加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息英文中的各种“想不开”
“想不开”这件事,从心态上说可以是悲观,从精神上说可以是钻牛角尖。汉语里跟这个词有类似意思的表达实在太多了,今天我们来说说英语里是怎么表达这个意思的。 1. Don't take such small things to heart。 别为这些小事想不开。 2. She was deserted by her lover, and in despair she took her own life。 她被爱人抛弃,一时想不开就自杀了。 3. He is a gloomy person, who always holds a pessimistic view towards things。 他就是个悲观的人,无论什么事总是想不开。 4. Why are you so pessimistic? While there is life, there is hope。 你别这么想不开,留得青山在,不怕没柴烧! 5. He took things too hard, and ended his life by hanging himself at home。 因为一时想不开,他在家结束了自己的生命。 6. He hasn't come round yet. Could you try and straighten him out? 他还没有想通呢,你开导开导他好吗?
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