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我在国内今年申请了Calgary大学的MBA。在国内一直从事和金融、会计相关的工作。不知道Haskayne MBA在那边口碑怎么样? 出来后可以在当地银行或石油公司找到相关会计、金融的工作吗? 非常感谢大家
回复: 求助 Haskayne MBA UOC我的一个同学生活、工作在卡尔加里,他跑到多伦多读MBA,说多伦多的好。仅了解如此。
回复: 求助 Haskayne MBA UOC我的一个同学生活、工作在卡尔加里,他跑到多伦多读MBA,说多伦多的好。仅了解如此。点击展开...好吧,只能说明多伦多学校比较好,名气大。
回复: 求助 Haskayne MBA UOC我是Haskayne MBA Alumni。如果你感兴趣,可以发消息给我私聊。
回复: 求助 Haskayne MBA UOC已经得到offer了,给了$5000的小奖。 我听人说在Alberta只要语言没问题,MBA商科类的还是很容易找到工作的。是这样的吗?
回复: 求助 Haskayne MBA UOCdon't waste money and time on MBA.
回复: 求助 Haskayne MBA UOCdon't waste money and time on MBA.点击展开...相当赞成,每天都和一群MBA打交道,发现相当idiot。而且还总以为自己了不起,发个email都要写上自己的title,MBA。
QQ: 1904036001, 加拿大那些事情,都可以聊聊!相当赞成,每天都和一群MBA打交道,发现相当idiot。而且还总以为自己了不起,发个email都要写上自己的title,MBA。点击展开... What you guys are talking about is irrelevant to my situation. There's no other easy way for me to come to CA except trying to get an education there first.
回复: 求助 Haskayne MBA UOCWhat you guys are talking about is irrelevant to my situation. There's no other easy way for me to come to CA except trying to get an education there first.点击展开...If your motive is to come to CA (or to immigrate eventually), any master degree with a minimum of one academic year on a full-time basis in Ontario will do.http://www.ontarioimmigration.ca/en/pnp/OI_PNPSTUDENTS_MASTERSAPPLY.html#_qualify1) An MBA is just another way to waste money and time.2) Other master degree program may more chance for funding and TAship than an MBA does.3) MBA graduate does not pose any competitive edge in terms of job hunting.Prospective employers in accounting are looking for candidates with any Canadian professional qualification (e.g., CA or CGA). Likewise, those in finance and investment may be looking for candidates with CFA for something like that. The critical question is whether an MBA means aforementioned professional qualifications. The answer is obvious.Good luck.
回复: 求助 Haskayne MBA UOCIf your motive is to come to CA (or to immigrate eventually), any master degree with a minimum of one academic year on a full-time basis in Ontario will do. http://www.ontarioimmigration.ca/en/pnp/OI_PNPSTUDENTS_MASTERSAPPLY.html#_qualify 1) An MBA is just another way to waste money and time.2) Other master degree program may more chance for funding and TAship than an MBA does.3) MBA graduate does not pose any competitive edge in terms of job hunting. Prospective employers in accounting are looking for candidates with any Canadian professional qualification (e.g., CA or CGA). Likewise, those in finance and investment may be looking for candidates with CFA for something like that. The critical question is whether an MBA means aforementioned professional qualifications. The answer is obvious. Good luck.点击展开... "Opportunities Ontario will target 1,000 nominations for 2011. Priority assessment will be given to those applicants who can demonstrate the strongest potential to settle successfully and permanently in Ontario." So what if the students appying exceeds 1000? Who knows what the policy is goona be like in two years in Ontario. I think Ontario won't need as many people then since all Chinese go there.
