加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息《生活大爆炸》地道口语汇总


E01:地质学不是真的科学 剧情介绍   由于发生了Raj和Penny事件,Penny觉得很对不起大家,正当她准备打包回家时获知自己得到痔疮的广告,兴奋地又决定不回老家。Sheldon的一句” “地质学不是真正的科学”虽然“牺牲”自己,却激发了团队的斗志,最终赢得彩弹游戏。   1. My brother-- he's got a big crush on Bernadette。  我哥非常喜欢伯纳黛特。  2. It's not what it looks like。  事情不是你看上去的那样。  3. What are you grinding about?  你在磨叽什么? 你在唧唧歪歪啥?  4. Penny's brain teaser this morning。  我在想佩妮早上说的脑筋急转弯。  5. That's a true blue friend。  真是名副其实的蓝颜知己啊!  6. I screwed up everything。  我全搞砸了。  7. Don't be so hard on yourself。  别最自己这么苛刻。  8. Do you think I have a shot with Penny?  你觉得我有机会追到佩妮吗?  9. You're a cutie pie!Any girl would be lucky to have you!  你多有魅力啊,谁和你在一起谁走运啊!  10. Subtlety isn't her strong suit, is it?  聪敏不是她的强项对吧?  11. I'm not in the mood, Sheldon。  我现在心情不好,我没心思做……  12. Is it really necessary to caption the obvious?  有必要说的那么明显吗?.icon_sina, .icon_msn, .icon_fx{ background-position: 2px -1px}.icon_msn {background-position: -25px -1px;}.icon_fx {background-position: -240px -50px;}

寒月悲笳,万里西风瀚海沙;碧血丹心,关河渺茫梦征尘。回复: 《生活大爆炸》地道口语汇总生活大爆炸》S05E03口语精华:老娘松了口气 剧情介绍  这一集Amy带着Leonard去参加了朋友婚礼,刚开始兴致不高的Leonard渐渐被Army逗乐,开始享受“趴体”,回来还跟Sheldon说起Amy的好,Sheldon误以为他俩有什么而给了Leonard一拳,Sheldon莫非吃醋啦?(偷笑)   1. Leonard, please. I don't need the running commentary。拜托,我可不需要现场解说。  2. I've been told sometimes I overstay my welcome。有人说我有时待的太久,都闲我烦了。  3. That's pretty big talk for a man with a closet full of magic tricks at his mother's house。这大话从一个和母亲住在一起,满衣柜放着骗人小把戏的人嘴里说出来,真是笑死人了。  4. Well, you can add Jerry's Junction to the list of train stores Sheldon Cooper will never set foot in again。你可以把Jerry's Junction玩具店列为小谢我永不踏入的火车玩具店之一了。  5--Rough night, Casey Jones?  --You don't know the half of it.--今晚很不爽吗?Casey Jones?(美国英雄铁路工程师)  --你是不知道呀!  6. Frankly, after all your sleepovers with the little brown boy, a girl is a big relief!老实说,那个棕色小伙儿来过夜多次以后,你也终于带来个姑娘,总算让老娘松了一口气!  7. You're not exactly winning any trophies as a conversationalist, either。你应该也得不了健谈奖(讽刺他话不多,是个闷葫芦)。  8. Leonard, you may not have noticed, but I am being a delight here. And you're not holding up your end of the evening。你可能没注意到我可是在扮演开心果,而你却没有演好你今晚的角色。  hold up your end of the deal. 遵守诺言。

寒月悲笳,万里西风瀚海沙;碧血丹心,关河渺茫梦征尘。回复: 《生活大爆炸》地道口语汇总生活大爆炸》S05E02口语:爱情不会输给距离  剧情介绍  由于Priya回国,Leonard和Priya不得不开始远距离恋爱,Sheldon竟在一旁瞎捣乱(看来Sheldon还是比较喜欢Leonard的前女友呀). Penny在楼下捡到一个沙发,洁癖的Sheldon想尽办法想让Penny把沙发给扔了,最后沙发里果然有不明物体……  1. But if you did, you’d open yourself to peer-based mocking, such as, “hey, Leonard, how was your dinfast with Priya last night, Dinfast。”不过你要是真这么叫的话,你肯定会被大家笑话,别人肯定会说莱纳德,你昨晚跟普丽娅的早晚餐吃的好吗?早晚餐(带着嘲笑的语气,或者学Sheldon翻个白眼效果更佳哦)!  How was…? …怎么样? 如how was your day?你今天过得怎么样?  dinfast=dinner+breakfast,还有一个常见的合成词是brunch=breakfast+lunch  2. Listen, I don't want to be rude, but Priya's gonna be calling any minute, so.。.我不想无礼,可是普丽娅随时都会打来,所以…  当你说的话可能会冒犯到别人时,就说I don't want to be rude,或者no offence, 或者with all due respect  3 I bet you could give him a run for his money。我认为你可以跟他一比高下  a run for (one's) money :Strong competition。竞争激烈  give someone a run for their money有“钱花得值得”的意思  The travel agent promised to give the tourists a run for their money. 这位旅游代理商向游客们保证让他们玩得开心,钱花得值得。  4 You know, some people might say that it's great that we're trying to make things work long distance. They'd say things like, "Love is stronger than the miles between you"。很多人都说我们保持异地恋是件很不了不起的事,爱情不会输给距离。  这句话送给像Leonard一样饱受异地恋“折磨”的童鞋,同时没有异地恋的也可以记下以备不时之需(安慰好友…)  5This little baby set the university back 175 grand。这宝贝可花了学校十七万五千美元呢  set back除了常表示“推迟;使…受挫折;把…往回拨”之外,还有“花费”的意思。

