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观自在菩萨行深般若波罗密多时照见五蕴皆空度一切苦厄舍利子色不异空空不异色色即是空空即是色受想行识亦复如是、、、回复: 看带英文字幕的美国flash电影有助提高英语听力谢谢!
回复: 看带英文字幕的美国flash电影有助提高英语听力美国大片乱世佳人gone with the wind英文对白1What do we care if we were expelledfrom college?2The war is gonna start any day.We would've left college anyhow.3War! Isn't it exciting, Scarlett?4Do you know those Yankeesactually want a war?5- We'll show 'em.- Fiddle-dee-dee!
回复: 看带英文字幕的美国flash电影有助提高英语听力6War, war, war!7This war talk's spoiling all the funat every party this spring.8I get so bored I could scream!9- Besides, there isn't going to be any war.- Not gonna be any war?10Why, honey, of coursethere's going to be a war!美国大片乱世佳人gone with the wind英文对白
回复: 看带英文字幕的美国flash电影有助提高英语听力谢谢
回复: 看带英文字幕的美国flash电影有助提高英语听力11If either of you says "war" just once again,I'll go in the house and slam the door.12- But, Scarlett, honey...- Don't you want us to have a war?13Well...14...but remember...15...I warned you.美国大片乱世佳人gone with the wind英文对白
回复: 看带英文字幕的美国flash电影有助提高英语听力好贴,顶
三千日夜吟愁赋,一亿白发尽满头。梦入枫林遍芳丛,觉来惆怅恨无数。 [[FONT=宋体]加拿大,请在不远的地方等我http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=263009][/FONT] [[FONT=宋体]起程-[FONT=宋体]献给[/FONT]91[FONT=宋体]旧政和[/FONT][FONT=宋体]新政的同路人[/FONT]][/FONT] [[FONT=宋体]一个等待移民者的内心独白http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=255315[FONT=宋体]][/FONT][/FONT]回复: 看带英文字幕的美国flash电影有助提高英语听力请问 加拿大的 电视 电影 都带英文字母么?
2009年5月签环球-投资移民2009年7月拿到档案号2009年10月6日7:17 出生。儿子还有两天就9个月 时间过的太快了请问 加拿大的 电视 电影 都带英文字母么?点击展开... 部分有, 因为字幕是要另外提供的。比如目前的电影,大部分都没有字幕。
回复: 看带英文字幕的美国flash电影有助提高英语听力看带英文字幕的美国flash电影有助提高英语听力 http://www.liveglish.com点击展开...感谢提供这个网站,确实不错,收藏了,谢谢!
回复: 看带英文字幕的美国flash电影有助提高英语听力16I've got an idea.17We'll talk about the Wilkes' barbecueat Twelve Oaks.18That's a good idea.Aren't you eating barbecue with us?19I hadn't thought about that yet.I'll think about that tomorrow.20We want all your waltzes.美国大片乱世佳人gone with the wind英文对白
回复: 看带英文字幕的美国flash电影有助提高英语听力21First Brent, then me, then Brent,then me again and so on.22- Promise?- I'd just love to.23If only I didn't haveevery one of them taken already.24Why, honey, you can't do that to us.25- How about if we tell you a secret?- A secret? Who about?美国大片乱世佳人gone with the wind英文对白
回复: 看带英文字幕的美国flash电影有助提高英语听力26Do you know Miss Melanie Hamiltonfrom Atlanta?27Ashley Wilkes' cousin.She's visiting the Wilkes'...28That goody-goody!Who wants to know a secret about her?29Anyway, we heard, that is, they say...30- Ashley Wilkes is gonna marry her.- The Wilkeses always marry their cousins. 美国大片乱世佳人gone with the wind英文对白
回复: 看带英文字幕的美国flash电影有助提高英语听力31Now do we get those waltzes?32Of course.33- I'll bet the other boys will be hopping mad.- Let 'em be mad. We two can handle 'em!34It can't be true. Ashley loves me!35Scarlett! 美国大片乱世佳人gone with the wind英文对白
回复: 看带英文字幕的美国flash电影有助提高英语听力36What has gotten into her?37Do you suppose we made her mad?38Where're you going without your shawl,and the night air fixing to set in?39How come you didn't ask them gentlemento stay for supper?40You ain't got no more mannersthan a field hand... 美国大片乱世佳人gone with the wind英文对白
回复: 看带英文字幕的美国flash电影有助提高英语听力41...after me and Miss Ellen done laboredwith you.42Miss Scarlett, come on in the house!43Come on in before you catchyour death of dampness.44No! I'll wait for Pa to come homefrom the Wilkes'.45Come on in here! 美国大片乱世佳人gone with the wind英文对白
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