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陆战队员 星际争霸2种族介绍之陆战队员 Marine——人族 陆战队员 MarineTrains From: Barrackstrain: 训练 from: 出于 barracks: 兵营生产建筑: 兵营Armament: 8mm C-14 Impaler Gauss Riflearmament: 军备 impaler: 穿刺 rifle: 步枪配备武装: 8毫米C-14穿刺型高斯步枪Role: General-purpose Infantryrole: 作用 general-purpose: 多用途的 infantry: 步兵任务导向: 多功能步兵 Marines are the first line of defense for most terran worlds in the Koprulu sector.defense: 防卫 sector: 星区陆战队员是Koprulu星区的人类世界第一线防御.In the time of the old Confederacy the vast majority of marines were criminals or rebels who had undergone mandatory neural resocialization.confederacy: 联邦 vast: 巨大的 majority: 多数 criminal: 罪犯 rebel: 反叛者 undergo:遭受 mandatory: 强制性的 neural: 神经的 resocialization: 再社会化在旧联邦时期, 绝大部分的陆战队员是经过强制性神经性洗脑再社会化的罪犯与反叛者所担任.Freed from any previous allegiances or ideologies, these fearless soldiers stood ready to defend Confederate interests with their lives.freed: 摆脱 previous: 以前的 allegiance: 忠诚 ideology: 思想 fearless: 无畏的 interest:利益抛开之前的忠诚或思想, 这些无畏的士兵准备好用生命去捍卫联邦的利益.The intake of "resoc" marines has been scaled back in many places since the fall of the Confederacy,intake: 纳入 resoc: 再教育 scaled back: 缩减自从联邦垮台之后, 接受”再教育”的陆战队员已经大幅减少,but remains a common practice, for there are seldom enough volunteers for the job.remains: 保持 common: 一般的 practice: 实算 seldom: 很少 volunteer: 志愿者不过仍保持一定比率, 因为想成为陆战队的志愿者实在不多. The heavy armor worn by marines is effective against small-arms fire and provides them with full life support and NBC (Nuclear/Biological/Chemical) shielding for operation in deep space and other hostile environments.heavy armor: 重装甲 worn: 穿戴 effective: 有效的 against: 防备 small-arms: 轻武器 provide: 提供 support:维持 nuclear: 核武器 biologica: 生物学的 chemical: 化学的 shielding: 防护 operation: 作战 hostile: 不利的 environment: 环境陆战队员身穿的重装甲能有效地防备轻武器火力, 以及提供完整的生命维持系统, 包括NEC(核子/生物/化学)防护, 让陆战队员也能在外太空, 或是其他恶劣环境下作战.Ballistic alloy combat shields have also been developed in light of experiences during the Brood War,ballistic: 弹道 alloy: 合金 combat: 战斗 shield: 盾 develop: 开发 experience: 经验根据母巢之战时期学到的经验, 所研发出的弹道合金战斗用护盾,giving an option to toughen up marines faced with an increasingly lethal battlefield.option: 选择 toughen up: 使强壮 increasingly: 日益增加的 lethal: 致命的 battlefield:战场使陆战队员面临日益致命的战场时一个强韧的选择. Marine reinforcements arrive via dropships and drop-pods Marines are normally armed with C-14 Impaler gauss rifles that fire 8mm metal "spikes" at hypersonic speeds.reinforcement: 增援 via: 凭借 dropship: 运输船 drop-pod: 空投舱 normally: 通常 armed: 武装的 impaler:穿刺 rifle: 步枪 spike: 尖钉 hypersonic: 超音速的陆战队员一般配备C-14穿刺型高斯步枪, 能以超音速发射8毫米金属”尖钉”, 并搭乘运输船或是运输舱进行支援.Basic rounds are designed to provide maximum penetration against all armor types, but a number of specialized rounds exist.basic: 基本的 round: 弹药 designed: 设计好的 provide: 提供 maximum: 最大极限的 penetration: 穿透 armor: 装甲 specialized: 专门的基本配备弹药提供对任何类型装甲有着最大穿透能力, 但一种特制的弹药除外.Of these, the U-238 depleted uranium spike is the most popular because it extends the lethal range of gauss rifles by up to 25%.depleted: 贫化的 uranium: 铀 spike: 弹药 extend: 延伸 lethal: 杀伤性的 range: 射程这种U-238贫铀尖钉弹是最受欢迎的, 能提升高斯步枪额外25%的杀伤射程.To preserve ammunition usage and minimize power requirements,preserve: 维持 ammunition: 弹药 usage: 使用 minimize: 将…减到最少 requirement:需求为了节省弹药与能源需求,the rifle uses a capacitor system to fire in short, controlled bursts. This flexible sidearm can be used to target both air and ground enemies.capacitor: 容电器 short: 点射 burst: 连发射击 flexible: 灵活的 sidearm: 随身武器 target: 目标步枪使用一种电容系统控制点射和连发射击, 这种灵活的随身武器能对抗空中或是地面的敌军目标. If the practice of using resocialized marines has remained controversial, the use of stimpacks is even more of a hot-button subject.practice: 实行 resocialized: 洗脑再社会化 remain: 保持 controversial: 有争议的 stimpacks: 兴奋剂 hot-button: 敏感的如果使用经过洗脑的陆战队员仍存在争议, 那么使用兴奋剂更是个敏感议题.These inbuilt chemical delivery systems dose marines with a powerful mix of synthetic adrenaline, endorphins, and a psychotropic aggression enhancer.inbuilt: 内藏的 chemical: 化学的 delivery: 释放 synthetic: 人工的 adrenaline: 肾上腺素 endorphins: 内啡肽 psychotropic: 精神药物 aggression: 攻击行为 enhancer: 增强这些内藏的化学释放系统让陆战队员吸收强力的混合激素, 包括肾上腺素, 内啡肽, 以及一种增强攻击冲动的药剂.Marines on stims benefit from greatly increased speed and reflexes, but are subject to long-term side effects including and not limited to insomnia,benefit: 获益 greatly: 非常 increased: 增强的 reflexes: 反应能力 long-term: 长期的 side effect: 副作用 limited: 有限的 insomnia: 失眠被兴奋剂所增益的陆战队员大幅强化移动和反应速度, 但是会遭受长期的负作用影响, 包括失眠, weight loss, mania/hypomania, seizures, paranoiac hallucinations, internal hemorrhaging, and cerebral deterioration.weight loss: 体重减轻 mania: 狂躁 hypomania: 轻度躁狂 seizures: 痉挛 paranoiac: 偏执狂 hallucinations: 幻觉 internal hemorrhaging: 内出血 cerebral: 大脑 deterioration: 退化体重减轻, 狂躁症, 痉挛, 偏执造成的幻觉, 内出血, 以及脑内退化.Nonetheless, both commanders and the marines themselves stand by the use of stims as essential to their continued survival and effectiveness on the battlefield.nonetheless: 尽管如此 stand by: 支持 essential: 必要的 continued: 继续的 effectiveness: 效力尽管如此, 指挥官与陆战队员都支持在必要时使用兴奋剂, 让他们能继续在战场存活并效力.

三千日夜吟愁赋,一亿白发尽满头。梦入枫林遍芳丛,觉来惆怅恨无数。 [[FONT=宋体]加拿大,请在不远的地方等我http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=263009][/FONT] [[FONT=宋体]起程-[FONT=宋体]献给[/FONT]91[FONT=宋体]旧政和[/FONT][FONT=宋体]新政的同路人[/FONT]][/FONT] [[FONT=宋体]一个等待移民者的内心独白http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=255315[FONT=宋体]][/FONT][/FONT]回复: 游戏英语汇总星际争霸2种族介绍之陆战队员 Reaper——收割者 收割者 ReaperTrains From: Barrackstrain: 训练 from: 出于 barracks: 兵营生产建筑: 兵营Armament: P-45 Scythe Gauss Pistols, D-8 Chargesarmament: 军备 scythe: 镰刀 pistol: 手枪配备武装: P-45镰刀式高斯手枪 D-8炸药Role: Raiderrole: 作用 raider: 袭击者任务导向: 突击队 Reapers are the most hardened terran criminals, taken from the most dangerous and violent prisons.hardened: 改变不了的 violent: 暴力的收割者是从人类世界里, 最危险与凶暴的监狱中, 挑选最难缠的罪犯组成的.Potential marines who prove too intractable even after resocialization are instead sent to the "Icehouse" in the Torus system, where reapers are trained.potential: 潜能 prove: 证明是 intractable: 难管教的 resocialization: 再社会化 instead:顶替 icehouse: 冷藏室有潜力的陆战队员, 经过洗脑后仍不受控制, 就会被送到托勒(Torus)星系的冷藏室, 收割者部队的训练地. Reaper troopers are chemically altered to make them even more aggressive before being subjected to weeks of brutal training in close-quarters combat and the use of their jet packs.trooper: 队员 chemically: 化学的 alter: 改造 aggressive: 攻击性的 subject: 课程 brutal: 苛刻的 close-quarters: 近距离 combat: 作战 jet: 喷射 pack: 背包在进行数周的近距离作战与喷射背包的严酷训练之前, 收割者队员们会接受化学改造让他们更具攻击性.A reaper who survives two years of duty is granted a full pardon and freed, his debt to society fully paid.survive: 生还 grant: 同意 pardon: 赦免 debt: 债务 society: 社会 paid: 付清如果一个收割者服完他两年的役期安然存活, 那么他将得到完全的赦免并被释放, 他对于社会的亏欠已经全数付清.In five years of service, the Reaper Corps has yet to have a single trooper survive more than six months.corps: 军团 trooper: 队员在过去五年期间, 收割者军团没有一个队员存活超过六个月. In combat, reapers attack with dual gauss pistols, the rapid-fire signature weapon of their "strike fast, strike hard" credo.dual: 双的 rapid-fire: 速射的 signature: 显示个人特色 strike: 攻击 credo: 信条在战斗中, 收割者使用两把高斯手枪进行攻击, 这种以速射火力为特色的武器正符合他们”速攻,强击”的信条.For tougher targets, reapers are often equipped with the dangerously unstable deuterium-eight demolition device, or D-8 charges, as they are commonly known.tougher: 强硬的 target: 目标 equipped: 装备 dangerously: 危险的 unstable: 不稳定的 deuterium: 氚 demolition: 爆破 device: 装置 commonly: 一般对抗更强硬的目标时, 收割者通常配备了危险, 不稳定的氚-8爆破装置, 或称一般人熟知的D-8炸药.These can be thrown a short distance and will detonate after an equally short delay. Using D-8 charges is an acquired skill that few troopers live long enough to master.throw: 抛 distance: 距离 detonate: 起爆 equally: 相等的 delay: 延迟 acquired: 获得的这些炸药可以投射出一小段距离, 经过一定延迟后引爆, 使用D-8炸药是个需要学习的技巧, 因此只有少数的收割者能活的够久成为专家. Reapers are lightly armored and unsuited to head-on firefights. The key to their success lies in their personal jet packs.lightly armored: 轻装甲 unsuited: 不适合 head-on: 正面的 firefight: 交战 personal: 个人的收割者的轻装甲并不适合正面交火, 他们制胜的关键在于个人喷射背包.These packs grant reapers a high degree of mobility, including the ability to scramble up or down cliffs and jump across rivers, crevasses, and other obstacles.grant: 赋予 degree: 限度 mobility: 机动性 ability: 能力 scramble: 攀登 cliff: 悬崖 crevasse: 裂隙 obstacle: 障碍这些背包赋予收割者极高的机动性, 包括了上下攀登峭壁, 跨越河川, 裂隙以及其他障碍物.Reaper combat techniques emphasize hit-and-run raiding, preferably against enemy structures and workers,combat: 战斗 technique: 技巧 emphasize: 着重 hit-and-run: 打和跑 raid: 突袭 preferably: 更适合 against:对抗 structure: 建筑物收割者的战斗技术强调打带跑的突击, 尤其是针对敌军的建筑与工兵.so that reapers can inflict maximum damage and then retreat before the enemy can muster a response.inflict: 施以 maximum: 最大限度 damage: 伤害 retreat: 撤退 muster: 集合 response:反应所以收割者能给予敌军最大伤害, 并在对方聚集反击前撤退. Perhaps unsurprisingly reapers are also enthusiastic users of stimpacks.perhaps: 也许 unsurprising: 不令人吃惊 enthusiastic: 狂热的 stimpacks: 兴奋剂收割者是兴奋剂的狂热使用者应该也不令人意外.The dangerous cocktail of combat enhancement chemicals suits their high-speed tactics perfectly, and the long-term side effects are scarcely likely to prove an issue.dangerous: 危险的 cocktail: 鸡尾酒 enhancement: 增强 chemicals: 化学制品 tactics:战术 perfectly: 非常 side effect: 副作用 scarcely: 几乎不 prove: 检验 issue: 问题这种增强战斗能力的危险化学鸡尾酒正符合他们的高速战术, 长期副作用对他们来说并不是个能考虑的问题.

