加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息“火”的各种英语表达
“fire”的相关短语 一年一度的传统元宵节刚过,昨晚绚烂的烟花点缀了北京的夜空,此起彼伏的鞭炮声为元宵佳节带来浓浓的节日氛围。但是就在举家团圆欢庆的时刻,我们也要时刻注意安全,谨防因燃放烟花爆竹引起火灾的发生。“火”的英文单词“fire”常用来搭配组成不同的短语,表达丰富的含义。 1. open fire 开始 例句:If you have any questions for our guest speaker, open fire now。 如果你们有什么问题要问我们的客座讲演者,请现在开始提。 2. go through fire and water 赴汤蹈火,不顾艰险 例句:He would go through fire and water for his country。 他为了国家赴汤蹈火也在所不惜。 3. on fire 高水平发挥 例句:You guys were on fire in the last quarter。 你们最后一节真是打得太棒了。 4. under fire 受到攻击和批评 例句:The teacher was under fire for racially charged comments in the classroom。 这个老师因为在课堂上讲了一些有种族歧视的话而受到指责。 5. play with fire 冒险 例句:Stay away from him. You're playing with fire。 离他远点,你这是在玩火。 6. fired up 兴奋极了 例句:Everyone was fired up after the prep talk by the coach。 教练一席话让球员们各个听得热血沸腾。 7. fire in one's belly 憋足了劲 I'll tackle the issue with fire in my belly。 我憋足了劲要搞定这个问题。 8. add fuel to the fire 火上加油 Leave him alone. You're only adding fuel to the fire if you try to comfort him。 别管他,你现在去安慰他无异于火上加油。
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