寒月悲笳,万里西风瀚海沙;碧血丹心,关河渺茫梦征尘。回复: 《生活大爆炸》地道口语汇总《生活大爆炸》S05E04:你们真是天生一对 剧情介绍   四人中有三人都有“女伴”,只有Raj形单影只,Penny看他可怜,于是给他介绍了一位聋女,殊不知该聋女竟然是拜金女,让Raj帮她租车,还信用卡,最后拜金女原形毕露,可怜的Raj又变成光棍一个,在Penny肩膀上哭泣(不知道Raj最终能不能开着玛莎拉蒂抱得印度美人归呢?)  1. By the by, I liked it, too.  顺便提一句,我也很喜欢这个笑话。  除了by the way 之外,by the by 也有顺便说一句的意思  2. Isn't that a little on the nose?  不觉得有点太明显了吗?  on the nose正好,恰恰, 准确地, 精确的  I knew her on the nose。我刚好认识她  3. Okay, so future grief-stricken widow is the one to beat.  好,所以这个未来的伤心小寡妇可以是一个选择。  Stricken受…侵害的,同样的用法有 earthquake-stricken,drought-stricken, famine-stricken , storm-stricken  the one to beat劲敌  Yet Mr Bob, who is 70 this year, remains the one to beat.  但今年70岁的鲍勃仍是一位劲敌。  4. Look at you guys just hitting it off.  看看!你们真是天生一对啊!  Hit it off 合得来,投缘  5. Deaf women can't be gold diggers?  聋女孩就不拜金吗?  6. We didn't mean for it to be an ambush. Just, it's kind of impossible not to sneak up on deaf people.  我们并不是有意偷袭,只是想不偷袭聋人都不可能。  sneak up on偷偷接近,偷袭。  7. I'm hammered.  我喝高了。  8. Oh, and don't cheap out on the tip. We all know you're loaded now.  额,别吝啬小费哦,我们现在都知道你富二代。  Loaded阔绰的,喝醉了的

寒月悲笳,万里西风瀚海沙;碧血丹心,关河渺茫梦征尘。回复: 《生活大爆炸》地道口语汇总《生活大爆炸》S05E05口语精华:这周有肉吃了 剧情介绍  Sheldon的死敌出现,本以为又是一次“腥风血雨”,没想到一个签名模型就将他收买。常被Sheldon嘲笑不是博士的Howard成为这群人中第一个实现登上太空梦想的人,以有效载荷专家的身份去国际空间站,但却遭到未婚妻和母亲的反对。  1. What did you have in mind?  你有什么想法?  Well, off the top of my head, I'd have to go with Excalibur。  我想到的是亚瑟王的神剑。  off the top of my head灵光一闪,临时想到  2.There's no weaponry from Lord of the Rings forged in a Chinese sweatshop?  中国血汗工厂难道不制造魔戒里的兵器吗?  3.Two hundred and you throw in the Iron Man helmet。  两百,你再送个钢铁侠头盔。  throw in额外奉送;Leonard一边拼命砍价,Sheldon一边拼命拆台。Sheldon天生就是个不会接茬的主。  4.I've long said, what you lack in academic knowledge you make up for in street smarts。  我早就说过,你这些街头智慧弥补了你在学术知识上的欠缺。  street smarts街头智慧,巧妙生存的能力;知悉都市社会世态的精明。  5.You accept an invitation to a party at the home of my sworn enemy, he tells everyone we're going to be there, and when we don't show, he looks the fool。  你应邀参加我死敌办的派对,他告诉所有人我们会去但最后我们没去, 他就傻逼了。  6 You're the whole package, aren't you?  你简直就是全才啊!  If you're gonna love me, you're gonna have to love the whole package: the tenderhearted poet and the crazy daredevil。  你要是爱我的话,那就得爱全部的我:心地温和的的诗人和无所畏惧的疯子。  7All systems go, if you catch my drift。  万事俱备,你懂我的意思吧(if you know what I mean)。  8 She went behind my back and turned my own mother against me。  她背着我鼓动我妈一起反对我。