三千日夜吟愁赋,一亿白发尽满头。梦入枫林遍芳丛,觉来惆怅恨无数。 [[FONT=宋体]加拿大,请在不远的地方等我http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=263009][/FONT] [[FONT=宋体]起程-[FONT=宋体]献给[/FONT]91[FONT=宋体]旧政和[/FONT][FONT=宋体]新政的同路人[/FONT]][/FONT] [[FONT=宋体]一个等待移民者的内心独白http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=255315[FONT=宋体]][/FONT][/FONT]回复: 游戏英语汇总星际争霸2种族介绍之陆战队员 Ghost——幽灵 幽灵 GhostTrains From: Barrackstrain: 训练 from: 出于 barracks: 兵营生产建筑: 兵营Armament: 25mm C-10 Canister Riflearmament: 军备 canister: 霰弹 rifle: 步枪配备武装: 25毫米 C-10霰弹步枪Role: Stealth Sniperrole: 作用 stealth: 隐形 sniper: 狙击手任务导向: 隐形狙击手 Ghosts epitomize the height of terran evolution and physical conditioning.epitomize: 象征 height: 高度 evolution: 演化 physical conditioning: 肉体锻炼幽灵是人类在肉体锻炼与演化的高度象征.Born with incredible psionic potential, these individuals are recruited and quarantined for government training from childhood.incredible: 难以置信的 psionic: 超能力 potential: 潜能 individual: 个体 recruit: 招募 quarantine: 隔离 childhood: 幼年天生具有难以置信的超能力潜力, 这些个人从幼年就被政府征召并隔离训练.Ghosts channel their psionic energies to augment their natural physical strength and endurance.channel: 调整 energy: 能量 augment: 增强 natural: 正常的 physical: 身体的 strength: 力量 endurance:耐力幽灵能调整他们的能量来增强肉体的力量与耐力.This process is enhanced by specialized skin-suits worn by ghosts that are laced with a form of psi-sensitive artificial muscle fiber.process: 过程 enhanced: 增强的 specialize: 特殊的 skin-suits: 紧身衣 worn: 穿戴 laced: 交织混合 psi-sensitive: 心灵感触 artificial: 人工的 muscle: 肌肉 fiber: 纤维这个过程可以通过特制的以高心灵感触人工肌肉纤维幽灵专用紧身衣所加强.Thus, a typical ghost is tougher, stronger, and faster than even a well-trained but otherwise average terran.thus: 因此 typical: 标准的 tougher: 难缠的 stronger: 更强壮 faster: 动作敏捷的 well-trained: 训练有素的 otherwise: 不同的 average: 一般的因此, 一个标准的幽灵是难缠且强壮的, 甚至比一般受过训练的人类还要动作敏捷. Exceptional ghosts exist that can tear through walls, run at remarkable speeds, and leap tall obstacles.exceptional: 杰出的 tear: 撕开 remarkable: 非凡的 leap: 跳跃 obstacle: 障碍卓越的幽灵可以穿墙入户, 以惊人的速度奔跑, 并越过高耸的障碍物.Excitable media rumors of long-range telepathy, telekinesis, and even mind control or other exotic powers have all added to the grisly reputation of ghosts cultivated by their masters.excitable: 易兴奋的 media: 媒体 rumor: 谣传 long-range: 远距离 telepathy: 心灵感应 telekinesis: 心灵移动 exotic: 奇异的 added: 增加的 grisly: 恐怖的 reputation: 名声 cultivated: 培养易兴奋的媒体间流传这幽灵被导师培养出远距离心灵感应, 心灵移动, 以及心灵控制等奇异的能力, 更增添他们令人恐怖的声誉. As a precautionary measure, neural inhibitors are surgically implanted in all ghosts to prevent such deadly individuals from going rogue.precautionary: 预先警戒的 measure: 措施 neural: 神经 inhibitor: 抑制物 surgically: 外科手术的 implant: 植入 prevent: 预防 deadly: 致命的 individual: 个体 rogue: 缺乏控制的为了防范未然, 幽灵们都被外科手术植入神经抑制物, 以免他们逃走不被控制成为致命的个体.The effectiveness of this measure is questionable, however, for there are whispered tales of ghosts working outside governmental authority.effectiveness: 有效的 questionable: 可置疑的 however: 然而 whispered: 谣传的 tales:传说 governmental: 政府的 authority: 当局这项措施的成效很受置疑, 然而, 据谣传有些幽灵在政府控制之外活动.Most infamously the current leader of the zerg Swarm, Sarah Kerrigan, was originally a ghost loyal to Arcturus Mengsk prior to her capture and infestation with the zerg hyper evolutionary virus.infamously: 恶名昭著的 current: 当前的 leader: 领导者 originally: 原来 loyal: 忠于 prior: 较早的 capture:抓获 infestation: 感染 hyper: 超 evolutionary: 演化的 virus:病毒最恶名昭著的就是虫族蜂群的领导者, 莎拉凯莉甘(Sarah Kerrigan), 在被虫族捕获与感染超演化病毒前, 曾经也是一名效忠于阿克提诺斯孟斯克(Arcturus Mengsk)的幽灵. On the battlefield, ghosts are rightly feared for their preternatural sniping ability with the C-10 canister rifle.battlefield: 战场 rightly: 真实地 fear: 害怕 preternatural: 不可思议的 sniping: 狙击 ability: 能力在战场上, 幽灵使用C-10霰弹步枪, 以及不可思议的狙击能力是为人恐惧的.An unwieldy weapon in the hands of others, the C-10 is capable of a one-shot kill when used by a ghost.unwieldy: 难操作的 capable: 有能力的 one-shot kill: 一击毙命这种常人难以操作的武器, 幽灵能灵活使用并造成一击毙命.Tactically ghosts' primary responsibility is to locate enemy structures or units and eradicate them by calling down drop-pods or tactical nuclear weapons.tactically: 战术的 primary: 主要的 responsibility: 职责 locate: 为…定位 structure: 建筑物 unit: 单位 eradicate: 歼灭 drop-pod: 空投舱 tactical: 战术上的 nuclear: 核能的战术上幽灵的任务是定位敌军的建筑物群或是单位们, 并呼叫空投舱与战术核弹歼灭他们.The C-10 is equipped with an underslung low-frequency laser to pinpoint targets of such strikes.equip: 配备 underslung: 下悬式的 low-frequency: 低周波的 laser: 激光器 pinpoint: 精确定位 target: 目标 such: 这样的 strike: 打击C-10配备的下悬式低周波激光器能精确定位目标完成这样的打击. The most unnerving skill of these agents is their ability to cloak themselves from enemy sight.unnerving: 使失去镇定 agents: 动因 cloak: 隐匿 sight: 视野最令人坐立不安的能力就是这些人能隐匿自己, 消失于敌军的视野中.This "invisibility" has earned ghosts a fearsome reputation for their mysterious battlefield tactics.invisibility: 隐形 earn: 获得 fearsome: 可怕的 reputation: 声誉 mysterious: 神秘的 tactics: 战术这种”隐形”能力让幽灵执行不可告人战术时赢得令人畏惧的声名.The psionically powered personal cloaking device is a special-issue item only available by request.psionically: 幽能屏蔽 cloaking: 隐身 device: 装置 available: 可用的 request: 需要这种个人隐身装置以心灵能源启动, 在特别要求时才允许使用.Once equipped, the device meshes with the ghost's hostile environment suit so that with an effort of will,equipped: 装备 mesh: 紧密配合 hostile: 不利的 environment: 环境 effort: 努力 will:意志一旦装备, 这装置将根据其意愿, 让幽灵的服装融于不利的环境中,the operative becomes entirely undetectable without the aid of specialized sensory equipment.operative: 起作用 entirely: 完全的 undetectable: 探测不到的 aid: 帮助 specialized: 专门的 sensory: 感知的 equipment:设备.除非有特殊的感知器协助, 不然完全无法侦测到幽灵.

三千日夜吟愁赋,一亿白发尽满头。梦入枫林遍芳丛,觉来惆怅恨无数。 [[FONT=宋体]加拿大,请在不远的地方等我http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=263009][/FONT] [[FONT=宋体]起程-[FONT=宋体]献给[/FONT]91[FONT=宋体]旧政和[/FONT][FONT=宋体]新政的同路人[/FONT]][/FONT] [[FONT=宋体]一个等待移民者的内心独白http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=255315[FONT=宋体]][/FONT][/FONT]回复: 游戏英语汇总星际争霸2种族介绍之陆战队员 Crucio Siege Tank——Crucio攻城坦克 Crucio攻城坦克 Crucio Siege TankBuilds From: Factorybuild: 建造 from: 出于 factory: 工厂生产建筑: 工厂Armament: Twin 90mm Cannons (assault mode) 120mm Shock Cannon (siege mode)armament: 军备 twin: 双的 cannon: 火炮 assault: 突袭 mode: 模式 shock: 震荡 siege: 围攻配备武装: 双管90毫米火炮(突击模式) 120毫米震荡炮(攻城模式)Role: Armored Support and Mobile Artilleryrole: 作用 armored: 装甲的 support: 支援 mobile: 可移动的 artillery: 炮术任务导向: 装甲武装支援以及机动火力射击 The Crucio is the Dominion update of the immensely popular but aging Arclite siege tank.dominion: 帝国 update: 更新 immensely: 极大的 aging: 老化帝国将扩大化使用但逐年老化的Arclite攻城坦克加以升级成为Crucio.The Arclite was renowned throughout the Confederacy for its devastating firepower and stalwart emplacement/advance tactics.renowned: 有名的 throughout: 遍及 confederacy: 联邦 devastating: 毁灭性的 firepower:火力 stalwart: 结实的 emplacement: 炮台 advance: 推进 tactics: 战术Arclite在联邦里因其毁灭性的火力与坚实的炮台防守/推进战术享有极佳声誉.Originally designed to serve as a "final defense" security cannon, the siege tank adopted a two-stage configuration in its final form: a mobile assault mode and a deployed siege mode that brought its massive shock cannon to bear.originally: 本来 designed: 设计好的 serve: 服役 security: 保障 adopted: 采用 two-stage: 两阶段 configuration: 形态 deploy: 展开 massive: 巨大的 bear: 支撑起初设计是作为”最后防线”的火力保证, 攻城坦克采用一种两段式变形作为其最终形态: 机动突击模式和展开攻城模式,使用具有巨大支撑架的震荡炮.The immense flexibility of an armored battle tank that could advance and then deploy itself as heavy artillery was a huge success, and the design was widely copied.immense: 巨大的 flexibility: 灵活性 huge: 极大的 success: 成功 widely: 广泛的 copy:效仿装甲战斗坦克这种强大的灵活性可以让他们在推进后, 迅速展开成重火力炮. 表现非常成功, 也使这种设计被广泛效仿. Although the Arclite was supremely effective in the artillery role, it suffered some shortcomings as a battle tank.although: 虽然 supremely: 卓越的 effective: 有效的 artillery: 炮兵 role: 任务 suffer:处于不利 shortcoming: 缺点虽然Arclite担任炮兵是非常有效, 但身为战斗坦克仍有缺点.It was a superb defensive unit, but in offensive operations it required substantial support to get to a forward emplacement.superb: 最佳的 defensive: 防御 offensive: 攻击行动 operation: 活动 require: 需要 substantial: 独立的 support: 支援 forward: 向前地 emplacement: 展开炮座他是最佳的防御单位, 但在攻击行动时需要独立火力支援来向前推进并展开炮座.Enemies would often make strenuous efforts to get close to an emplaced siege tank battery so they could exploit its "deadzone."strenuous: 费劲的 effort: 努力 emplace: 安放 battery: 炮位 exploit: 利用 deadzone:盲区敌军有时试着强攻到部署好的攻城坦克阵地旁, 去找出阵地”死角”.If they were successful, this tactic usually meant destruction for the Arclites because even in assault mode the machines were too under gunned and poorly armored to fight off a determined close-range assault.destruction: 毁灭 machine: 机器 under: 在…之下 gunned: 火力 determined: 果断的 close-range: 近距离如果敌军成功靠近, 这个战术意味着Arclites的毁灭, 因为就算是突击模式, 他的火力与装甲仍是不足以对抗一个果断的近距离突袭. The Crucio has been designed for increased survivability with an enlarged, reinforced turret and hull.increased: 增强的 survivability: 存活性 enlarged: 增大 reinforced: 加强的 turret: 炮塔 hull: 车体因此Crucio的设计加强了战场存活性, 更大的, 加强的炮塔与车体.The new turret layout also features an upgraded assault-mode armament package so that the Crucio can fend for itself more successfully in an open battlefield.layout: 设计 feature: 特点 upgrade: 升级 armament: 火炮 package: 组件 fend: 保护 successfully: 成功地 open: 开阔的新的炮塔设计将有突击模式的火炮组件升级, 所以”酷刑”可以在开阔的战场地形更成功地保护自己.Force deployment costs for the Crucio have increased over the older Arclite, but the increased versatility of the powerful new siege tank more than compensates for the additional expense.deployment: 部署 cost: 开支 increased:增加 versatility: 多功能的 compensate: 偿还 additional: 额外的 expense: 支出部署Crucio的成本将会比旧有的Arclite要高, 不过这种强力攻城坦克所展现的多功能性, 绝对足以弥补其额外的开销.

