加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息急切盼望申请加拿大牛校的CS研究生 恳请前辈指
首先很感谢这个平台的工作人员能提供这么优质的交流平台 帮大家答疑解惑。我在国内211大学读CS专业,GPA3.7,专业第一,综合素质较突出,科研方面不突出,欲申请硕士或者博士。托福第一次考了90,秋天还要再来一次,GRE太惨了1140,但是我一直以来很向往加拿大的顶尖高校,昨天GRE出来,感觉太不爽了,虽说是不用GRE成绩的,但是理工科类的同学很多都提交了很好的GRE成绩,我顿时感觉到很丧气,因为还有一点 我比较关注奖学金,拿到一半我才能去上。昨天咨询中介,申请3所需要28000人民币,不包奖学金,有点不靠谱,但是现在这种情况我对自己申请木有信心,希望走过来的前辈们加以指导,我感激不尽。
回复: 急切盼望申请加拿大牛校的CS研究生 恳请前辈指导不需要GRE啊,考个托福或者雅思就行了。自己申就不用花那么多钱了。要看怎么定义牛校了,把加拿大东西部的大学都申了就行啦,反正也不太多。
回复: 急切盼望申请加拿大牛校的CS研究生 恳请前辈指导TOEFL至少100吧.GRE要的.
回复: 急切盼望申请加拿大牛校的CS研究生 恳请前辈指导Note to International StudentsNo special application procedures are required for international students. However, students are advised there is considerable competition for the relatively few spaces available for international students. The international students who are accepted usually have obtained high grades (an overall average of A (85%) or better) in an undergraduate/graduate program specializing in Computer Science.International applicants from non-English speaking countries must submit a TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language) showing an overall minimum internet-based score of 100, or computer-based score of 250 or paper-based score of 600 This English language proficiency certification is mandatory unless, at the time of application, the applicant has completed a minimum of three calendar years (36 months) of post-secondary education at an institution at which English was the language of instruction or has been employed in a position in an environment where English was the official language of business. Applicants educated outside of Canada or the USA must also submit GRE General test results. No minimum score is required. The GRE General test is a requirement of the School of Computer Science and can only be waived in exceptional circumstances. The University of Waterloo maintains anAdmission Guide for International Applicants which includes additional, country-by-country guidelines for international applicants.
回复: 急切盼望申请加拿大牛校的CS研究生 恳请前辈指导加拿大的所有大学:Canada Universities
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