回复: 求助 Haskayne MBA UOCIf your motive is to come to CA (or to immigrate eventually), any master degree with a minimum of one academic year on a full-time basis in Ontario will do. http://www.ontarioimmigration.ca/en/pnp/OI_PNPSTUDENTS_MASTERSAPPLY.html#_qualify 1) An MBA is just another way to waste money and time.2) Other master degree program may more chance for funding and TAship than an MBA does.3) MBA graduate does not pose any competitive edge in terms of job hunting. Prospective employers in accounting are looking for candidates with any Canadian professional qualification (e.g., CA or CGA). Likewise, those in finance and investment may be looking for candidates with CFA for something like that. The critical question is whether an MBA means aforementioned professional qualifications. The answer is obvious. Good luck.点击展开... Hi, there. I just need some positivity here. I think wanting to get a higher education is such an innocent thing. I don't know how you went to Canada. But for me, coming from a business background, it's difficult to immigrate compared to technology people or engineers or IT people. So I just wanna get some input here about the job market in Alberta to make an informed decsion. Well, I indeed know that professional designations will help a lot when you look for a job. That's why I've made plans to work for them
回复: 求助 Haskayne MBA UOC相当赞成,每天都和一群MBA打交道,发现相当idiot。而且还总以为自己了不起,发个email都要写上自己的title,MBA。点击展开... Your response sends out such negative energy and contains such hatred and jealousy. Does it ever occur to you that maybe the problem lies in you, not them?
回复: 求助 Haskayne MBA UOCYour response sends out such negative energy and contains such hatred and jealousy. Does it ever occur to you that maybe the problem lies in you, not them?点击展开...只是告诉你些实际的感受,你有点太aggressive了。上面Sob1976已经说了,如果你真的是做accounting,不一定需要MBA。MBA在国内给人吹的太神话了,实际的作用没有想象的大。
QQ: 1904036001, 加拿大那些事情,都可以聊聊!我是Haskayne MBA Alumni。如果你感兴趣,可以发消息给我私聊。点击展开...请问您是学的哪个方向?工作好找吗?
回复: 求助 Haskayne MBA UOC已经得到offer了,给了$5000的小奖。 我听人说在Alberta只要语言没问题,MBA商科类的还是很容易找到工作的。是这样的吗?点击展开...仁兄别忘了你来这里是问问题的,其他与自己问题无关的内容何必介意那么多呢?否则你就被别人的话题左右了。仁兄若不爱听,算我多嘴了。
回复: 求助 Haskayne MBA UOC"Opportunities Ontario will target 1,000 nominations for 2011. Priority assessment will be given to those applicants who can demonstrate the strongest potential to settle successfully and permanently in Ontario." So what if the students appying exceeds 1000? Who knows what the policy is goona be like in two years in Ontario. I think Ontario won't need as many people then since all Chinese go there.点击展开...There is always a risk. Of course the Ontario route is risky, so is Canadian Experience Class. Are you sure you can get a "professional job" to enable you to apply for immigration (via CEC) upon finishing your degree? At least you are free from job hunting hurtle when going for Ontario PNP.
回复: 求助 Haskayne MBA UOCHi, there. I just need some positivity here. I think wanting to get a higher education is such an innocent thing. I don't know how you went to Canada. But for me, coming from a business background, it's difficult to immigrate compared to technology people or engineers or IT people. So I just wanna get some input here about the job market in Alberta to make an informed decsion. Well, I indeed know that professional designations will help a lot when you look for a job. That's why I've made plans to work for them点击展开...If your plan is pursuing a professional designation, for sure MBA is not the first thing you shall look at.
回复: 求助 Haskayne MBA UOC只是告诉你些实际的感受,你有点太aggressive了。上面Sob1976已经说了,如果你真的是做accounting,不一定需要MBA。MBA在国内给人吹的太神话了,实际的作用没有想象的大。点击展开... I am aggressive! Thank you!
回复: 求助 Haskayne MBA UOCThere is always a risk. Of course the Ontario route is risky, so is Canadian Experience Class. Are you sure you can get a "professional job" to enable you to apply for immigration (via CEC) upon finishing your degree? At least you are free from job hunting hurtle when going for Ontario PNP.点击展开... Well, thank you very much for your information. I do believe that I can find a professional job. I think everybody is betting on something. But I wanna bet on myself and I don't wanna give away my entire power to other people. As for me, I think MBA may be the best option for me right now. I've been working for 3.5 years and I think my shabby undergrad GPA would put me in a disadvantage if I apply for a master program. Oh well, I guess what we are discussing here kind of deviates from my original enquiry. But thank you again for your input!
回复: 求助 Haskayne MBA UOC我觉得有会计背景,学习MBA期间拿下CMA不难找到工作。毕业后有三年工签,找工作的时间大把,如果不挑,就做Accounting,1年内找到工作毫无悬念。我一个MBA校友,以前是教英语的,毫无商科背景,也找到一个小公司的会计。
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