三千日夜吟愁赋,一亿白发尽满头。梦入枫林遍芳丛,觉来惆怅恨无数。 [[FONT=宋体]加拿大,请在不远的地方等我http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=263009][/FONT] [[FONT=宋体]起程-[FONT=宋体]献给[/FONT]91[FONT=宋体]旧政和[/FONT][FONT=宋体]新政的同路人[/FONT]][/FONT] [[FONT=宋体]一个等待移民者的内心独白http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=255315[FONT=宋体]][/FONT][/FONT]回复: 游戏英语汇总星际争霸2种族介绍之陆战队员 AH/G-24 Banshee——女妖对地攻击直升机 女妖对地攻击直升机 AH/G-24 Banshee Builds From: Starport​build: 建造 from: 出于 starport: 星际港口​生产建筑: 星港​Armament: Backlash Cluster Rockets​armament: 军备 backlash: 反冲 cluster: 集束 rocket: 火箭​配备武装: 反冲式集束火箭​Role: Tactical Strike Aircraft​role: 作用 tactical: 战术的 strike: 打击 aircraft: 飞行器​任务导向: 战术打击飞行器​​ ​​​Many experiments with dedicated air-to-ground attack have been undertaken by the terrans.​experiment: 实验 dedicated: 专注的 air-to-ground: 空对地 undertaken: 从事​人类从事许多实验来专注于空对地打击.​Various dead-end approaches were tried and then discarded: ordnance packages for dropships, remote semi-autonomous drones, and airborne artillery platforms, to name but a few.​various: 各式各样的 dead-end: 陷入僵局 approach: 途径 discarded: 放弃的 ordnance:军械 package: 模组 dropship: 运输船 remote: 遥控 semi-autonomous: 半自动 drones:无人机 airborne: 空运的 artillery: 炮兵 platform: 平台​试过各式的方法, 也放弃很多陷入僵局的: 运输船的武装模组, 遥控半自动无人机, 以及空载炮兵平台, 却很少有可用的.​Such continual compromises eventually led to retrofitting variants of the Wraith space superiority fighter with a belly-mounted burst laser to fulfill the role in the short term.​continual: 持续 compromise: 折中 eventually: 最后 lead: 促使 retrofitting: 改装 variant:多样的 wraith: 死灵 superiority: 优越性 belly-mounted: 腹部安装 burst: 连射 laser:激光器 fulfill: 完成 role: 任务 shortterm: 短期的​其中持续研发的折中办法是多样化改装具有空中优势的死灵式太空战斗机, 在机腹安置一个连发式的激光器以满足短期任务的需要.​Even so, the abiding problem of finding truly effective air-to-ground support below battlecruiser weight remained.​even so: 尽管如此 abiding: 不变的 truly: 真正的 effective: 有效的 support: 支援 weight: 吨位 remain: 依然​尽管如此, 问题依然存在, 人类仍旧需要在巡洋舰吨位以下, 一个真正有效的空对地支援单位.​​​​​Procyon Industries has been the latest to tackle the problem by approaching it from a different direction.​industry: 工业 latest: 最新的 tackle: 处理 approaching: 着手对付 direction: 方向​普罗西昂(Procyon)重工最新的解决方案则是从另一个方向着手.​Instead of attempting to adapt existing aircraft designs for a role they were never intended to fulfill, the technicians at Procyon designed the banshee from scratch.​instead of: 代替 attempt: 尝试 adapt: 改装 existing: 现有的 aircraft: 飞行器 intend:计划 fulfill: 完成 technicians: 技术员 scratch: 草图​代替尝试着改变的现有飞行器, 这样几乎永远不能完成计划, Procyon的技术人员设计了女妖的草图.​As a planetary craft, the banshee wouldn't need high-powered engines to achieve escape velocity and fight in orbit, so instead technicians fitted it with economical twin turbofans.​planetary: 行星的 craft: 航空器 high-powered: 大马力的 engine: 引擎 achieve: 达到 velocity: 周转速度 orbit: 轨道 instead: 代替 fitted: 合适的 economical: 经济的 turbofan: 涡轮风扇发动机​作为星球内航空器, 女妖不需要大马力的引擎来脱离周转速度或在星球轨道上作战, 因此技术人员安装了两个经济型的涡轮风扇发动机取代引擎.​Any air-to-air weaponry was deemed unnecessary: the banshee would only hunt ground targets. Thus, it was equipped with powerful air-to-ground cluster rockets.​weaponry: 武器 deem: 认为 unnecessary: 不必要的 hunt: 猎杀 thus: 因此 equipped:装备 cluster: 集束 rocket: 火箭​空对空的武器也不再需要: 女妖只需要猎杀地面目标, 因此, 她配备了强力的空对地集束火箭.​​The resulting aircraft was cheap, relatively robust, and well suited to its intended role of making tactical strikes on the battlefield.​resulting: 生成 relatively: 相对地 robust: 耐用 tactical: 战术上的 strike: 打击 battlefield:战场​新生成的飞行器非常便宜, 相对地比较耐用, 在战场实行战术打击时, 也能很好地扮演自己的角色.​The banshee was adopted by the Dominion as a light infantry support craft that could be quickly transported to any world.​adopted: 被采用的 infantry: 步兵 support: 支援 transport: 运送​人类帝国采用女妖战机作为步兵的轻型支援飞行器, 能迅速运送到各个角落.​Despite the banshee's many fine traits, Dominion commanders initially derided its apparent inflexibility and relegated banshees to a minor support role in backwater militias.​despite: 尽管 fine: 卓越的 trait: 特性 commander: 指挥官 initially: 最初 deride: 嘲笑 apparent: 表面上的 inflexibility: 固定性 relegate: 把..归入某属 minor: 次要的 backwater: 落后的 militia: 民兵队伍​尽管女妖有着卓越的特点, 帝国指挥官最初嘲笑女妖表面上的不可变动性, 并把她丢给落后的民兵队伍, 担任次要的支援单位.​​​​​However, with the benefits of being lighter and much more mobile than a siege tank, the banshee soon gained itself a fearsome reputation in spite of its detractors.​benefit: 好处 mobile: 机动性 siege: 围攻 gained: 获得 fearsome: 恐怖的 reputation:声誉 spite: 侮辱 detractor: 诋毁者​然而, 比较起攻城坦克, 女妖有着轻量化与更高的机动性等优点, 尽管被人贬低诋毁, 女妖仍旧建立起恐怖的声誉.​It particularly shone as a jungle and desert fighter that could hunt across vast areas of inhospitable terrain and suddenly strike at unsuspecting enemy forces.​particularly: 尤其 shine: 成就突出 jungle: 丛林 desert: 沙漠 hunt: 猎杀 vast: 广阔的 inhospitable: 不适合居住的 suddenly: 突然 unsuspecting: 无戒心的​她可尤其擅长丛林或沙漠作战, 可以横跨广阔的无人居住的地域猎杀敌人, 并可以突袭无戒心的敌军.​The surprise attack value of the banshees has been further enhanced by modifications that allow them to mount salvaged Wraith cloaking fields,​surprise: 出其不意的 value: 重要性 enhanced: 加强的 modification: 改装 allow: 让 mount: 装上 salvage:淘汰的 cloaking: 隐形 fields: 域,力场​装置了从死灵淘汰下来的隐形力场后, 更加强了女妖这种出乎意料的攻击方式的重要性,​enabling banshees to hit and run even where the enemy dominates the skies.​enable: 使..能够 dominate: 支配的​女妖现在可以在敌军领空实施打带跑的战术.​​​​​As the Dominion conquered additional terran worlds, the banshee was cast into a new role.​conquer: 征服 additional: 另外的 cast: 安排​当人类帝国征服了其他的人类殖民世界时, 女妖被安排了新任务.​Guerilla freedom fighters making hit-and-run raids against Dominion forces found themselves hunted by banshees that could respond quickly enough to catch them as they were fleeing to their hidden bases.​guerilla: 游击队 freedom: 自由 raid: 突袭 against: 对抗 respond: 反应 flee: 逃走 hidden: 隐秘的 base:基地.​当游击队的自由战士们对帝国采用打带跑的战术时, 女妖可以快速反应并追捕, 直到他们逃回隐藏基地.​In recent years the banshee has gained a nasty reputation as a Dominion terror weapon because it has been used more and more often in urban conflicts,​recent: 近来的 gained: 获得 nasty: 险恶的 reputation: 名誉 terror: 恐怖 urban: 城市的 conflict: 冲突​近年来女妖获得了险恶的名声, 因为帝国在日益增多的城市冲突中使用这种恐怖的武器, ​where its indiscriminate attacks have killed countless non-combatants.​indiscriminate: 无差别的 countless: 无数的 non-combatant: 非战斗人员​无差别攻击误杀了无数的非战斗人员.​

三千日夜吟愁赋,一亿白发尽满头。梦入枫林遍芳丛,觉来惆怅恨无数。 [[FONT=宋体]加拿大,请在不远的地方等我http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=263009][/FONT] [[FONT=宋体]起程-[FONT=宋体]献给[/FONT]91[FONT=宋体]旧政和[/FONT][FONT=宋体]新政的同路人[/FONT]][/FONT] [[FONT=宋体]一个等待移民者的内心独白http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=255315[FONT=宋体]][/FONT][/FONT]回复: 游戏英语汇总星际争霸2种族介绍之陆战队员 Viking——维京 维京VikingBuilds From: Factorybuild: 建造 from: 出于 factory: 工厂生产建筑: 工厂Armament: Twin Gatling Cannon (assault mode) MT50 Lanzer Torpedoes (fighter mode)armament: 军备 twin: 双的 gatling: 格林机关枪 cannon: 火炮 assault: 突袭 mode:模式 torpedoes: 鱼雷配备武装: 双管格林机关炮(突袭模式) MT50 Lanzer鱼雷(空战模式)Role: Air Combat/Ground Supportrole: 作用 combat: 格斗 support: 支援任务导向: 空中格斗/地面支援 The Brood War revealed critical weaknesses in terran anti-air capability.revealed: 暴露 critical: 危险的 weaknesses: 弱点 anti-air: 防空 capability: 能力母巢之战暴露了人类防空能力的致命弱点.The new Wraith combat fighters and Valkyrie missile frigates proved to be an unwieldy combination against agile zerg airborne organisms.wraith: 死灵 fighter: 战斗机 Valkyrie: 瓦尔基里 missile: 导弹 frigate: 护卫舰 proved:证明 unwieldy: 笨拙的 combination: 联合 agile: 灵活的 airborne: 空中的 organism:生物体新的死灵战机和瓦尔基里导弹护卫舰的组合被证实无法灵活对抗虫族灵活的空中生物.Ground-based anti-air support from goliath assault walkers was too limited in its mobility:ground-based: 陆基的 anti-air: 防空兵器 goliath: 巨人 assault: 突袭 walker: 步行者 limited: 有限的 mobility: 机动性作为陆基防空的突击步行巨人机器人的机动性十分有限:all too often airborne attackers would simply move out of the goliath's range and find less well-defended targets to destroy.range: 射程 simply: 简单地 destroy: 破坏几乎所有的空中攻击者都可以简单地跑出巨人的射程, 并找到防御比较弱的目标加以摧毁.In the aftermath of the war, terran weapon technicians proposed a radical new concept to resolve both of these problems.aftermath: 余波 technicians: 技术员 propose: 提议 radical: 激进的 concept: 概念 resolve: 解决战争余波之后, 人类的武器技术员提出了一个激进的概念来解决这两个问题.Based heavily on the transformation design of the terran siege tank, the viking was designed to be the ultimate anti-air and ground-support weapon system.based: 以…为基础 transformation: 变形 siege: 围攻 ultimate: 终极的 ground-support:地面支援深受人类攻城坦克可变形设计的影响, 维京是对空和地面支援武器系统的终极产物.With the ability to change its combat role from an assault walker to an air-superiority fighter, the viking can switch smoothly to fulfill tactical needs in a developing battle.ability: 能力 combat: 战斗 role: 任务 assault: 突袭 walker: 步行 air-superiority: 空中优越性的 switch: 切换 smoothly: 流畅的 fulfill: 完成 tactical: 战术上的维京可以流畅地从突击步行模式切换到对空战斗机, 来满足交火时各种战术需求. The high mobility of the viking has also led to its expanding beyond the limitations of ground support.mobility: 机动性 expanding: 扩展的 beyond: 超出 limitations: 局限维京的高机动性也扩展了其有限的地面支援能力.Full-scale raids by viking squadrons can inflict devastating damage and are very problematic to counter.full-scale: 全面的 raid: 突然袭击 squadron: 飞行编队 inflict: 施以 devastating: 破坏性的 damage: 伤害 problematic: 有疑问的 counter: 反击大量的维京编队发起的突袭可以造成毁灭性的伤害并难以反击.In order to defeat vikings, the enemy needs to bring a strong ground and air force to bear.in order to: 为了 defeat: 击败 strong: 强大的 bear: 具有为了击败维京, 敌军需要同时具有强大的地面和空中武力.Terrans have had difficulty finding pilots who can master both combat modes.difficulty: 困难 pilots: 飞行员 master: 精通人类想找到同时精通这两种战斗模式的飞行员非常困难.Typically viking pilots are killed quickly in their first fight as they struggle to handle this complex machine.typically: 通常 struggle: 努力 handle: 操作 complex: 复杂的 machine: 机器通常维京驾驶员在第一次战斗时就很快阵亡, 那时他们还在努力操作这复杂的机器.If they are talented enough to survive, they will last for hundreds of battles, becoming the ultimate terran aces.talented: 有才能的 survive: 生还 ultimate: 终极的 ace: 王牌如果他们有能力生存下来, 并经历数百战斗, 就能成为人类军队里的王牌.

