加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息关于政府第二职业培训资助的内容


整理了一些资料,希望对大家有所裨益 Second CareerLaid off? Looking for a new career? Second Career is an Ontario government program that can help you:Train for a new careerFind out what is needed in the job marketLearn about careers that build on your skillsGet financial support How can it help me?Second Career helps people get the training or education they need to get a good job. It provides financial help up to $28,000 to pay for tuition and things like:BooksLiving expensesHelp caring for dependentsTravelTransportationDisability supportsOther living and training costsWhat will the counsellor need to know?Your counsellor will want to know about:Your work historyYour education and trainingYour skillsYour interestsThis will help you and your counsellor think about the kinds of careers you would enjoy, and be successful at. What should I do now?If you think Second Career might be right for you, visit an Employment Ontario assessment centre and learn more.You can find an assessment centre on this website.Get Training Near YouSecond Career can help you train for a new career in colleges and private career colleges right across Ontario. There are many high-demand careers to choose from, including:Natural and applied sciences and related workHealth careDental health careCareers in computer and information systemsArchitecture and construction, drafting, surveying and mappingBusiness, finance and administrationFood services and tourism, education, and government serviceNatural and applied sciences and related workMechanical engineering technologists and techniciansCivil engineering technologists and techniciansGeological and mineral technologists and techniciansMeteorological techniciansLandscape and horticulture technicians and specialistsElectronic service technicians (household and business equipment)Industrial instrument technicians and mechanicsAircraft instrument, electrical and avionics mechanics, technicians and inspectorsHealth careRegistered practical nurseOpticiansAmbulance attendants and other paramedical occupationsMedical laboratory technologists and pathologists' assistantsMedical laboratory techniciansVeterinary and animal health technologists and techniciansRespiratory therapists and cardiopulmonary technologistsMedical radiation technologistsCardiology technologistsMidwives and practitioners of natural healingDental health careDenturistsDental hygienists and dental therapistsDental technologists and techniciansCareers in computer and information systemsComputer network techniciansUser support techniciansSystems testing techniciansArchitecture and construction, drafting, surveying and mappingArchitectural technologists and techniciansIndustrial designersDrafting technologists and techniciansLand survey technologists and techniciansMapping and related technologists and techniciansBusiness, finance and administrationBookkeepersInsurance adjusters and claims examinersLegal secretariesMedical secretariesCourt recordersFood services and tourism, education, and government serviceParalegal and related occupationsCommunity and social service workersInstructors and teachers of persons with disabilitiesCareers in trades, transport and equipment and related workTelecommunications line and cable workersTelecommunications installation and repair workers

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  ·生活百科 所有电力公司都不能力吗?
·生活百科 Rheem Optima电热水器



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