加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息爱情成语VS英语解释
不知各位对“爱情”相关的英语习惯用语和表达(idiom)知道得有多少呢?今天我们就反过来(turn the table around),来看一下中文常用的“谈情说爱”成语,用英语又该如何来解释呢? 1。一见如故 可以解释为“to hit it off right from the start”(一开始俩人就交流得特别融洽),或者也可以说是“to feel like old friends upon first meeting”(第一次见面就觉得特别地有缘,就像已经是老朋友了一般)。 例句:我俩一见如故,三个月后就结婚了。 We hit it right off the moment we met and got married three months later. 2。一厢情愿 可解释为“to have feelings for someone that are not reciprocated”(对某人有感觉,但其实是落花有意,流水无情);亦可以说是“to have love for someone on his/her part, and to not have the same feeling returned”(对于他/她来说,对对方有感情,有爱,但对方并非这种感觉)。 例句:他爱她,但这恐怕只是他的一厢情愿吧。对方并不领情。 He loves her, but I’m afraid that’s only on his part. She obviously doesn’t feel the same. 3。重色轻友 可解释为“to forget about your friends when you’re swooning over your date”(为了某约会对象而倾倒,就完全把朋友晾一边);亦可以说是“to value a love interest over a long-term friendship”(把一个你希望约会的对方看得要比你长期以来交往的哥们/姐们重要)。 例句:为什么你放了我鸽子?我们不是好朋友吗?难道你是一个重色轻友的人吗? Why did you stand me up? Aren’t we good friends? Could it be that you’re the type of person to forget about their long-term friends over some dude/girl? 4。两情相悦 可解释为“to have the same feelings for each other”(两人都有相同的感觉);亦可以说是“to love another and have him/her love you back”(爱上某人,并且令对方也爱上你)。 例句:我俩两情相悦,我满心以为我们是可以经得起风雨考验的,但没想到还是过不了七年那道坎。 We love each other, and I had thought that we would definitely see each other through thick and thin. Unfortunately, we too couldn’t manage to beat that 7-year itch. 5。比翼双飞 可解释为“to fly as a couple, wing to wing”(两人成一对,翅膀对这翅膀,并肩而飞着);亦可以说是“to accompany each other throughout life and live happily ever after”(两人作伴共度余生,并且是永远快乐地生活着)。 例句:他们赚够了钱之后便比翼双飞了。 After realizing their dreams of saving up money, they lived happily together and ever after. 6。一刀两断 可解释为“to make a clean break”(作个漂亮、利落的了断),即指“to break up”(跟爱人分手),特别是指“to a sever a relationship completely”(对一个恋爱关系来个彻底的了结);亦可以说是“to cut someone out of one’s life completely”(跟某人彻底地脱离干系)。 例句:我实在受不了她的所作所为,所以就和她一刀两断了。 I couldn’t take her behavior anymore, so I cut her out of my life.
三千日夜吟愁赋,一亿白发尽满头。梦入枫林遍芳丛,觉来惆怅恨无数。 [[FONT=宋体]加拿大,请在不远的地方等我http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=263009][/FONT] [[FONT=宋体]起程-[FONT=宋体]献给[/FONT]91[FONT=宋体]旧政和[/FONT][FONT=宋体]新政的同路人[/FONT]][/FONT] [[FONT=宋体]一个等待移民者的内心独白http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=255315[FONT=宋体]][/FONT][/FONT]回复: 爱情成语VS英语解释first sign of love一见钟情
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