三千日夜吟愁赋,一亿白发尽满头。梦入枫林遍芳丛,觉来惆怅恨无数。 [[FONT=宋体]加拿大,请在不远的地方等我http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=263009][/FONT] [[FONT=宋体]起程-[FONT=宋体]献给[/FONT]91[FONT=宋体]旧政和[/FONT][FONT=宋体]新政的同路人[/FONT]][/FONT] [[FONT=宋体]一个等待移民者的内心独白http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=255315[FONT=宋体]][/FONT][/FONT]回复: 游戏英语汇总星际争霸2种族介绍之陆战队员 Battlecruiser——战列巡洋舰 战列巡洋舰 Battlecruiser​Builds From: Starportbuild: 建造 from: 出于 starport: 星际港口生产建筑: 星港Armament: Laser Batteries, Yamato Cannon, Plasma Torpedoesarmament: 军备 laser: 激光 battery: 排炮 cannon: 火炮 plasma: 等离子体 torpedo:鱼雷配备武装: 激光排炮, 大和炮, 电浆鱼雷Role: Capital Shiprole: 作用 capital ship: 主力舰任务导向: 主力战舰​These massive, heavily armored combat ships are virtual flying fortresses, built to keep the peace and dominate the space lanes of the Koprulu sector.massive: 巨大的 armored: 装甲的 combat: 战斗 virtual: 实际上的 fortress: 堡垒 peace:和平 dominate:控制 lane: 航道 sector: 星区这些巨大, 重装甲的战斗舰船实际上就是飞行堡垒, 作为维护Koprulu星区的和平并确保宇宙航线.Outfitted with bristling laser batteries and thick neosteel armor, these imposing vessels are among the most powerful to be found in terran space.outfit: 配备 bristle: 林立的 thick: 厚的 imposing: 壮观的 vessel: 舰船 among: 在..之中配备着林立的激光排炮, 以及厚重的新型装甲, 这些壮观的舰船是人类领土中最强大的武力.Many commanders use battlecruisers as their command vessels during extended campaigns.commander: 指挥官 command: 指挥 extended: 长期的 campaign: 战役许多指挥官在长期的战役里都会选择巡洋舰作为旗舰.There are several examples of vessels specifically refitted for this purpose,several: 多个 example: 例子 specifically: 特定的 refit: 改装 purpose: 目的也有许多刻意改装成旗舰的例子,such as General Duke's Norad II and Norad III, as well as the battlecruiser Hyperion commanded by Jim Raynor.general:将军如杜克(Duke)将军的诺德2号(Norad II)与诺德3号(Norad III), 以及吉姆雷纳(Jim Raynor)所指挥的亥伯隆(Hyperion)号巡洋舰.​ The old Behemoth-class battlecruiser has proven to be an enduring design when kept up to date with periodic upgrades.behemoth: 巨兽 proven: 被证实的 enduring: 耐久的 periodic: 周期的 upgrade: 升级旧的巨兽级巡洋舰被证实是种耐久的设计, 能随时代演化并升级.Even the more modern Hercules-class and Minotaur-class ships have retained the distinctive hammerhead shape which so defines the classic terran battlecruiser.modern: 新式的 Hercules: 大力神 Minotaur: 牛头人 retain: 保留 distinctive: 特殊的 hammerhead: 锤头 shape: 形状 defines: 定义 classic: 经典的即使是新式的大力神级和牛头人级舰船, 也保留这种特殊的锤头外型, 才能称为经典的人类巡洋舰.Research has led to the development of two alternative weapon upgrades that can be retrofitted into a battlecruiser hull to supplement its already formidable armament.research: 研究 lead: 带来 development: 发展 alternative: 两者取一的 retrofit: 翻新 hull:船体 supplement:增补 formidable: 强大的 armament: 武器最近的研究带来两种不同武器的发展与升级, 可以翻新巡洋舰的船体, 并加强他已经很强大的武装.​The Yamato cannon is a terrifying weapon that uses an intense magnetic field to focus a nuclear detonation into a cohesive beam of energy.terrifying: 恐怖的 intense: 紧密的 magnetic: 磁性的 field: 力场 focus: 聚集 nuclear:核能的 detonation: 爆燃 cohesive: 集中的 beam: 光束 energy: 能量大和炮是种恐怖的武器, 使用紧密的磁场来聚集核子爆燃, 使其成为集中能量光束.The cannon requires a huge reserve of energy to fire, but its effects on the target are impressive, to say the least.requires: 需要 huge: 巨大的 reserve: 储备 effect: 效果 impressive: 给人深刻印象的 least: 最小的这门大炮需要储备大量的能源才能发射, 但是他命中目标的效果, 保守来讲也十分惊人.Plasma torpedoes give battlecruisers an armament capable of saturating a target area with a lethal deluge of fire,plasma: 等离子体 torpedo: 鱼雷 armament: 武器 capable: 有能力 saturate: 对..彻底轰炸 lethal: 致命的 deluge: 暴雨般的电浆鱼雷让巡洋舰能对一个地区投射暴雨般的致命火力,ideal for breaking up oncoming attack waves or ravaging a defensive position.ideal: 设想 breaking: 破坏 oncoming: 逼近的 waves: 波 ravage: 蹂躏 defensive: 防卫的 position: 阵地是用来击溃逼近攻势, 或是蹂躏防守阵地的理想武器.As with the Yamato cannon, a battlecruiser needs to build up a sufficient reserve of energy to unleash a plasma torpedo bombardment.sufficient: 足够的 unleash: 释放 bombardment: 炮击如同大和炮一般, 巡洋舰也需要储备足够的能源来释放电浆鱼雷炮击.

三千日夜吟愁赋,一亿白发尽满头。梦入枫林遍芳丛,觉来惆怅恨无数。 [[FONT=宋体]加拿大,请在不远的地方等我http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=263009][/FONT] [[FONT=宋体]起程-[FONT=宋体]献给[/FONT]91[FONT=宋体]旧政和[/FONT][FONT=宋体]新政的同路人[/FONT]][/FONT] [[FONT=宋体]一个等待移民者的内心独白http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=255315[FONT=宋体]][/FONT][/FONT]回复: 游戏英语汇总虫族 星际争霸2种族介绍之虫族 Baneling——爆虫 爆虫 BanelingType: Sappersapper: 工兵单位类型: 工兵Core Genus: Zerglingcore: 核心核心基因: 跳虫Primary Attack: Volatile Burstprimary: 主要的 volatile: 不稳定的 burst: 爆炸攻击模式: 溅射型爆炸 The baneling is a creature so bloated with fluid-filled sacs that it can barely walk; instead, it moves itself by tucking into a tight ball and rolling.creature: 生物 bloated: 膨胀的 fluid-filled: 充以流体 sac: 液囊 barely: 勉强 tuck: 卷起 tight: 紧的 rolling: 滚动爆虫是种长着充满液体囊泡的生物, 身体膨胀的它们只能勉强爬行, 移动方式是把自己卷成球状并滚动.However, this ungainly appearance belies the fact that the baneling is an extremely dangerous organism, one of several new zerg specialists recently seen on the battlefield.however: 然而 ungainly: 笨拙的 appearance: 外表 belie: 掩饰 fact: 事实 extremely:极其 organism: 生物体 several: 若干 specialist: 特种 recently: 最近 battlefield: 战场然而, 笨拙的外表掩盖了爆虫是种极其危险生物的事实, 它们是虫族最近在战场上出现的新兵种.When a baneling gets close enough to an enemy, the creature triggers a reaction within its volatile chemical payload that causes it to explode with devastating force and shower the immediate surroundings with searing acid.enemy: 敌人 triggers: 触发 reaction: 反应 within: 在…里面 volatile: 不稳定的 chemical:化学 payload: 负载 explode: 爆炸 devastating: 毁灭性的 shower: 倾泻 immediate:最近的 surrounding: 环境 searing: 灼热的 acid: 酸性物质当爆虫靠近敌人到适当范围, 这个生物会触发化学反应, 让它囊中的不稳定液体发生爆炸, 发挥毁灭性的破坏力, 并向四周倾泻出灼热的酸性液体.The baneling is destroyed in the explosion, which is very likely to inflict a huge amount of damage.destroyed: 被毁 explosion: 爆炸 inflict: 施以 huge: 巨大的 amount: 数量 damage:伤害在这能给予强大伤害的爆炸中, 爆虫也被摧毁了.These living bombs are highly effective against both structures and ground forces; in fact, a clutch of them is capable of wiping out a group of vehicles and infantry in the blink of an eye.bomb: 炸弹 effective: 效率高的 against: 对抗 structure: 建筑物 ground force: 地面部队 clutch: 一群 capable: 有…能力的 wiping out: 彻底摧毁 vehicles: 机械化部队 infantry : 步兵 blink: 眨眼这些活体炸弹在对抗建筑和地面部队时效率极高, 事实上, 一群爆虫能在一眨眼的时间内彻底摧毁一整只的机械化部队和步兵.The banelings' lethality is further enhanced by the zerg predilection for burrowing.lethality: 致命性 further: 更加 enhanced: 加强 predilection: 嗜好 burrowing: 挖洞虫族偏好钻地的技能更加强了爆虫的致命性.An apparently safe area can soon turn into a deathtrap as these monstrosities emerge and roll into the midst of their foes, giving them virtually no time to react.apparently: 表面上的 deathtrap: 危险的地方 monstrosity: 怪异 emerge: 涌现 midst:当中 foe: 敌人 virtually: 几乎 react: 反应一个看起来很安全的区域可以很快变成由这些怪物的涌现变成一个危险的地方, 当爆虫滚入它们的敌人当中, 让人完全没时间做出反应.At first the baneling was identified as an unstable zerg mutation of an unspecified genus.identified: 鉴定的 unstable: 不稳定的 mutation: 突变体 unspecified: 未指定的 genus:种类爆虫首先被确认应该是未归类的种类里一种不稳定的虫族突变体.Subsequent observations have revealed it to be a morph of the zergling, the most numerous zerg subtype.subsequent: 随后 observation: 观察 revealed: 揭示 morph: 变体 numerous: 众多的 subtype: 亚形态随后的观察揭示了爆虫是跳虫的变形, 也就是数量最多的虫族的亚形态.Zerglings have been seen entering a brief chrysalis phase before emerging in their new form.entering: 进入 brief: 短暂的 chrysalis: 蛹 phase: 阶段 merge: 逐渐变化 form: 形态跳虫进入了短暂的结蛹阶段, 逐渐变化成这种新形态.This alarming development has demonstrated the advanced ability of the zerg queens to manipulate their offspring.alarming: 惊人的 development: 进化 demonstrate: 证明 advanced: 高级的 ability: 能力 manipulate: 操作 offspring: 后代这种惊人的进化证明了虫族皇后的高等能力, 可以用来操作它们的后代.Although the baneling is chemically volatile and unstable enough to explode at any time, the queens have engineered a morph that can contain its energies until just the right moment.although: 尽管 chemically: 化学的 volatile: 挥发性 unstable: 不稳定的 enough: 足够 explode: 爆炸 engineered: 操纵 morph: 变体 contain: 抑制尽管爆虫的化学挥发性和不稳定足以让它随时可能爆炸, 但虫族皇后仍然可以控制它们直到该炸的那一刻.By creating the baneling out of the most basic of zerg fighters, the queens have also ensured that an inexhaustible supply of raw materials is available for the task.create: 创造 ensure: 确保 inexhaustible: 无尽的 supply: 补给 raw: 未加工的 materials: 原料 available: 可用的 task: 工作虽然创造的爆虫是由虫族基本战士所演变的, 虫族皇后也必须确保原物料不匮乏以完成这项工作.

