加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息25个与“鬼”有关的词汇
这是澳大利亚人Carl在他的博客“一步一个脚印”里发表的文章,总结了中文里25个与“鬼”有关的词以及它们的地道英语说法,对学中文的老外和学英语的中国人都非常有用哦~ I’m particularly fond of affix characters in Chinese, and what more vibrant an example than 鬼 guǐ (“ghost; devil”)? 魔鬼 móguǐ (“evil devil”) ? demon 懒鬼 lǎnguǐ (“lazy devil”) ? lazybones 酒鬼 jiǔguǐ (“alcohol ghost”) ? alcoholic; drunkard 醉鬼 zuìguǐ (“drunk devil”) ? drunkard 烟鬼 yānguǐ (“smoke devil”) ? opium addict; chain smoker 调皮鬼 tiáopíguǐ (“naughty devil”) ? naughty child 捣蛋鬼 dǎodànguǐ (“make-trouble devil”) ? same as #6 吸血鬼 xīxuèguǐ (“suck-blood devil”) ? vampire 鬼佬 guǐlǎo (“devil old-guy”) ? foreigner (usually derogatory) 胆小鬼 dǎnxiǎoguǐ (“small-gut devil”) ? coward; chicken 二鬼子 èrguǐzi (“two-ghost-thing”) - a “banana” ? someone yellow (Asian) on the outside but white (Caucasian) on the inside (derogatory)* 短命鬼 duǎnmìngguǐ (“short-life devil”) ? someone who dies at a young age 赌鬼 dǔguǐ (“gambling ghost”) ? gambling addict 饿鬼 èguǐ (“hungry ghost”) ? someone who is always hungry; someone with a big appetite 机灵鬼 jīlingguǐ (“clever ghost”) ? clever person 胡涂鬼 hútuguǐ (“confused ghost”) ? someone who often seems confused and/or stupid 色鬼 sèguǐ (“lust ghost”) ? lecher; person who engages in sexual excess (no exact word for this in English perhaps?) 厉鬼 lìguǐ (“terrible ghost”) ? evil spirit 馋鬼 chánguǐ (“gluttonous ghost”) ? pig (someone who eats too much) 催命鬼 cuīmìngguǐ (“prodding ghost”) ? someone who keeps pushing people to do things; a nagger 死鬼 sǐguǐ (“dead ghost”) ? a negative but playful term used between spouses 鬼子 guǐzi (“devil-thing”) ? foreign devil (derogatory) 鬼怪 guǐguài (“ghost-monster”) ? ghosts and monsters 见鬼 jiànguǐ (“see ghost”) ? go to Hell! 鬼知道 guǐ zhīdào (“ghost knows”) ? Heaven knows!
·生活百科 疯狂地决定太阳能!
·生活百科 有热水系统的燃烧室吗?