加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息各种表示“笑”的英文词
今天说说英语中跟smile和laugh有关的几个表达。 1. crack a smile 展颜微笑,莞尔一笑 The man was willing to do anything to make his wife crack a smile。 为了让他的妻子展颜微笑,他愿意做任何事情。 2. laugh a hearty laugh/laugh heartily 放声大笑,开怀大笑 Upon hearing that he had won the lottery, the man laughed heartily。 知道自己中奖了,这个男人开怀大笑。 3. force a smile 强作欢颜 At the funeral, he forced a smile for anyone who offered condolences。 在葬礼上,他强颜欢笑面对前来吊唁的人。 4. saccharine smile 谄笑,谄媚的笑 When he talks to his boss, he puts on a saccharine smile。 他跟老板说话的时候,满脸都是谄媚的假笑。 5. smile bitterly 苦笑 The student smiled bitterly when his teacher caught him copying his homework。 抄作业被老师抓到后,这个学生满脸苦笑。 javascript:void(0)
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