三千日夜吟愁赋,一亿白发尽满头。梦入枫林遍芳丛,觉来惆怅恨无数。 [[FONT=宋体]加拿大,请在不远的地方等我http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=263009][/FONT] [[FONT=宋体]起程-[FONT=宋体]献给[/FONT]91[FONT=宋体]旧政和[/FONT][FONT=宋体]新政的同路人[/FONT]][/FONT] [[FONT=宋体]一个等待移民者的内心独白http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=255315[FONT=宋体]][/FONT][/FONT]回复: 游戏英语汇总星际争霸2种族介绍之虫族 Hydralisk——刺蛇 刺蛇 HydraliskType: Medium Assault Warriormedium: 中型 assault: 突袭 warrior: 战士单位类型: 中型突击战士Core Genus: Slothiencore: 核心 genus: 种类核心基因: 树獭兽Primary Attack: Needle Spinesprimary: 主要的 needle: 针状骨片 spines: 尖刺攻击模式: 刺针尖椎 The peaceful herbivore herds of slothien were assimilated into the zerg Swarm to produce one of the fiercest and most diabolical of the zerg strains.peaceful: 温和 herbivore: 食草动物 herd: 兽群 assimilate: 使…同化 swarm: 蜂群 fierce: 残忍的 diabolical:凶恶的 strain: 品系这些温和的食草性树獭兽被虫族所同化, 作为生产虫族里最致命且最残忍的基因链.The evolutionary matrix of the caterpillar-like slothien was supercharged by the Overmind, twisting the hapless creatures into the nightmarish killers known as hydralisks.evolutionary: 演化 matrix: 矩阵 caterpillar: 毛虫 supercharge: 超负荷 twisting: 扭曲 hapless: 不幸的 creature: 生物 nightmarish: 恶梦般的这些毛虫般的树獭兽被主宰增强演化矩阵, 扭曲了这些不幸的生物成为恶梦般的杀手.These once mild creatures now hunger for blood and violence, and they are infamous for acting in a particularly savage fashion.mild: 温和的 hunger: 饥饿 violence: 暴力 infamous: 恶名昭著的 acting: 行为 particularly: 特别 savage: 凶猛的 fashion: 形成曾经温驯的生物, 现在渴求着血腥与暴力, 他们的行为因特别残虐嗜杀而恶名昭著.The spindly, snake-like hydralisks house hundreds of armor-piercing spines within their upper carapace plates.spindly: 细长的 house: 隐匿 armor-piercing: 穿甲的 spine: 尖刺 within: 在…内部 carapace: 甲壳 plate:铠甲刺蛇细长, 蛇状的身躯, 在体外甲壳护具之下, 藏匿着数以百计的穿甲尖刺.These spines have been specifically evolved from the defensive urticating hairs of the slothien and adapted to a new purpose.specifically: 特别的 evolve: 演变 defensive: 防御性的 urticating hairs: 蜇毛 adapt: 使适应 purpose: 目的这些尖刺是由树獭兽的防御性刺状毛发特别演化而来, 适应新的目的.Hydralisks use powerful muscle contractions to launch the spines in volleys at enemies approaching from either the air or the ground.muscle: 肌肉 contraction: 收缩 launch: 发射 volley: 齐射 approaching: 侵入 either:任一刺蛇运用强力的肌肉收缩一齐发射这些尖刺到侵入的敌人身上, 无论是空中或是地面.Hydralisks are especially fond of lying in wait for their prey.especially: 特别 fond: 喜欢 lying: 隐藏处 prey: 捕获物刺蛇特别喜爱藏匿起来等待它们的猎物.Groups of them have been observed burrowing into the ground in the pathway of civilian workers, uncovering themselves when they sense an opponent is near.observe: 观察 burrow: 挖洞 pathway: 路径 civilian: 平民 uncover: 露出 sense: 感知 opponent: 敌手曾经发现有集群刺蛇会挖掘遁入地下, 躲在市民劳工的必经之路, 当刺蛇感知有人接近时便现身.Ambushing from burrowed positions is a favored hydralisk battle tactic,ambush: 埋伏突袭 burrow: 地洞 positions: 位置 favored: 喜爱的 tactic: 策略从遁地位置突袭敌人是刺蛇喜爱的一个战术.with hydralisks showing a preference for waiting until an enemy has passed before emerging to attack, or boxing in a group of enemies to destroy them with a deadly crossfire.preference: 偏爱 emerge: 涌出 destroy: 毁灭 deadly: 致命的 crossfire: 交叉火力刺蛇选择敌人通过他们之后才发动攻击, 或者用致命的交叉火力击溃敌人. Thanks to the remarkable musculature of a hydralisk (4,000 muscles compared to a terran's 629), the penetrative force delivered by a hydralisk spine is quite astounding.thanks to: 归功于 remarkable: 非凡的 musculature: 肌肉组织 compare: 比较 penetrative: 穿透力 astounding: 令人惊骇的多亏刺蛇非凡的肌肉组织(比较起人类的629组, 刺蛇足足有4000组), 刺蛇发射的尖刺, 其穿透力相当惊人.A single spine can easily penetrate 2 cm of solid neo steel even at maximum range.single: 单一的 penetrate: 穿透 solid: 坚固的 steel: 钢 maximum: 最远的 range: 射程一发尖刺可以轻易穿透2公分的固态合金装甲, 即使是在最远的距离.Under any circumstances, massed groups of hydralisks should be approached with extreme caution and preferably siege tank support.circumstances: 情况 mass: 大多数 extreme: 最远的 caution: 谨慎 preferably: 较好 siege tank: 攻城坦克 support: 支援在任何情况下, 大量的刺蛇群都应该严加戒备, 最好有攻城坦克提供支援.

三千日夜吟愁赋,一亿白发尽满头。梦入枫林遍芳丛,觉来惆怅恨无数。 [[FONT=宋体]加拿大,请在不远的地方等我http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=263009][/FONT] [[FONT=宋体]起程-[FONT=宋体]献给[/FONT]91[FONT=宋体]旧政和[/FONT][FONT=宋体]新政的同路人[/FONT]][/FONT] [[FONT=宋体]一个等待移民者的内心独白http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=255315[FONT=宋体]][/FONT][/FONT]回复: 游戏英语汇总星际争霸2种族介绍之虫族 Mutalisk——飞龙 飞龙 MutaliskType: Medium Attack Flyermedium: 中型单位类型: 中型空中单位Core Genus: Mantis Screamercore: 核心 mantis: 螳螂 screamer: 尖啸者核心基因: 尖啸螳螂Primary Attack: Glave Wurmprimary: 主要的 glave wurm: 剑刃虫攻击模式: 剑刃虫 The mutalisk has been little changed from its original form, the roving mantis screamer of the desolate Dinares sector.original: 原来的 form: 形态 roving: 流浪的 desolate: 荒凉的 sector.: 星区飞龙跟它原来的样子, 流浪于荒凉的迪纳尔(Dinares)星区上的尖啸螳螂, 有些稍微不同的改变.In their original forms these creatures were capable of atmospheric and deep-space flight, although how they accomplished such a feat is poorly understood.creature: 生物 capable: 有能力的 atmospheric: 大气层的 deep-space: 外层空间 flight:飞行 accomplished: 实现 feat: 技术 poorly: 贫乏的这些生物的原来形态是能承受大气内与外太空飞行, 虽然它们是怎么完成这样的技巧并不太为人所知.Apparently they were even capable of migrating between stars, presumably while in some kind of larval form.apparently: 显然 migrating: 迁移 presumably: 推测上 larval: 幼虫的显然它们甚至能在星际间迁移, 据推测实在一种幼虫形态. Proof of this amazing interstellar capability can be observed from the towering aeries of the mantis screamers that are a common sight on lifeless worlds across several star systems.proof: 证实 amazing: 惊人的 interstellar: 星际的 capability: 能力 observe: 观察 towering: 高耸的 aery:高巢 common: 共同的 sight: 景象 lifeless: 无生命的 several:多个关于这项惊人的跨星际能力, 透过观察尖啸螳螂耸立的巢穴, 通常可以在许多不毛之地出现, 跨越许多的恒星系.Most such nests are empty and abandoned now that this highly successful and adaptable species has been infested by the zerg and evolved into mutalisks.nest: 巢 abandoned: 被遗弃的 adaptable: 适应力强的 species: 物种 infest: 感染 evolve: 演化大多数这些巢穴是空的, 而且被遗弃. 现在这个高度成功发展的物种已经被虫族所感染并演化成飞龙. Mutalisks form the primary flying forces of the zerg,primary: 主要的飞龙在虫族里担任主要的空中武力,making hit-and-run attacks against vulnerable installations and wheeling across the skies in prodigious numbers above zerg nests or land-based forces.hit-and-run: 打与跑 against: 对抗 vulnerable: 易受伤的 installation: 设施 wheeling: 盘旋 prodigious: 庞大的 above: 在…上面采用连打带跑的方式攻击脆弱的设施, 在虫族巢穴或者地面部队上空, 以庞大的数量来回巡弋.Many attempted engagements with the zerg have collapsed due to the rapid arrival of large numbers of mutalisks before any meaningful air defense could be mustered.attempt: 企图 engagement: 交战 collapse: 溃败 due: 充分的 rapid: 迅速的 arrival:到来 meaningful: 有意义的 muster: 召集许多试图与虫族交战的武力, 在能召集任何能起作用的对空防御之前, 就被不断涌上的庞大数量飞龙所击败.Under these circumstances the total loss of the forces involved is virtually guaranteed.circumstances: 情况 involved: 陷入 virtually: 差不多 guaranteed: 确保在这样的情况下, 敌对势力被完全击败几乎不可避免. Conversely powerful air defenses have succeeded in keeping mutalisks at a distance, for the creatures are limited in vitality.conversely: 相反的 distance: 距离 creature: 生物 limited: 有限的 vitality: 生命力相反地, 如果强大的对空防御能将飞龙阻绝在一定距离之外, 这些生物的生命力就显得有限度.However, they remain agile and dangerous opponents.however: 然而 remain: 依然 agile: 敏捷的 opponent: 敌手然而它们仍然是敏捷而危险的敌手.A mutalisk can attack foes both in the air and on the ground by expelling a glave wurm: a voracious symbiote that can rapidly strike at several opponents as it explosively disintegrates.foe: 敌人 expelling: 喷射 glave wurm: 剑刃虫 voracious: 贪婪的 symbiote: 共生生物 rapidly: 迅速的 strike:撞击 several: 多个的 opponent: 敌手 explosively:爆炸 disintegrate: 粉碎一只飞龙能够通过喷射剑刃虫同时攻击空中与地面部队: 剑刃虫是种贪婪的寄生虫, 会连续攻击数名敌人直到爆炸粉碎.In large numbers or against weak defenses, mutalisks will always be a deadly threat.defense: 防御 deadly: 致命的 threat: 威胁大批的数量或是贫弱的防御, 飞龙仍是致命的威胁.

三千日夜吟愁赋,一亿白发尽满头。梦入枫林遍芳丛,觉来惆怅恨无数。 [[FONT=宋体]加拿大,请在不远的地方等我http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=263009][/FONT] [[FONT=宋体]起程-[FONT=宋体]献给[/FONT]91[FONT=宋体]旧政和[/FONT][FONT=宋体]新政的同路人[/FONT]][/FONT] [[FONT=宋体]一个等待移民者的内心独白http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=255315[FONT=宋体]][/FONT][/FONT]回复: 游戏英语汇总狂战士 ZealotBuilds From: Gatewaybuild: 建造 from: 出于 gateway: 传送门生产建筑: 传送门Armament: Psionic Bladesarmament: 军备 psionic: 心灵异能 blade: 刀刃配备武装: 心灵刀刃Role: Assault Warriorrole: 作用 assault: 突袭 warrior: 战士任务导向: 突击战士 For over a thousand years the Templar caste of the protoss have defended their people from threats both internal and external, dedicating their long lives to the pursuit of martial perfection.templar: 圣堂武士 caste: 阶级 defend: 保卫 threat: 威胁 internal: 内部的 external:外部的 dedicate: 献出 pursuit: 追求 martial: 战技 perfection: 完美千年以来, 神族的圣堂武士阶级一直保卫着他们的人民免于内在或是外来的威胁, 并致力追求战技的极致.Zealots are peerless templar warriors who have yet to achieve the uppermost ranks of the Khala.peerless: 无可匹敌的 achieve: 达到 uppermost: 最高的 rank: 阶级狂战士是将抵达Khala顶层阶级的无可匹敌的圣堂战士.Ever eager for battle, zealots train constantly to attune themselves more closely to the Khala's disciplines and prove themselves worthy of advancement.eager: 渴望的 train: 训练 constantly: 不断的 attune: 调和 closely: 接近 disciplines:准则 prove: 证明 worthy: 值得的 advancement: 晋升始终渴求着战斗, 狂战士不断地调和自己更符合Khala之道, 并证明自己足以晋升.They exemplify the unbridled ferocity of the protoss at war.exemplify: 例证 unbridled: 激烈的 ferocity: 凶猛有例子可以证明他们是神族在战争中最凶猛的. The formidable physique of a zealot is further enhanced by cybernetic implants and their coveted power suit.formidable: 杰出的 physique: 体格 enhanced: 加强的 cybernetic: 神经机械学 implant:植入 coveted: 贪求的 suit: 装甲拥有解除体格的狂战士, 更进一步植入神经机械装置, 以及众人渴望的动力装甲.Yet a zealot is far more than the technology they bear.technology: 科技 bear: 具有的但狂战士比他们身上的科技更致命.Each zealot is trained for decades in hand-to-hand combat, tactics, pain tolerance and martial discipline.decade: 十年期 hand-to-hand: 白刃战的 combat: 格斗 tactics: 战术策略 pain: 疼痛 tolerance: 忍耐 martial: 战技 discipline: 训练每个狂战士都经过数十年的近身格斗, 战术课程, 疼痛忍受与战技训练.Zealots are taught to hate their enemies with a white hot passion and to hunt them down without mercy.taught: 被教授 hate: 憎恨 passion: 激情 mercy: 怜悯狂战士被教导用炽热的激情去憎恨, 猎杀敌人不留丝毫怜悯. All protoss have some psionic power. Zealots focus their powers exclusively on the pursuit of war.focus: 集中 exclusively: 专门地所有神族都有心灵力量, 狂战士集中他们的能力只发挥在战场上.Focus crystals in their heavy forearm units enable zealots to channel their strength of will into blades of pure psionic energy-their primary melee weapons.crystals: 晶体 forearm: 前臂 unit: 组件 enable: 使..能够 channel: 引导 strength: 精神力量 pure: 纯粹的 primary: 主要的 melee: 格斗在动力装甲前臂装置有聚焦水晶组件, 能引导狂战士的精神力量形成纯粹的心灵能量刀刃, 他们的主要格斗武器.Using a limited form of precognition, zealots can even predict enemy movements, striking with deadly accuracy and dodging attacks by inches.limited: 有限的 precognition: 预知 predict: 预测 movement: 举动 striking: 打击的 deadly: 致命的 accuracy:精确 dodging: 闪避 inches: 英寸狂战士的有限预知感, 可以预测敌手举动, 施展致命一击或是间不容发地闪避. Some zealots have even developed the ability to turn their body into pure energy for a few microseconds.develop: 发展 ability: 能力 microsecond: 微秒有些狂战士甚至发展出在极短时间内将身躯转换成能量的能力.This allows them to move at lightning-fast speeds and strike suddenly against an enemy that thinks they are out of range.allow: 容许 lightning-fast: 闪电般的 strike: 打击 suddenly: 突然地这样容许他们以闪电般的速度移动并突然地袭击, 当敌人还以为在接近距离外时. In recent times the zerg invasion of the protoss homeworld of Aiur forced its evacuation to the distant dark templar world of Shakuras.recent: 近来的 invasion: 侵略 evacuation: 撤离 distant: 遥远的不久前虫族侵略神族母星Aiur, 迫使他们撤离到遥远的暗黑圣堂世界Shakuras.The Templar caste as a whole, and the zealots in particular, seethe with shame at this dishonor.caste: 阶级 particular: 特别的 seethe: 激动 shame: 羞愧 dishonor: 玷辱圣堂武士阶级一致地对这样的失败感到耻辱且群情激奋, 尤以狂战士为最.Many and loud are the voices raised demanding a return to Aiur, cradle of the protoss civilization.loud: 强调的 raise: 唤起 demanding: 要求 cradle: 发源地 civilization: 文明许多呼声强调要求重返神族文明起源地Aiur.The zealots have thrown themselves into an even more rigorous program of training in preparation for the glorious day when their services will be called upon once more.throw: 把…倾注于 rigorous: 严酷的 program: 计划 preparation: 准备 glorious: 光荣的 service: 贡献狂战士们将自己投入更严酷的训练计划, 以迎接再度呼唤他们献身的光荣时刻.

