加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息来看看这段英文对话,大家有觉得它很有意思的


我每次跟读这个对话,都会忍不住笑起来。那个女主妇情商真高啊,难道真的是女人更善于沟通?男主人,呃,也不知道这么多年是怎么过来的了。我觉得这个对话编得真好。两次喝茶相互呼应,哦!最后一句,还不忘记拉次下女主妇。谁让她一帆风顺愿望成真来着?Lubka: Here sit down, and let's talk about our vacation plans over a nice hot cup of tea. There you go. Now, where would be nice for a vacation this year.Pablo: Vacation?Lubka: Yes, the weather is beautiful;. We have a little free time. Where do you want to go? 2.Listen | Show text Pablo: I want to stay home. We only have a few days. I don't like travelling.Lubka: You don't like travelling? Who said we had to travel. There are a lot of interesting things to see nearby. I love exploring new places.Pablo: I prefer staying home, cleaning up the garden maybe. 3.Listen | Show text Lubka: But you can do that anytime, Pablo. Now we have a few days open. Please, let's think about a vacation.Pablo: But, Lubka, it's too expensive to go anywhere.Lubka: Oh, come on. Just open your mind a little. Think about it. We could drive to Washago Falls. It's only two and a half to three hours away.Pablo: What would we do there?Lubka: Well, we could look at the falls, we could walk along the boardwalk, visit the shops, eat in a restaurant … 4.Listen | Show text Pablo: This isn't going to cost too much?Lubka: But it's a break from the schedule of everyday life. It's a change of scenery. I hate staying home all the time.Pablo: Well, I guess it wouldn't be too bad.Lubka: It will be lovely. Let's ask Lisa and Marko to come. 5.Listen | Show text Pablo: I don't know. Marko quit smoking and he's always in a bad mood, and Lisa never stops talking. It might be nicer to go alone.Lubka: Oh, we'll have a wonderful time. You always do when we go away. It's just the thought of it that bothers you. Why don't we call them up and talk it over?Pablo: Okay, but we'll go over the long weekend. That will give us a break, and not use up too many weekdays.Lubka: That's more like it. Here, have some more tea. Now, where did I put their number?

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