加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息申请学校哪里出了问题,求解?
申请费用的状态是paid,但是后来给我发来一封邮件,其中这样写到:Thank you for applying to Ontario's colleges. Your application and application fee Not Available have been processed.You have indicated that you have international education documents. If you already have a Credential Assessment Report issued by World Education Services (WES) or International Credential Assessment Service (ICAS), contact the agency to see if the report can be sent to us. Also contact the Admissions Office at the college(s) to which you are applying to confirm if the information in the report is sufficient for the college admission process.If you do not have an Credential Assessment Report, contact the college(s) to which you have applied to confirm if a Credential Assessment Report is required. If a report is required by the college(s), confirm if both the secondary (high school) documents report and postsecondary (college/university) documents are necessary. 我想问下,这个问题该如何解决?我的申请费是不是已经从卡里面划走了?
回复: 申请学校哪里出了问题,求解?这邮件是要你提供学历认证。申请费已经划走了。如果你不想提供学历认证,就去你申请的学校的Admission office,说你没法提供学历认证,他们就会处理接下来的步骤。如果你想提供学历认证,就去找WES或者ICAS,按照步骤做就可以了。坛子里也能找到相关的帖子。
回复: 申请学校哪里出了问题,求解?也就是说我现在只需要在家等offer就可以了?
回复: 申请学校哪里出了问题,求解?也就是说我现在只需要在家等offer就可以了?点击展开...非也。建议你电话学校或者亲自去确认一下,他们是否要求学历认证。然后,学校可能会寄给你考试通知。考试完了后,在ontariocolleges查offer。
回复: 申请学校哪里出了问题,求解?非也。建议你电话学校或者亲自去确认一下,他们是否要求学历认证。 然后,学校可能会寄给你考试通知。 考试完了后,在ontariocolleges查offer。点击展开...我现在已经收到百年理工的一封信 :acknowledge of application for admission,里面记录我的centennial student number 和OCAS number 请问我下一步该怎么才能拿到offer
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