[FONT=楷体_GB2312]删除昨天的烦恼、选择今天的快乐、设置明天的幸福、存储永远的爱心[/FONT][FONT=楷体_GB2312]取消无谓的烦恼、粘贴美丽的心情、复制醉人的风景、记录精彩的人生[/FONT]回复: 游戏英语汇总追踪者 Stalker​Builds From: Gateway​build: 建造 from: 出于 gateway: 传送门​生产建筑: 传送门​Armament: Chronal Web​armament: 军备 chronal: 质能 web: 网​配备武装: 质能网​Role: High Mobility Scout / Ambusher​role: 作用 mobility: 机动性 scout: 斥候 ambusher: 伏击者​任务导向: 高机动斥候/伏击兵力​​ ​​​The dark templar are a branch of the protoss race that refused to surrender their individuality to the encompassing psionic gestalt of the Khala.​branch: 分支 race: 种族 refuse: 拒绝 surrender: 放弃 individuality: 个性 encompass:纳入 psionic: 心灵异能 gestalt: 完全形态​暗黑圣堂原属神族的一个分支, 但他们拒绝放弃个体, 纳入Khala的心灵形态.​In ages past they were exiled from the protoss homeworld of Aiur. They eventually found a new home on the distant planet Shakuras.​exiled: 放逐 homeworld: 家园 eventually: 最终 distant: 遥远的 planet: 行星​很久以前, 他们被神族家乡Aiur所放逐, 最终他们在遥远的星球Shakuras建立起新家.​​​​​Denied the support of the great forges and armories of Aiur, the dark templar were forced to find new ways to defend themselves from a hostile universe.​deny: 拒绝接受 support: 帮助 forge: 锻炉 armory: 兵工厂 forced: 被迫的 defend: 保护 hostile: 怀有敌意的 universe: 宇宙​拒绝接受来自Aiur伟大的锻炉与兵工厂的支援, 暗黑圣堂必须找出新方法保护自己对抗充满敌意的宇宙.​By focusing their inner psionic strength and drawing power from the Void the dark templar learned to mask their presence and strike unseen from the shadows.​focus: 聚集 inner: 内部的 psionic: 心灵异能 strength: 力量 draw: 汲取 void: 虚空 mask: 隐匿 presence:存在 unseen: 未看见的 shadow: 黑暗​集中体内的心灵力量, 并从虚空中汲取能量, 暗黑圣堂学会隐匿他们的踪影, 并从黑暗中无预警地出击.​The defiant exiles perfected techniques to spread terror and confusion among their enemies by assassinating leaders and destroying vital structures.​defiant: 叛逆的 exile: 被放逐者 perfect: 使…完美 technique: 技巧 spread: 散布 terror:恐惧 confusion: 混乱 among: 在…之中 assassinate: 暗杀 leader: 指挥官 destroy:摧毁 vital: 至关重要的 structure: 建筑物​这些叛逆的被放逐者锻炼技巧以至完美, 籍由刺杀指挥官与摧毁重要建筑, 在敌军中散布恐惧与混乱.​Ultimately the dark templar came to rival even the mighty zealots in combat.​ultimately: 最终 rival: 与…相匹敌 mighty: 强有力的 zealot: 狂战士 combat: 战斗​最终暗黑圣堂也能在战斗中与强大的狂战士一较高下.​​​ ​​However, the overthrow of Aiur has proven that guile alone cannot defeat a foe as relentless as the zerg.​however: 然而 overthrow: 覆灭 proven: 证明 guile: 策略 defeat: 击败 foe: 敌人 relentless: 无情的​然而Aiur的覆灭证明单靠计谋无法击败像虫族这样冷酷无情的对手.​Inspired by the ancient and honored dragoon walkers the dark templar have begun to build war machines of their own.​inspired: 受启示的 ancient: 古老的 honor: 荣誉 dragoon: 龙骑士 machine: 机器​受到古代荣耀的龙骑士的启发, 暗黑圣堂也着手建造属于他们的战争机器.​The stalker is a machine controlled by the shadow-essence of a dark templar warrior fused into a metal body to protect his people.​stalker: 追踪者 controlled: 受控制的 essence: 本质 fuse: 熔合 metal: 金属 protect:保护​追踪者就是由暗黑圣堂战士融入金属躯体, 以暗黑本质所控制, 用来保护人民的一种机械.​​​​​Swift and deadly, stalkers have been credited with many fantastic powers in recent conflicts.​swift: 迅速的 deadly: 致命的 fantastic: 神奇的 recent: 近来的 conflict: 冲突​迅速而致命, 追踪者在最近的冲突中展现了许多神奇的力量.​Nevertheless the only one that has been witnessed consistently is the ability to instantly teleport or 'blink' from one spot to another.​nevertheless: 然而 witness: 目击 consistently: 一致地 ability: 能力 instantly: 即刻地 teleport: 心灵传送 blink: 闪烁 spot: 地点​然而唯一被一致目击证实的能力就是两地间的瞬间传送, 或称”闪烁”.​This ability enables stalkers to strike from unexpected quarters, catch a fleeing foe, or escape an unfavorable encounter.​ability: 能力 enable: 使…能够 strike: 打击 unexpected: 意料外的 quarter: 区域 flee:逃跑 escape: 逃脱 unfavorable: 不利的 encounter: 遭遇战​这项能力使追踪者可以从意料之外的区域出击, 追击逃跑的敌人, 或是从不利的遭遇战中逃脱.​​ ​​The deadly particle disruptors mounted on the stalker's carapace are adept at crippling both ground and air targets.​deadly: 致命的 particle: 粒子 disruptor: 分裂炮 mounted: 安装好的 carapace: 外装甲 adept: 熟练的 cripple: 使受损 target: 目标​安置在追踪者外装甲的粒子分裂炮, 能熟练击破地面与空中目标.​Ambushes by groups of stalkers have brought fiery doom upon many attack wings that thought themselves safe from retribution.​ambush: 埋伏 fiery: 激烈的 doom: 毁灭 wing: 侧翼 retribution: 惩罚​追踪者组成的伏击部队可以在敌军自以为安全的侧翼带来毁灭性的打击.​

[FONT=楷体_GB2312]删除昨天的烦恼、选择今天的快乐、设置明天的幸福、存储永远的爱心[/FONT][FONT=楷体_GB2312]取消无谓的烦恼、粘贴美丽的心情、复制醉人的风景、记录精彩的人生[/FONT]赞反馈:irene999 2013-04-24#13 开心每一天 18,729 $0.00 回复: 游戏英语汇总不朽者 Immortal​Builds From: Gateway​build: 建造 from: 出于 gateway: 传送门​生产建筑: 传送门​Armament: Twin Phase Disruptors​armament: 军备 phase: 相位 disruptors: 分裂​配备武装: 双管相位分裂炮​Role: Ranged Assault Support​role: 作用 range: 射程 assault: 突袭 support: 支援​任务导向: 远程突击支援​​​​​Before the loss of Aiur, veteran protoss warriors who had been crippled in battle could volunteer to continue their service by being transplanted into dragoon exoskeletons.​veteran: 老兵 crippled: 伤残的 volunteer: 志愿的 continue: 继续 transplant: 移植 dragoon: 龙骑士 exoskeleton: 外骨骼​Aiur失陷之前, 在战场上伤残的老练神族战士, 可以自愿移植龙骑士外骨骼以延长役期.​Now the dragoons of the past are all but gone.​past: 过去 gone: 失去的​现在龙骑士已成为过去.​The sacred shrine that was dedicated to the creation of the dragoons was infested by the zerg and lost along with the protoss homeworld itself.​sacred: 神圣的 shrine: 圣坛 dedicated: 专用的 creation: 创造 infest: 侵占 along: 随着​创造龙骑士的神圣祭坛被虫族侵占, 并随着神族家园一并陷落.​​ ​​​The remaining dragoons have become the immortals, refitted with twin phase disruptors and hardened energy shields that can shrug off the most powerful weapon strikes-though at the cost of leaving them more vulnerable to the pinprick attacks of lesser foes.​remaining: 剩余的 refit: 重新装配 hardened: 坚固的 energy: 能量 shield: 盾 shrug off: 不屑 strike: 打击 cost: 代价 vulnerable: 脆弱的 pinprick: 针刺 lesser: 较小的 foe:敌人​残存的龙骑士在加装双管相位分裂炮, 以及能抵抗最凶猛攻击的强化能量护盾后, 变成不朽者,代价是他们更容易被小型敌人的穿刺攻击所伤害.​The heavily armed and shielded immortals give critical fire support to the ferocious legions of zealots by eliminating enemy artillery and ranged attackers, ​heavily: 厚重地 armed: 装甲 shielded: 护盾 critical: 关键的 support: 支援 ferocious:凶猛的 legion: 军团 eliminate: 消灭 artillery: 炮兵 ranged attacker: 远程攻击单位​有着厚重装甲与护盾的不朽者, 用来歼灭敌军炮兵和远程攻击单位, 给予凶猛的狂战士军团关键的火力支援, ​allowing the zealots to close in and complete their work of destruction.​allow:让 complete: 完成 destruction: 破坏​让狂战士们能接近并完成他们的破坏任务.​​​ ​​But the loss of every immortal is keenly felt.​keenly: 刺痛的​但是每个不朽者的损失都是令人心痛的.​These ancient warriors are a dying breed pledged to give their all in the end times of their people.​ancient: 远古的 dying: 濒死的 breed: 种类 pledge: 誓言​这些远古以来的战士已经是失传的血脉, 仍发誓为他们的人民奉献一切.​They stand on the front lines of the final war, sacrificing themselves to buy their race a few more days or hours. Soon none will remain.​front line: 前线 sacrifice: 牺牲 buy: 赢得 remain: 幸存​他们昂立在最终战争的最前线, 牺牲自我为全族赢得几天, 甚至是几个小时, 很快他们将无一幸存.​

