加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息温哥华学习经历分享
开始这个贴子有两个原因: 一: 我明白出国留学的迷茫,因为我也曾经经历过类似的苦闷,比如不理想的雅思成绩,变态GMAT带来的痛苦,还有对于陌生城市的未知...... 我也经历了摸索着找中介,糊里糊涂的上了语言班,担心延签还有寻找自己喜欢的专业和学校的过程。尽管自己并非做的多优秀,不过我愿意和还在经历这种迷茫的朋友一起分享,如果有什么疑问也可以提出,我愿意以我的经验来给你们提供一些建议! 二:现在自己来温哥华将近四个月了,我完成了三个月的语言学习,也成功地申请到了自己喜欢的专业。 虽然时间很短,但我非常了解ESL学生的挣扎,不管是自己经历过的还是身边同学经历过的。现在自己可以有一个多月的假期了,9月份开学。我选择做些义工,发现一个团队想创建一个帮助ESL (English as Second Language)学生了解全球重要语言培训学校信息。希望曾经有过语言学习经历的同学能够帮助这个网站完善起来。如果你有过学习经历,并且愿意帮助其他对ESL学校不知所措的学生,请花上3分钟左右完成这份英语调查问卷. 非常感谢!https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/ExplorerEducationHi everyone:This is a online questionnaire for ESL students. If you care about your English study and would like to help others to make better choice for studying English, please take some time on this survey and you will benefit yourself and others in the future. Because the survey aims to provide free and useful information to help potential ESL students, you can just help us to make it work and we don't need your private information.Please trust this survey and me, it is not for improper use. I HOPE YOU CAN ENJOY IT!!! Maybe it seems as a small thing for you, but it is a big step for our ESL students. https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/ExplorerEducation
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