加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息Immigrant Integration Program at Assiniboine Credit Union


有银行工作经验的同学:在查看 Winnipeg DBA JObs 信息是,碰到这个信息: http://www.assiniboine.mb.ca/My-Assiniboine/About-Us/Great-Place/Integration.aspx我不是做银行的。请自己去和Assiniboine Credit Union联系。联系信息:http://www.assiniboine.mb.ca/Home/Contact-Us.aspx Immigrant Integration Program ACU partners with other credit unions to provide an opportunity for skilled immigrants to gain relevant work experience in their field. Twice a year, 8 to 10 candidates are selected for the program, with a focus on those with previous banking experience. Candidates participate in a five-week training program to introduce them to Canadian culture and the Canadian banking system. They are then assigned to the branch of a participating credit union for a three month, full time paid work experience. They receive customized training to prepare them for their role in the branch. They are then placed at a branch close to their home whenever possible. If performance is satisfactory, they are offered a permanent part time or full time position at the end of their work experience. ACU takes 2 to 4 participants each cycle. To date, 85% of the 25 candidates who have participated at ACU have been offered permanent employment.

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