[FONT=楷体_GB2312]删除昨天的烦恼、选择今天的快乐、设置明天的幸福、存储永远的爱心[/FONT][FONT=楷体_GB2312]取消无谓的烦恼、粘贴美丽的心情、复制醉人的风景、记录精彩的人生[/FONT]回复: 游戏英语汇总黑暗圣堂武士 Dark Templar​​​Builds From: Gateway​build: 建造 from: 出于 gateway: 传送门​生产建筑: 传送门​Armament: Modified Warp Blade​armament: 军备 modify: 改装 warp: 扭曲 blade: 刀刃​配备武装: 扭曲空间刀刃​Role: Stealth Infiltrator​role: 作用 stealth: 隐形 infiltrator: 渗透者​任务导向: 隐形渗透​​​​​The dark templar are powerful psionic warriors whose forebears were exiled from the protoss homeworld of Aiur over a thousand years ago.​powerful: 强大的 psionic: 超能力 warrior: 战士 forebear: 祖先 exiled: 放逐 homeworld: 家园​黑暗圣堂武士是强大的心灵战士, 他们的祖先在千年前, 被神族母星Aiur所放逐.​The protoss who would eventually become the dark templar were banished for their refusal to join the emerging Khala,​eventually: 最后 banish: 驱逐 refusal: 拒绝 emerge: 兴起​这些拒绝加入兴起的Khala之道最终被驱逐变为黑暗圣堂武士.​the communal mind link shared by all protoss, and the accompanying caste system enforced by the ruling Conclave of the protoss.​communal: 公有的 mind: 思想 shared: 分享 accompanying: 附随的 caste: 阶级 enforced: 强制的 ruling:统治 conclave: 议会​他们拒绝评议会的阶级统治, 建立起全神族的心灵连接.​​ ​​​Some protoss rejected this movement, believing that their individual identities would be erased to further the suffocating rule of the Conclave.​reject: 拒绝 movement: 运动 individual: 个体 identity: 特性 erased: 清除 suffocating:窒息的 rule: 统治​有些神族反对这样的措施, 他们相信在评议会令人窒息的统治下, 个体的存在特色将会消失.​They even went so far as to sever the long nerve tendrils that characterize the protoss.​sever: 切断 nerve: 神经 tendril: 卷须 characterize: 表示..的特色​他们甚至切断神族的特征, 修长的神经触须.​This act symbolically and literally cut them off from the primal chord of their race.​act: 行为 symbolically: 象征地 primal: 主要的 chord: 情绪 race: 种族​这个象征性的动作, 也实际上中断了他们与神族的主要联系.​The Conclave saw these rogues as a threat to the new order and charged the Templar caste with hunting and destroying them.​conclave: 议会 rogue: 离群的 threat: 威胁 order: 秩序 charge: 命令 hunting: 猎捕 destroy: 消灭​评议会将这些离群的神族视为新秩序的威胁, 并派遣圣堂武士追猎并消灭他们.​ ​​​​The templar, led by the idealistic warrior Adun, could not bring themselves to slay fellow protoss and thus hid them.​lead: 领导 idealistic: 理想主义的 slay: 杀害 thus: 因此 hid: 隐藏​圣堂武士, 由怀着理想的战士, 亚顿(Adun)所带领, 无法对这些同胞下手, 因此藏匿他们.​The Conclave's fears appeared justified when Aiur was lashed by a wave of violent psionic storms unleashed by the undisciplined minds of the rebels.​fear: 担心 appeared: 出现 justified: 证明有理由的 wave: 波动 violent: 猛烈的 psionic: 超能力 storm: 风暴 unleash: 释放 undisciplined: 难控制的 rebels: 反抗者​但当这些叛民不受控制的心灵在Aiur上面释放出一阵猛烈的风暴后, 评议会的担忧似乎有了正当借口.​The Conclave was not willing to punish the templar openly for their disobedience because doing so would reveal the existence of the rebels.​conclave: 议会 willing: 愿意的 punish: 处罚 openly: 公开地 disobedience: 违抗命令 reveal: 暴露 existence: 存在 rebels: 反抗者​评议会不想公开地惩罚抗命的圣堂武士, 因为这可能让反抗者的存在曝光.​Instead, the dissident protoss were loaded aboard an ancient but functional xel'naga vessel and launched into space.​dissident: 意见不同的 loaded: 装载 aboard: 在船上 ancient: 古老的 functional: 可使用的 vessel: 船 launch: 发射 space: 太空​于是这些持不同意见的神族都被送上古老但仍可运作的xel'naga舰船, 被遗弃在太空中.​​​​​The exiled protoss wandered far before eventually making a new home on the twilight world of Shakuras.​exiled: 放逐的 wander: 流浪 eventually: 最后 twilight: 薄暮​这些被放逐的神族四处流浪, 最后在一个被薄暮笼罩的世界Shakuras建立起新家.​They developed a solitary and independent culture, with individuals often widely scattered across space in their own ships, exploring and contemplating the mysteries of the universe.​develop: 发展 solitary: 孤独的 independent: 独立的 culture: 文化 individual: 个体 widely: 广泛的 scattered:散布的 explore: 探索 contemplate: 思索 mystery: 秘密 universe: 宇宙​他们发展出独立的文化, 每个个体都曾探访广阔太空, 探索与思索宇宙的奥秘.​Over time these dark templar have learned to wield a very different kind of psionic strength than that of the Khala: the energies of the Void, the dark spaces between worlds.​wield: 运用 psionic: 心灵异能 void: 虚空​经过时间洗礼, 黑暗圣堂武士学会从另一个角度去掌握Khala的心灵力量: 虚空的能源, 宇宙中的黑暗空间.​ ​​​​The dark templar are most renowned for their ability to bend light around their bodies to become invisible at will, and a true master of the Void can achieve much greater feats than this.​renowned: 有名的 ability: 能力 bend: 扭曲 invisible: 无形的 will: 意志 achieve: 达到 feat: 超群的武艺​黑暗圣堂武士目前最为人知的能力就是经由意志扭曲身躯附近的光线进而隐形, 一个真正掌握虚空的大师还有更惊人的武艺.​Armed with their potent warp blades, the dark templar are deadly and relentless foes, capable of crippling conventional forces with their devastating strikes.​armed: 武装 potent: 强有力的 warp: 扭曲 deadly: 致命的 relentless: 无情的 foe: 敌人 capable: 有能力的 crippling: 造成严重后果 conventional: 常规的 devastating: 毁灭性的 strike: 打击​装备上强有力的光曲刀刃, 黑暗圣堂武士是致命且无情的对手, 透过他们毁灭性的攻击, 能对常规武力造成严重后果.​​ ​​​Though severed from their homeworld and feared by their own brethren for many centuries, the dark templar never abandoned their love of Aiur.​severed: 隔断 homeworld: 家园 fear: 恐惧 brethren: 同胞 century: 世纪 abandon:放弃​虽然几世纪以来与家乡隔绝, 并被自己的同胞所惧怕, 黑暗圣堂武士从未放弃对Aiur的热爱.​In recent times they were reunited with the protoss of their homeworld when the heroes Tassadar and Zeratul joined forces to fight the zerg Overmind.​recent: 近来的 reunited: 团聚 homeworld: 家园 Overmind: 主宰​由于传奇英雄塔萨达(Tassadar)与泽拉图(Zeratul)联手对抗虫族主宰, 近来黑暗圣堂武士也和家乡的神族团聚.​The Overmind was defeated, but the planet Aiur was ravaged in the process and so badly overrun by zerg that the survivors retreated to Shakuras.​defeat: 败北 planet: 行星 ravage: 毁坏 process: 过程 badly: 严重地 overrun: 侵占 survivor: 幸存者 retreat: 退避​主宰被击败了, 但是Aiur行星也在作战中毁坏, 并被虫族所侵占, 幸存者只能撤退到Shakuras.​Now the protoss who were once exiled find themselves playing host to refugees from their old home.​exiled: 放逐的 host: 做东 refugee: 接纳​现在神族被驱逐的一方反而得要收留来自古老家乡的难民.​

[FONT=楷体_GB2312]删除昨天的烦恼、选择今天的快乐、设置明天的幸福、存储永远的爱心[/FONT][FONT=楷体_GB2312]取消无谓的烦恼、粘贴美丽的心情、复制醉人的风景、记录精彩的人生[/FONT]回复: 游戏英语汇总执政官Archon​Builds From: Merging Templarbuild: 建造 from: 出于 merging: 熔合 Templar: 圣堂武士生产建筑: 熔合圣堂武士Armament: Psionic Shockwavearmament: 军备 psionic: 心灵异能 shockwave: 冲击波配备武装: 心灵冲击波Role: Heavy Assaultrole: 作用 heavy: 重型 assault: 突击任务导向: 重型突击部队 Every protoss has a level of psionic capability that is extremely rare among terrans.level: 水平 psionic: 心灵异能 capability: 能力 extremely: 极其 rare: 罕见的 among:在…之中每一名神族都有相当程度的心灵异能, 在人类中则是极为罕见的.The protoss of the Templar caste devote their long lives to honing their powerful abilities for war.caste: 阶级 devote: 献身 hone: 磨练 ability: 能力神族中的圣堂武士奉献他们长久的生命, 用于磨练他们强大的作战能力.Of these dedicated individuals, only the most adept and disciplined in the ways of the Khala can hope to eventually rise to the honored rank of high templar.dedicated: 献身的 individual: 个体 adept: 精通 disciplined: 遵守纪律的 eventually: 最终 rise: 提高 honored: 荣耀的 rank: 阶级只有最精通与服从Khala之道的个体, 才有希望进阶荣耀的高级圣堂阶级.The terrifying power of the high templar is rightly feared by the enemies of the protoss.terrifying: 恐怖的 rightly: 确切的 fear: 恐惧 enemy: 敌人高级圣堂武士其恐怖的力量让神族的敌人感到恐惧.A mere handful of these potent individuals can lay waste to entire armies of foes.mere: 仅仅的 handful: 少数 potent: 强有力的 individual: 个体 lay: 击倒 waste: 毁灭 entire: 全部的 army:军队 foe: 敌人一小批这种强有力的个体就能消灭整群的敌军. The dark templar hail from very different roots, but the powers at their command are no less awe-inspiring.hail from: 出于 root: 根源 command: 控制 awe: 敬畏 inspire: 影响黑暗圣堂的成就来自不同的根源, 但他们所控制的力量毫不逊色, 同样令人敬畏.While the high templar unleash fire and lightning, the dark templar stalk the shadows, swathed in darkness.unleash: 释放 lightning: 闪电 stalk: 潜行 swathe: 包围当高级圣堂释放火与闪电, 黑暗圣堂武士则是潜行在阴暗中, 被黑暗所包围.However, both branches of the templar tradition share the ability to merge their souls to form a deadly archon.branch: 支系 tradition: 传统 share: 分享 ability: 能力 merge: 合并 soul: 灵魂 deadly:致命的然而, 圣堂传统的两个支系却能共享一种特殊能力, 让他们融合灵魂, 成为致命的执政官. These swirling, burning effigies of the protoss spirit radiate incalculable power.swirling: 盘旋 burning: 燃烧 effigies: 具像 spirit: 灵魂 radiate: 散发 incalculable: 不可估量的这些盘旋燃烧的神族灵魂具像散发出难以估计的力量.Their devastating psionic storms can be unleashed against cowering enemy forces both in the air and on the ground.devastating: 破坏性的 psionic: 心灵异能 storm: 风暴 unleash: 释放 against: 对抗 cower: 畏缩他们毁灭性的心灵风暴可以释放在畏缩的敌军身上, 无论空中或是地面.With the halves of the protoss race reunited, an archon can now be brought into being by the merge of two high templar, or two dark templar, or even the unification of a dark templar and a high templar.race: 种族 reunited: 团聚 archon: 执政官 bring: 产生 merge: 合并 unification: 联合籍着神族的团聚, 执政官可以由两位高级圣堂武士, 或是两名黑暗圣堂武士, 甚至是由高级圣堂与黑暗圣堂的联合所组成.Although the protoss are loath to sacrifice valuable templar, those who do achieve this final level of commitment are forever honored in the memories of their people.although: 虽然 loath: 不愿意的 sacrifice: 牺牲 valuable: 宝贵的 achieve: 完成 commitment: 献身 honored:尊敬 memory: 纪念虽然神族不愿牺牲宝贵的圣堂武士, 但这个实现最终牺牲自我的举动将被神族永远地尊敬与纪念.​

[FONT=楷体_GB2312]删除昨天的烦恼、选择今天的快乐、设置明天的幸福、存储永远的爱心[/FONT][FONT=楷体_GB2312]取消无谓的烦恼、粘贴美丽的心情、复制醉人的风景、记录精彩的人生[/FONT]回复: 游戏英语汇总巨像Colossus​Builds From: Robotics Facility​build: 建造 from: 出于 robotics: 机器人技术 facility: 设施​生产建筑: 机械工厂​Armament: Twin Thermal Lances​armament: 军备 twin: 双的 thermal: 热能 lance: 枪​配备武装: 双管热能枪​Role: Heavy Support​role: 作用 heavy: 重型 support: 支援​任务导向: 重型支援​​​​​The towering colossus is a protoss robot design dating back to the bloody conflicts of the Kalath Intercession.​towering: 高耸的 colossus: 巨像 bloody: 血腥的 conflict: 冲突 intercession: 调停​高耸的巨像可以追溯到神族在Kalath调停战争时, 所研发出来的机械设计.​It strides across the battlefield on four tall, slender legs which give it an extremely high level of mobility.​stride: 阔步行进 battlefield: 战场 tall: 身材高的 slender: 细长的 leg: 腿 extremely:极其 mobility: 机动性​巨像利用四条修长的步足跨越战场, 并拥有极高的机动性.​The great height of the machine allows it to step up and down cliffs and other steep elevations with little difficulty, and gives it a dominating field of fire.​height: 高度 step: 步 cliff: 峭壁 steep: 陡峭的 elevation: 高处 dominate: 占优势 field:区域​巨像绝佳的高度可以让他上下峭壁, 以及其他不易穿越的陡峭地貌, 并掌握优势地域开火.​​​ ​​The heavily armored hull of the colossus carries two powerful thermal lances: one mounted on each side of its body.​armored: 装甲的 hull: 外壳 thermal: 热能 lance: 枪 mounted: 安装好的​重装甲外壳的巨像搭载两门强力的热能枪: 身躯左右各一座.​Complex focusing and targeting systems are used to pinpoint the continuous damage output of the thermal lances for optimal efficiency.​complex: 复杂的 focusing: 调焦 targeting: 定位 system: 系统 pinpoint: 精确瞄准 continuous: 连续 damage: 伤害 optimal: 最佳 efficiency: 效率​精密的瞄准与定位系统用来控制热能枪, 以最佳效力集中火力给予持续伤害.​As a target is destroyed, the lances are switched to a new target instantly so that a colossus' beam cuts a fiery swathe of destruction through multiple enemies with each firing cycle.​target: 目标 destroyed: 被毁 switched: 转换的 instantly: 立即地 beam: 光线 fiery:炽热的 swathe: 包围 destruction: 毁灭 multiple: 多重 cycle: 周期​一旦目标被摧毁, 热线枪可以马上进行转换目标, 所以巨像的射线在每轮射击时都能在众多敌军中造成严重破坏.​ ​​​​The colossus is unusual for the fact that it was created purely as a war machine.​unusual: 不平常的 fact: 实际 purely: 纯粹的 machine: 机器​巨像是不寻常的专门的战争机器.​Most protoss robots are created for industrial or resource-gathering purposes.​industrial: 工业的 resource: 资源 gathering: 采集 purpose: 目的​大部分神族机器都是用于工业或资源采集的用途.​Even the much-feared reaver is at its core a mobile manufacturing unit re-tasked to the creation of scarab drones for long-range bombardment.​fear: 恐惧 reaver: 掠夺者 core: 核心 mobile: 机动 manufacturing: 工业生产 task: 工作 creation: 创造 scarab: 金甲虫 drone: 无人机械 bombardment: 炮击​甚至令人恐惧的掠夺者, 原来也是机动生产单位, 后来制造为金甲虫进行远距离轰炸.​The mass slaughter unleashed on the kalathi by roving colossi appalled the protoss.​mass: 大规模的 slaughter: 杀戮 unleashed: 发动 roving: 徘徊 colossi: 巨人 appall: 使…胆寒​kalathi战争中, 巨像穿梭战场所造成的大量杀戮令神族为之胆寒.​​​ ​​At the time, the Conclave outlawed the manufacture of colossi, and existing machines were deactivated before being sealed away in distant asteroids and uninhabited moons.​at the time: 那时候 conclave: 议会 outlawed: 禁止 manufacture: 制造 existing: 现有的 deactivate: 停止使用 sealed: 密封的 distant: 遥远的 asteroids: 小行星 uninhabited:无人居住的 moons: 卫星​在当时, 评议会禁止了巨像的生产, 残存的机器则是停止运作, 并封存到遥远的小行星与无人居住的卫星上.​Centuries later the war against the zerg has brought forth these engines of destruction to do battle once more.​century: 世纪 against: 对抗 forth: 在前面 engine: 军械 destruction: 毁灭 battle: 战争​几个世纪后. 为了对抗虫族, 这些毁灭性的军械又再度回到战场上.​

