese. (the crème de la crème是 La Mer/海蓝之谜 旗下大名鼎鼎的神奇面霜,也叫强效润肤霜 Soufflé是一道法式甜点 cottage cheese是由脱脂凝乳制成的干酪) 4 Women fall into one of two categories―beautiful and boring, or homely and interesting 5 你能坐过去一点点么? Scoot over , will you ? 6 气氛高涨: things were swinging into high gear 7 她是个地地道道的美女 She is a beautiful flesh-and-blood woman 8 这是描写女人美丽的: Being beautiful is like having a rent-controlled apartment overlooking the park, completely unfair and bestowed upon those who deserve it. But beauty is fleeting, while a rent-controlled apartment is forever. 9 这是“欲望都市” 里 Mr. Big 说的一句话,超级感人!!! “ There are so many damn gorgeous women out there in this city, but after a while, you just want to be with the one that makes you laugh” 10 这是我的愿望: Living an empty, haunted life full of stunted adolescence

Frisch weht der Wind,Der Heimat zu,Mein Irish Kind,Wo weilest du?回复: 每天进步一点点--那些地道的英文1 这句话很经典 For me the idea of seeing another man would be like trying to fit another outfit into an already overstuffed suitcase 2 他略占优势:He has a slight competitive edge 3 奉承某人可以说 flatter somebody 或者 butter somebody up 4 在“cashmere mafia”美剧里,女主人公表达她超级超级听一首歌,居然这样说的 “I almost lost my virginity to this song !” 哇偶,太夸张了点~~ 5 这句话也很经典 Mr. Perfect is Mr. Asshole: Dick-head with shit-face guy 6 分手的时候这样说: May I am not perfect, maybe I don’t fit into your perfect life 7 流行热潮 fashion boom 8 纪念日 red-letter day 9 什么事都插上一手 to have a finger in every pie 10 最好的 cream of the crop 11 祝福你 I keep my fingers crossed 12 飞行累积里程数 air mileage 13 脏话 four-letter word 14 住宅区 residential lots 15 郊区 outlying areas 16 菜鸟 rookie 17 上路 hit the road 18 了不起 big whoopee ! 20 保险费 premium 21 暗恋 secret admiration 22 表白 speak you heart 23 很有可能 a big “if” 24 骚扰电话 prank call 25 我会让你获知最新的讯息 I will keep you posted 26 自助餐 buffe or all-you-can-eat 27 争分夺秒 fight the clock 28 实事求是 call the spade a spade 29 借口 ifs and buts 30 每个男人都会找到自己合适的伴侣 every Jack has his Jill

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