加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息寻找作电信行业的兄弟姐妹(网络运维)


我一直在国内设备商工作,10年了吧,做过核心网,近5年一直作数通.对电信领域的IP技术部署相当的熟悉. 我这两天在网上招聘看了看,加拿大似乎要的都是思科的,但我对思科设备没有什么经验,考虑到数通公共原理方面各厂商都是一样的,似乎又不是那么前途黑暗. 计划明年长登加拿大,不知道我们这样的找工作情形怎么样?现在真的很忐忑.在国内电信行业工作过的兄弟姐妹们, 给我们这样的后来人给点信息吧,谢过了

本贴禁止3COM引用回复: 寻找作电信行业的兄弟姐妹(网络运维)不知道国内的设备,这边基本都是cisco+ juniper+ checkpoint+nortel+ f5 +Aruba 基本就是这样了。如果你熟悉的是华为的,应该和cisco类似的。你搞10年了,应该对设备比较了解了。

回复: 寻找作电信行业的兄弟姐妹(网络运维)北美肯定是 cisco 和 Jupiter 两家的设备了,华为什么的却是不多见。不知道楼主有没有CCNA之类的证书,在没有本地经验的情况下,这一行的证书还是很管用的

回复: 寻找作电信行业的兄弟姐妹(网络运维)谢谢2位,我准备来加前先把CCIP考了。

本贴禁止3COM引用回复: 寻找作电信行业的兄弟姐妹(网络运维)不知道英语怎么样?如果英语不好,就是IE也没什么用.如果英语好,没有证书一样没问题.练好英语比花几个月搞个CCIP有用的多.

回复: 寻找作电信行业的兄弟姐妹(网络运维)楼上正解。敢问楼主,凭兄的资历,如果炒了现在的雇主另起炉灶,有几成把握成功?我认为至少九成九!在这边也一样,兄的经验和背景已经足够强悍,关于这点切勿妄自菲薄。那么兄对于在加国找工作有几成把握?估计不会高于三成吧。何以会有这样的差距?关键还是语言。如果兄的雅思能够在7分左右,尤其是听说,找到适合的职位只是时间问题。

煮饭侠回复: 寻找作电信行业的兄弟姐妹(网络运维)最近卡村有啥好的网络工程师的职位哈?

回复: 寻找作电信行业的兄弟姐妹(网络运维)楼上正解。 敢问楼主,凭兄的资历,如果炒了现在的雇主另起炉灶,有几成把握成功?我认为至少九成九! 在这边也一样,兄的经验和背景已经足够强悍,关于这点切勿妄自菲薄。 那么兄对于在加国找工作有几成把握?估计不会高于三成吧。何以会有这样的差距?关键还是语言。 如果兄的雅思能够在7分左右,尤其是听说,找到适合的职位只是时间问题。点击展开...兄台最近在卡村安好?

时间混够,就成了老移民回复: 寻找作电信行业的兄弟姐妹(网络运维)感谢各位兄弟,明年的状况我及时在本帖通报

本贴禁止3COM引用回复: 寻找作电信行业的兄弟姐妹(网络运维)报个名,我也做设备

回复: 寻找作电信行业的兄弟姐妹(网络运维)没必要非在电信行业啊,我这刚收到个中介发的,贴上来I am currently working on a Network Engineer and Network Engineer Team Lead and your resume came up in my search. If this role does not apply to you please ignore and please do not be offended. This role requires someone with must haves; CCIE, VoIP and multicast experience. Do you know anyone that might interested in this role?Our client, a large well known Financial Institution located in downtown Toronto is actively seeking an experienced Network Engineer for a permanent full time position. Please review the postiion description below and reply back with an updated resume if you are interested.The Network Engineer will be responsible to design, implement, support, and manage networking and telecommunications infrastructure solutions to both internal and external clients. The Analyst is a subject matter expert who diligently assists with the improvement of service level on our data networks.Key Accountabilities: Responsible for making changes to internet working & telecommunications infrastructure. Responsible for supporting the existing networking infrastructure. Analyze and trouble shoot network related problems & issues. Responsible for coordinating implementation of internetworking projects and work with vendors & business partners to ensure that installations meet service level objectives. Participates as a technical advisor for a variety of IT projects that are driven by business and technological developments. Prepare and maintain network engineering documents & procedures. Analyzes commercially available voice & data networking products and services to determine and recommend solutions which are to the best suited to our clients. Responsible for on-site installation of systems, equipment and the physical relocations (moves, adds and changes) to the telecommunications and security system.This position will require the incumbent to work non-traditional work hours. For example, noon until 8:30 PM. Start times may vary and the incumbent will need to be flexible in order to support business needs Must Have Skills: Post secondary degree or diploma in computer science, information management or related field. Minimum 3 years previous, hands on experience with telecommunication and internetworking technologies, such as Cisco routers, Cisco Lan switches, Cisco VoIP and IP Telephony, VPN, Traffic load balancer, Meridian PBX, Voice mail systems. Good trouble shooting skill and with working knowledge on Windows and Unix/Linux. Strong working knowledge of networking best practices and industry standards. Excellent written and oral communication skills A team player with very strong interpersonal skills Self motivated, hard working, flexible and able to work independently as well as part of a dedicated team in a demanding environment Skills:Cisco Routers Network and Internet Security VPN (Virtual Private Networks) Oscar DadaIT Recruitment Consultant + [email protected] i www.nexstaf.com 416-987-9486 fax 416-849-3517________________________________ Nexstaf5025 Orbitor DriveBuilding 2, Suite 400Mississauga, Ontario, L4W 4Y5Setting the Standard for IT StaffingFile #546C7219072B2078

  ·生活百科 安装批准的问题
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