加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息“计划生育”的英文翻译


family plan or birth control

谋既果决,行且坚毅。回复: “计划生育”的英文翻译family plan

回复: “计划生育”的英文翻译偶觉得应该是叫birth control,这样才符合本意。

谋既果决,行且坚毅。回复: “计划生育”的英文翻译妇产科国际会议均使用family plan

回复: “计划生育”的英文翻译"1 child policy" specifically for chinese family plan.

回复: “计划生育”的英文翻译妇产科国际会议均使用family plan点击展开...官方当然用family plan啊,以向别国表示计划生育是国民自愿的嘛。 但实际情况是,计划生育并不是自愿,而是强制执行,所以叫birth control更能体现本来的意思。 我觉得翻译不能由官方怎么说就怎么有理,而应该去表达原文本来的意思。

谋既果决,行且坚毅。回复: “计划生育”的英文翻译同意5楼的.和老外聊天时,用到过此,但不知楼主想运用在何场合.

回复: “计划生育”的英文翻译妇产科国际会议均使用family plan点击展开...在传统的西方人心里,人类生儿育女大上帝的恩赐(a great blessing),任何一个生命包括没有出生的婴儿都是上帝的杰作。在基督教的教义中,我们每一个人的生命都是由上帝所安排和呵护的。而birth control(控制生育)则是杀害生命,是违背上帝意志的行为。早在1930年以前,基督教认为干涉上帝的计划是犯罪,法律也明令禁止堕胎。因此birth control是一个极其敏感的字眼。人们使用vice(罪恶)来充当它的委婉语。 1930年,在英国的Lanbeth Palace,圣公会对基督教教义进行了修改,从此不再认定它是一种罪恶,后来关于它的法律也发生了相应的变化。1973年,美国最高法院首次规定孕妇可以在怀孕的任何时期做人流,至此堕胎被彻底合法化。 其实,birth control本身就是birth prevention的委婉语,它指contraception(避孕)和abortion(人流)。更为委婉的词语是family planning(家庭计划)和planned parenthood, responsible parenthood(计划生育)和social progress(社会进步,婉指避孕、堕胎、同性恋权利等)。

三千日夜吟愁赋,一亿白发尽满头。梦入枫林遍芳丛,觉来惆怅恨无数。 [[FONT=宋体]加拿大,请在不远的地方等我http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=263009][/FONT] [[FONT=宋体]起程-[FONT=宋体]献给[/FONT]91[FONT=宋体]旧政和[/FONT][FONT=宋体]新政的同路人[/FONT]][/FONT] [[FONT=宋体]一个等待移民者的内心独白http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=255315[FONT=宋体]][/FONT][/FONT]在传统的西方人心里,人类生儿育女大上帝的恩赐(a great blessing),任何一个生命包括没有出生的婴儿都是上帝的杰作。在基督教的教义中,我们每一个人的生命都是由上帝所安排和呵护的。而birth control(控制生育)则是杀害生命,是违背上帝意志的行为。早在1930年以前,基督教认为干涉上帝的计划是犯罪,法律也明令禁止堕胎。因此birth control是一个极其敏感的字眼。人们使用vice(罪恶)来充当它的委婉语。 1930年,在英国的Lanbeth Palace,圣公会对基督教教义进行了修改,从此不再认定它是一种罪恶,后来关于它的法律也发生了相应的变化。1973年,美国最高法院首次规定孕妇可以在怀孕的任何时期做人流,至此堕胎被彻底合法化。 其实,birth control本身就是birth prevention的委婉语,它指contraception(避孕)和abortion(人流)。更为委婉的词语是family planning(家庭计划)和planned parenthood, responsible parenthood(计划生育)和social progress(社会进步,婉指避孕、堕胎、同性恋权利等)。点击展开...学习了,谢谢~

谋既果决,行且坚毅。回复: “计划生育”的英文翻译其实family plan 和 control birth 都可以说的,但是如果和老外聊天说中国的计划生育的政策,不如说 one child policy更合适

走入加拿大 - 加拿大风土人情,移民政策,定居资讯go2canada.co.cc回复: “计划生育”的英文翻译刚才写错了,应该是birth control,嘿嘿

走入加拿大 - 加拿大风土人情,移民政策,定居资讯go2canada.co.ccfamily planning or birth control点击展开...全对。来源于美国国会图书馆subject heading,也就是国际标准。150 Birth intervals [May Subd Geog] [sp 85014386] * 450 UF Intervals, Birth * 550 BT Birth control CANCEL * 550 BT Family size CANCEL * 550 BT Fertility, Human CANCEL * 550 BT Population CANCEL * 550 RT Family planning BT = Broader term; NT = Narrower term; RT = Related term

