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六成中国职员曾请病假看球 名列世界第一 An online survey of 9,500 workers in eight countries showed that Chinese workers were the most likely to call in sick to view a sporting match, or after a late night watching or attending a game. China also had the most people skipping work to play a sport, and basketball was most likely to spur absenteeism there. 一项在八个国家9500名职员中进行的在线调查显示,中国职员最喜欢因为要看比赛或者在通宵观看或参加比赛后,打电话请病假。中国人也最喜欢旷工去运动,而篮球是中国旷工者的最爱。 "The findings were in line with the findings of our survey last year on absenteeism around the world," said Joyce Maroney, director the Workforce Institute at Kronos, the think tanks of the workforce management company that commissioned the Harris interactive online poll. Kronos劳动力研究所主任Joyce Maroney表示:“这些结果跟我们去年在世界范围做的关于旷工情况的调查结果是一致的。” 该劳动力研究所是委托Harris公司进行此项在线调查的劳动力管理公司的智囊团。 Nearly 60 percent of Chinese workers said they had called in sick to watch or attend a sports event, compared to only one percent of the French. 60%的中国职员表示他们曾经为了去观看或参与体育活动而请病假,这一比例在法国只有一成。 India was second in sport-related absenteeism, with the United Kingdom and Mexico a distant third or fourth. The countries with the lowest rates, besides France, were the United States, followed by Canada. Soccer was the top sport spurring absenteeism in Australia, Mexico, United Kingdom and France, while in India it was cricket. 印度在因体育活动而旷工的国家排行榜上排名第二,英国和墨西哥名列第三、第四。而职员因体育活动而旷工比例最低的国家除了法国外还有美国。在澳大利亚、墨西哥、英国和法国,足球是引发旷工的头号体育运动。而在印度,板球才是头号杀手。 Although the poll did not look at the cause of the findings, Maroney suggests it is due to cultural differences. 虽然这次调查并没有研究造成这些结果的原因,但Maroney认为文化上的差异是重要因素。 "Does the fact that they (the French) work a 35-hour work week and have more time off than most other countries contribute?" Maroney asked. "Probably it does," she added. Maroney有这样的疑问:“是否因为法国人一周只工作35个小时,所以他们相比于其他国家有更多的空闲时间,所以旷工率最低?” 在Maroney看来,也许真的是这样。 "Look at a country like China, where people work incredible hours, 70 and 80 hours a week, with less time off and less regulation around paid time off, and it makes sense that they are calling in sick more frequently." “来看看中国,中国人一周要工作70到80个小时,空闲时间很少,带薪假期也很少,所以他们更频繁地请病假就不足为奇了。” People questioned in the poll said flexible hours were the best way to stop healthy employees from calling in sick. 受访者表示,更灵活自由的工作时间是防止健康的职员请病假的最好方式。 Most workers said they felt guilty about calling in sick to watch a sporting event and believe that unpaid leave or the option to work from home would help stem such absences. 大多数曾请病假旷工的职员表示,他们对请病假观看体育赛事的行为感到内疚。同时他们认为,更多的无薪假期或者拥有在家中办公的选择权有助于减少这样的旷工行为。
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