[FONT=楷体_GB2312]删除昨天的烦恼、选择今天的快乐、设置明天的幸福、存储永远的爱心[/FONT][FONT=楷体_GB2312]取消无谓的烦恼、粘贴美丽的心情、复制醉人的风景、记录精彩的人生[/FONT]回复: 游戏英语汇总观察者Observer​Builds From: Robotics Facilitybuild: 建造 from: 出于 robotics: 机器人技术 facility: 设施生产建筑: 机械工厂Armament: Nonearmament: 军备配备武装: 无Role: Scoutrole: 作用 scout: 斥候任务导向: 斥候 ​These small drones are employed to survey vast wasteland areas or observe and record battles for study within the protoss archives.drone: 无人机械 employ: 被雇用 survey: 测量 vast: 广阔的 wasteland: 荒地 observe:观察 record: 记录 battle: 战争 study: 研究 archives: 档案这些小型无人机械是用来测量广大的荒凉区域或是观察并记录战场动态作为神族档案研究.Their complex sensor array leaves little energy for defenses, but they can detect cloaked or concealed enemies with ease.complex: 复杂的 sensor: 传感器 array: 数组 leave: 遗留 energy: 能量 defense: 防卫 detect: 检测 cloak: 隐形 concealed: 隐藏的 ease: 容易他们复杂的传感器数组, 让只有很少的能量用于防御, 但他们可以轻易侦测隐形或是藏匿的敌人.This ability makes observers invaluable auxiliary units on the battlefield.ability: 能力 observer: 观察者 invaluable: 无价的 auxiliary: 辅助的 unit: 单位 battlefield:战场这项能力让观察者成为重要的战场辅助单位. Observers that are used for deep-space exploration are often deployed without any defensive systems.deep-space: 深太空 exploration: 探测 deploy: 配置 defensive: 防卫的 system: 系统前往深太空的观察者通常没有任何防御系统.However, those destined for use in a combat zone are equipped with a micro-cloaking field to hide them from the enemy.however: 然而 destined: 预定的 combat: 战斗 zone: 地域 equipped: 装备 micro: 微小的 cloaking: 隐形 field: 领域 hide: 躲避然而, 预定作战斗用途的观察者则装备了微型隐形力场用于躲避敌人.The small sensor signature of an observer means that the drone does not have to drain its energy in order to maintain the field over long periods.sensor: 传感器 signature: 识别标志 drone: 无人机械 drain: 消耗 in order to: 为了 maintain: 维持 periods:周期这项观察者的传感器装置最大的特色就是不需要消耗任何能源, 就能维持很长一段时间的使用.

[FONT=楷体_GB2312]删除昨天的烦恼、选择今天的快乐、设置明天的幸福、存储永远的爱心[/FONT][FONT=楷体_GB2312]取消无谓的烦恼、粘贴美丽的心情、复制醉人的风景、记录精彩的人生[/FONT]回复: 游戏英语汇总母舰 Mothership​Builds From: Stargatebuild: 建造 from: 出于 stargate: 星门生产建筑: 星门Armament: Disruptor Pulsearmament: 军备 disruptor: 分裂炮 pulse: 脉冲配备武装: 脉冲分裂炮Role: Capital Shiprole: 作用 capital ship: 主力舰任务导向: 主力舰 Protoss motherships are mighty vessels that were constructed centuries ago during the golden age of protoss expansion.mothership: 母舰 mighty: 强大的 vessel: 舰船 construct: 建造 expansion: 扩张神族母舰是在数世纪以前, 神族扩张的黄金年代所建造的强大舰船.They were intended to act as primary command ships to lead vast armadas of protoss explorers into the darkness of deep space and bring them safely home again.intended: 预期的 act: 扮演 primary: 主要的 command: 指挥 vast: 庞大的 armada:舰队 explorer: 探索者 deep space: 深太空他们是用来当作主要指挥舰, 带领神族庞大的探索舰队, 深入幽邃黑暗的深太空, 并把他们安全地带回家.Those days are long gone, and the surviving motherships later became holy shrines to the protoss, representing an honored way of life and a part of the proud history of the protoss race.surviving: 残存 holy: 神圣的 shrine: 圣坛 represent: 代表 honor: 荣耀 proud: 自豪的 race: 种族那些岁月已经过去很久了, 仅存的母舰也被当作神族的神圣祭坛, 代表着神族荣耀的生活与自豪的历史. At the heart of each mothership is a huge khaydarin crystal infused with an incredible amount of psionic energy.huge: 巨大的 crystal: 晶体 infuse: 使充满 incredible: 难以置信的 amount: 数量 psionic:心灵异能每座母舰的中枢核心都有一具庞大的柯亥达林(khaydarin)水晶, 充满着难以置信数量的心灵能源.By tapping into this energy, a mothership can warp or crack the very fabric of space and time itself.tap: 汲取 mothership: 母舰 warp: 翘曲空间 crack: 破裂 fabric: 结构使用这样的能源, 母舰可以翘曲或是破坏时空结构.The devastating power of a mothership can wipe out squadrons of enemy ships in the blink of an eye or lay waste to entire planets.devastating: 破坏性的 wipe: 清除 squadron: 一群 blink: 眨眼 lay: 埋葬 waste: 毁坏 entire: 整个的 planet: 行星母舰毁灭性的力量能在眨眼间清除敌军大群的舰船, 或是毁坏整个行星.As the golden age reached its apogee, the motherships were left in place as titanic monuments at the farthest reaches of protoss exploration.reach: 到达 apogee: 顶点 titanic: 巨大的 monument: 纪念碑 farthest: 最远的 exploration: 探险在黄金时代的顶峰, 母舰被当作神族最远的探索上的巨大纪念碑.It was believed that their like would not be needed again.当时相信母舰已是无用武之地了. After the loss of Aiur, however, the motherships were called back into service from the far corners of the galaxy.call back: 收回 service: 服役 corner: 角落 galaxy: 银河当Aiur陷落后, 神族母舰又从遥远的银河角落被招回服役.Now they are crewed not with mystics and historians, but with warriors.crewed: 搭载船员 mystic: 神秘宗教者 historian: 历史学家 warrior: 战士现在上面搭载的不是宗教者与历史学家, 而是战士.The oldest and most powerful weapons of the protoss have been awakened and are prepared to burn the galaxy to avenge the loss of the protoss homeworld.awaken: 唤醒 prepared: 准备 burn: 焚烧 avenge: 复仇 homeworld: 家园这最早也是最强大的神族武器已被唤醒, 并准备烧毁整座银河为神族家园的陷落而复仇.

[FONT=楷体_GB2312]删除昨天的烦恼、选择今天的快乐、设置明天的幸福、存储永远的爱心[/FONT][FONT=楷体_GB2312]取消无谓的烦恼、粘贴美丽的心情、复制醉人的风景、记录精彩的人生[/FONT]回复: 游戏英语汇总运载舰 Carrier​Builds From: Stargatebuild: 建造 from: 出于 stargate: 星门生产建筑: 星门Armament: Interceptorsarmament: 军备 interceptor: 拦截机配备武装: 拦截机Role: Capital Shiprole: 作用 capital ship: 主力舰任务导向: 主力舰 The massive carriers serve as operations centers for leaders of the protoss fleets.massive: 雄伟的 serve: 可作…用 operation: 行动 center: 中心 leader: 领导者 fleet:舰队雄伟的运载舰作为神族舰队行动时的主力与指挥.Heavily armored and shielded, carriers can punch their way through enemy blockades by unleashing flights of robotic interceptors at vital enemy targets.armored: 装甲的 shielded: 防护 punch: 重击 blockade: 封锁 unleash: 放出 flight: 飞行 robotic: 自动化 interceptor: 拦截机 vital: 关键的 enemy: 敌军 target: 目标配备重装甲与护盾的运载舰可以放出飞行自动化的拦截机攻击敌军重要目标, 在敌人的封锁线上打穿一条路.These maneuverable, computer-guided craft tear through enemy flight formations and relentlessly strafe slower ground targets with potent plasma charges.maneuverable: 高机动性 guided: 制导的 tear: 撕破 formation: 编队 relentlessly: 无情地 strafe: 轰击 target: 目标 potent: 强力的 plasma: 等离子 charges: 充能炮这些高机动性, 电脑制导的机体能撕裂敌人的飞行队形, 并无情地使用强力等离子充能炮轰击缓慢的地面目标. Interceptors are automatically manufactured and serviced inside the carriers’ bays, and a number of prepped interceptors can be launched in rapid succession.interceptor: 拦截机 automatically: 自动地 manufacture: 制造 service: 维护 bay: 机舱 prep: 预备的 launch:升空 rapid: 迅速的 succession: 连续的拦截机是在运载舰内部的机舱内自动生产并维护的, 可以连续不断出动一定数量的拦截机.In battle, carriers appear to be virtual hornets’ nests of activity as their agile offspring dart out to launch their attacks and retreat just as rapidly to repair any damage they sustain.appear: 呈现 virtual: 虚拟的 hornet: 黄蜂 nest: 巢 activity: 活动 agile: 敏捷的 offspring: 产物 dart: 投射 retreat: 撤退 rapidly: 迅速地 repair: 修理 damage: 伤害 sustain: 承受战斗时, 运载舰像是黄蜂巢一样, 发射出敏捷的子机, 自动回收并修复他们所承受的伤害.Terran scientists have long yearned for an opportunity to study just how the smoothly orchestrated operations of a carrier are achieved in detail.scientist: 科学家 yearn: 渴望 opportunity: 机会 smoothly: 流畅地 orchestrate: 协调地 operations: 行动 achieved: 实现的 detail: 详情人类科学家长久以来一直向往好好研究这流畅的协调行动, 运载舰是怎么办到的. Most carriers have no weapon batteries of any kind, but their deployment of interceptor flights makes them devastating in a ship-to-ship battle.battery: 列炮 deployment: 部署 interceptor: 拦截机 devastating: 压倒的 ship-to-ship:舰对舰大部分的运载舰没有任何种类的列炮, 但是部署的拦截机就让他们在舰对舰战斗中占尽优势.However, a handful of heavily armed "super carriers" exist, most famously the Gantrithor.however: 然而 handful: 少数 armed: 武装的 exist: 存在 famously: 著名地然而, 仍有存在少数重武装级的”超级运载舰”, 最有名的就是甘崔托号(Gantrithor).This was the flagship of Executor Tassadar when he led a protoss expeditionary force in its attempts to eradicate the zerg in terran space.flagship: 旗舰 executor: 执行官 expeditionary: 远征的 force: 武力 attempt: 试图 eradicate: 根除他是执行官塔萨达(Tassadar)的旗舰, 带领着一支远征军在人类领空试图根除虫族.The Gantrithor was powerful enough that it single-handedly defeated an entire terran battlecruiser squadron under the command of General Edmund Duke.powerful: 强大 single-handedly: 独力地 defeat: 击败 entire: 整个的 battlecruiser: 巡洋舰 squadron: 中队 command: 指挥 general: 将军甘崔托号(Gantrithor)是如此的强悍, 几乎独力击败爱德蒙杜克(Edmund Duke)将军所指挥的人类巡洋舰中队.Tassadar later sacrificed himself and his ship to destroy the zerg Overmind when it manifested on Aiur.sacrifice: 牺牲 destroy: 摧毁 Overmind: 主宰 manifest: 显露塔萨达(Tassadar)后来牺牲他自己与他的舰船, 来消灭出现在Aiur上面的虫族主宰.​

[FONT=楷体_GB2312]删除昨天的烦恼、选择今天的快乐、设置明天的幸福、存储永远的爱心[/FONT][FONT=楷体_GB2312]取消无谓的烦恼、粘贴美丽的心情、复制醉人的风景、记录精彩的人生[/FONT]回复: 游戏英语汇总星际争霸2可能大部分的70后和60后都没听说过,一小部分的70后和大部分的80后才了解这个传奇RTS(即时战略)游戏的魅力。维基百科-星际争霸2:http://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/星际争霸2星际争霸2-美国官网:http://us.battle.net/sc2/en/game/另外从本贴惨白的回复来看,也暴露了家园的年龄结构,80后可真不多,如果楼主发至国内大学论坛,寓教于乐,估计有大把的拥趸。楼主是好人,你辛苦了,请继续。

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