寒月悲笳,万里西风瀚海沙;碧血丹心,关河渺茫梦征尘。回复: 《生活大爆炸》地道口语汇总生活大爆炸S05E06:你想耍什么花招 生活大爆炸S05E07  1.It's gonna be wall-to-wall fun.  那里可是好玩极了。  2.It is a hoot and a half.  噢,这东西可好玩了。  3.You are in for a treat.  你可赚大了。  4.All right, that settles it.  行了,就这么定了。  5.Told you.  早说了。  6.Stop yelling!  叫什么叫!  7.I hear you're in some sort of a long distance situation?  我听说你们好像在异地恋爱?  8.It's kind of tough.  有点难受啊。  9.Oh, that's funny turn.  噢,这转变真有意思。  10.Well, you can't force things.  听着,强扭的瓜不甜。  11.Get them before they get us.  先下手为强啊。  12.It's a tragic human condition.  人生就是一场悲剧。  13.Long story short.  长话短说。  14.Nice. Kick a man when he's down.  真有你的,落井下石。  15.Well, this takes me back.  往日又重现了。  16.Don't beat yourself up.  别对自己失望。  17.I get the gist.  我明白你的意思。  18.go on a hunger strike  绝食抗议  19.What do you say?  意下如何?  20.Oh, there it is.  哦,又来了。  21.What are you trying to pull, Mom?  你想耍什么花招,妈妈?

寒月悲笳,万里西风瀚海沙;碧血丹心,关河渺茫梦征尘。回复: 《生活大爆炸》地道口语汇总生活大爆炸S05E07:饶了我行吧 生活大爆炸S05E07  1. It's consistent with my personality.  我一直就这性格。  2. Hang on.  等着瞧。  3. You're very talented.  你太有才了。  4. Oh, bother.  噢,真糟糕。  5. Who had money on "faints"?  谁赌他"晕倒"?  6. Droll.  真可笑。  7. Shut up.  什么都不要说。  8. Sorry, palm's a little sweaty.  抱歉 我的手心有点湿。  9. Be a lamb and check.  乖,看看嘛。  10. Stop talking like that.  别那样说话。  11. You've been rendered speechless by fear.  你应该被吓得说不出话来。  12. Hey, you got a minute?  嘿,你有时间吗?  13. So, what's up?  对了,什么事?  14. Come on.  别这样好吧。  15. That's gross.  真恶心。  16. Well, good for you.  呃,那就好。  17. Oh, that's not who I am.  哦,我不是那样的人。  18. Now, let's not do anything rash.  慢点,先别这么急。  19. Now we're getting somewhere.  你总算听明白了。  20. What does your gut tell you?  问问你的内心深处是怎么想的?  21. in jest  开玩笑的  22. I can't make up my mind.  可我下不了决心。  23. Oh, what the hell.  哦,管他呢。  24. They say at the end of your life, you regret the stuff you didn't do more than the stuff that you did.  人们常说在生命的最后时刻,比起你做过的事,那些你没做的事更让你后悔莫及。  25. That actually does help.  这话我爱听。  26. screw it  管他呢  27. Do you mind?  饶了我行吧?  28. you old so-and-so.  你个老坏蛋。  29. We're running out of time!  没时间了!  30. 'Cause if that freaks you out, you're in for a real surprise later on.  如果这个就吓到你了,那待会儿你可真要做好心理准备了。  31. I mean, I don't deserve you.  我是说,我配不上你。  32. You messed up a lot.  你错大了。