回复: “计划生育”的英文翻译Family planningFrom Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaJump to: navigation, search This article is in need of attention from an expert on the subject. WikiProject Medicine or the Medicine Portal may be able to help recruit one. (November 2008) The examples and perspective in this article may not represent a worldwide view of the subject. Please improve this article and discuss the issue on the talk page. Combined oral contraceptives. Introduced in 1960, "the Pill" has played an instrumental role in family planning for decades.Family planning is the planning of when to have children,[1] and the use of birth control[2][3] and other techniques to implement such plans. Other techniques commonly used include sexuality education,[3][4] prevention and management of sexually transmitted infections,[3] pre-conception counseling[3] and management, and infertility management.[2]Family planning is sometimes used as a synonym for the use of birth control, though it often includes more. It is most usually applied to a female-male couple who wish to limit the number of children they have and/or to control the timing of pregnancy (also known as spacing children).Family planning services are defined as "educational, comprehensive medical or social activities which enable individuals, including minors, to determine freely the number and spacing of their children and to select the means by which this may be achieved."[4]Contents [hide]1 Purposes 1.1 Health 1.2 Finances 2 Policy 2.1 International 2.2 China 2.3 Hong Kong 2.4 Iran 2.5 United States 2.6 India 3 See also 3.1 Organizations 4 References [edit] PurposesRaising a child requires significant amounts of resources: time,[5] social, financial[6], environmental. Planning can help assure that resources are available.[edit] HealthSee also: Maternal health and teenage pregnancyWaiting until the mother is at least 18 years old before trying to have children improves maternal and child health.[7] Also, if additional children are desired after a child is born, it is healthier for the mother and the child to wait at least 2 years after the previous birth before attempting to conceive (but not more than 5 years).[7] After a miscarriage or abortion, it is healthier to wait at least 6 months.[7][edit] FinancesSee also: Family economicsChildbirth and prenatal health care cost averaged $7,090 for normal delivery in the US in 1996.[8] US Department of Agriculture estimates that for a child born in 2007, a US family will spend an average of $11,000 to $23,000 per year for the first 17 years of child's life.[5] (Total inflation adjusted estimated expenditure: $196,000 to $393,000, depending on household income.)[5][edit] Policy A family planning facility in Kuala Terengganu, Malaysia.[edit] InternationalSee also: International Planned Parenthood Federation, Marie Stopes International, and United States Agency for International DevelopmentThe world's largest international source of funding for population and reproductive health programs is the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA). The main goals of the International Conference on Population and Development Program of Action are:Universal access to reproductive health services by 2015 Universal primary education and closing the gender gap in education by 2015 Reducing maternal mortality by 75% by 2015 Reducing infant mortality Increasing life expectancy Reducing HIV infection rates in persons aged 1524 years by 25% in the most-affected countries by 2005, and by 25% globally by 2010 The World health organization (WHO) and World Bank estimate that $3.00 per person per year would provide basic family planning, maternal and neonatal health care to women in developing countries. This would include contraception, prenatal, delivery and post-natal care in addition to postpartum family planning and the promotion of condoms to prevent sexually transmitted infections.[9][edit] ChinaMain article: One-child policyChina's one-child policy encourages couples to have no more than one child. China's population policy has been credited with a very significant slowing of China's population growth which had been very high before the policy was implemented. It has come under criticism that the implementation of the policy has involved forced abortions and forced sterilization. However, while the punishment of "unplanned" pregnancy is a fine, both forced abortion and forced sterilization can be charged with intentional assault, which is punished with up to 10 years' imprisonment.[edit] Hong Kong In Hong Kong, the Two is Enough campaign in 1970s encouraged people to have 2 or less children in each family, it contributed to the reduced birth rate in the following decades.Main article: The Family Planning Association of Hong KongIn Hong Kong, the Eugenics League was found in 1936, which became The Family Planning Association of Hong Kong in 1950. [10] The organisation provides family planning advice, sex education, birth control services to the general public of Hong Kong. In the 1970's, due to the rapidly rising population, it launched the "Two is Enough" campaign, [11] which reduced the general birth rate through educational means.The Family Planning Association of Hong Kong, Hong Kong's national family planning association,[12] founded the International Planned Parenthood Federation with its counterparts in seven other countries. [13][edit] IranMain article: Family planning in IranIran is another country which has succeeded in sharply reducing its birth rate in recent years.[edit] United StatesSee also: Title XTitle X of the Public Health Service Act,[14] is a US government program dedicated to providing family planning services for those in need. But funding for Title X as a percentage of total public funding to family planning client services has steadily declined from 44% of total expenditures in 1980 to 12% in 2006. Medicaid has increased from 20% to 71% in the same time. In 2006, Medicaid contributed $1.3 billion to public family planning.[15][edit] IndiaThe Indian government has come up with measures to control population and increase awareness of the benefits of reducing population growth, which include better lifestyle, education, environment, health and well being of every individual. Despite these attempts, couples[who?] cite the need for company for their child.[citation needed] Couples[who?] feel that they can afford more than one child and do not realize that the environment needs to be able to provide for an increasing human population. Awareness campaigns include "We two, our's one", "Girl or Boy, let there just be one child".[citation needed]

回复: “计划生育”的英文翻译family plan 和 family palnning是两个不同的概念.

回复: “计划生育”的英文翻译如Family Plans, Shared Plans - Wireless Plans Plus 2 Free Phones at ...Select any two cell phones from one provider to create your very own wireless family plan deal, including your choice of many free phones.

回复: “计划生育”的英文翻译他们应该不理解这个举动吧

回复: “计划生育”的英文翻译one child policy 雅思老师教的,应该比较中性

Structural Engineer混在多伦多one child policy 雅思老师教的,应该比较中性点击展开...同意。这里的人问起俺关于中国的计划生育政策时,用的都是one child policy.

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