寒月悲笳,万里西风瀚海沙;碧血丹心,关河渺茫梦征尘。回复: 《生活大爆炸》地道口语汇总生活大爆炸S05E08:管好你们的女人 生活大爆炸  1. That's horrible.  太可怕了。  2. Irene was always a slave to a good bargain.  Irene是不折不扣的廉价控。  3. Why do you hate us?  我们跟你有仇吗  4. I've prepared a number of topics that should appeal to both the advanced and novice conversationalists.  我已备好若干话题,既能吸引高手侃侃而谈,又能迎合菜鸟的口味爱好。  5. And converse.  现在开聊。  6. Totally.  太对了。  7. Hey, Amy, what brings you to our neck of the woods?  Amy什么风把你吹我们地头上来了?  8. And change the subject?  再换个别的话题?  9. Stand back...  翘首以待吧……  10. This time, it's your fault.  这回是你惹的祸。  11. That's cool, that's cool.  很好,非常好。  12. Why are they asking me about this stuff?  这种事情干吗要来问我?  13. I'm a little distracted.  我有点心烦意乱。  14. You know, Leonard, in your own simple way,you may be the wisest of us all.  Leonard 就小聪明方面而言,你算是我们这群人中最灵光的了。  15. I'm single, I don't need this crap.  哥现在单身 不用操心这种麻烦事。  16. I wanted to be alone.  我想一个人呆着。  17. And keep in mind that "No" Is a perfectly viable answer.  切记“不想”是一个绝对可行的答案。  18. Sheldon, my world is crumbling around me.  Sheldon 我的世界正在崩塌。  19. Nothing matters.  我什么都不在乎。  20. uh, word on the street is a bobcat has been spotted.  呃,放心,已经辟谣了。  21. I guess I was fooling myself.  看来只是我自欺欺人。  22. Always.  一贯如此。  23. Get your women in line!  管好你们的女人!  24. and she's just getting a little crazy with it.  她简直有点兴奋过头了。  25. I'm usually pretty good at not blabbing.  平常我的嘴巴都很严的。  26. They are a handful.  她们真是难搞。  27. Grow up.  别这么幼稚。  28. I got a knife slicing through my frontal lobe, too.  我的大脑前也像有刀在割一样。  29. What do you want?  你想怎样?  30. If it's okay with you, we'd like a second chance to make things right.  如果可以的话 希望你再给我们一次机会来弥补我们的错误。

寒月悲笳,万里西风瀚海沙;碧血丹心,关河渺茫梦征尘。回复: 《生活大爆炸》地道口语汇总生活大爆炸S05E09:我今晚太过分了 生活大爆炸​  1. ...is off the table.  与……无关。  2. Sorry. Spoiler alert.  对不起,剧透了。  3. That doesn't help.  没顶上事。  4. If you're not going to help, don't help.  你要是帮不上忙,就不要瞎搅和。  5. Do you think I'm overdressed?  你有没有觉得我穿的太讲究了?  6. Are we overthinking this?  我们想多了吧?  7. The woman turns around and realizes love was here all along.  女人才转身,然后发现真爱原来一直就在身后。  8. Damn it.  我勒个去。  9. What the hell is going on?  又怎么了?  10. a can-do attitude  乐观进取的态度  11. I go back and forth.  我也在犹豫。  12. It's not a death ray.  这不是致命武器。  13. This is ridiculous.  真可笑。  14. get past this fear  克服这种恐惧  15. Hey. Sorry I ditched you.  抱歉把你抛弃了。  16. to return the favor  为了报答你  17. It's remarkable.  难以置信。  18. This isn't a moment for strict adherence to the literal.  这哪是咬文嚼字的时候啊。  19. Nonsense.  胡说八道。  20. I know, I-I-I crossed a line.  我知道错了,我今晚太过分了。  21. Way off.  半点可能都没有。  22. a little cocky.  有点小自大。  23. I swear, I'll be anything you want me to be.  我保证,你说怎么玩我都奉陪。  24. I had a weird night.  我这一晚上过得各种的诡异。

寒月悲笳,万里西风瀚海沙;碧血丹心,关河渺茫梦征尘。回复: 《生活大爆炸》地道口语汇总生活大爆炸S05E10你和我喜欢的相去甚远 生活大爆炸S05E10  1.A total loser.  彻底的失败者  2.Mm... make it two.  那……也给我来一个。  3.I'll ring it up.  我去结账  4.It's probably for the best.  这其实可能也是件好事吧  5.As a brilliant man,you're entitled to a vice.  作为一个杰出的男人,你允许有一些坏习惯。  6.Like shooting nerds in a barrel.  让这群呆子上钩还不是瓮中捉鳖嘛。  7.It's a little awkward.  有点小尴尬。  8.You could have fun with that.  你会乐在其中的。  9.Can't own a person.  你不能"占有"一个人。  10.The question is moot.  这个是个伪命题。  11.Now, getting back to the problem at hand.  现在回到我们眼下面临的问题。  12.I am not washed-up.  我没有被淘汰。  13.Okay, don't judge me.  拜托 别对我评头论足。  14.Lot of options out there.  外面的选择可多了去了。  15.Sorry. I don't do returns.  不好意思 我不负责退货。  16.Hey, guys, check it out.  兄弟们,快看。  17.You got to be kidding me.  开玩笑吧?  18.Don't be silly.  别傻了。  19.You're so full of it.  你就装吧你。  20.You unfriended me? Seriously?  你把我删掉了?当真?  21.Here's a radical thought.  我有个偏激点的法子。  22.Oh, sweetie, you are so not the guy.  亲爱的,你和我喜欢的相去甚远喽。  23.Don't patronize me.  不用可怜我。  24.You're being impossible.  你简直不可理喻。  25.Sorry to interrupt.  抱歉打扰了。  26.Take the hint, Stuart.  Stuart,请注意她的暗示。  27.Seems a bit restrictive.  似乎有点苛刻啊。

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·生活百科 聪明的户外吊扇



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