加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息6w permanent or 8W contractor , which is better?
A friend asked for my opinion, I prefer the latter. how do you think about it? thanks.
回复: 6w permanent or 8W contractor , which is better?要看是什么行业来定.
Delight In Simple Pleasures![SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]回复: 6w permanent or 8W contractor , which is better?well, in my opinionfirst...............second..............third...............finally, the higher is better
子非鱼,焉知鱼之乐回复: 6w permanent or 8W contractor , which is better?按我的观点,如果家中有一位是permanent,另一位就选做contractor
回复: 6w permanent or 8W contractor , which is better?A friend asked for my opinion, I prefer the latter. how do you think about it? thanks.点击展开...弱弱的问,permanent和contractor有什么区别呢?
http://www.slide.com/r/YHX75Ml7mj-oOZIeteqEReDMC6Jn5gdD?previous_view=mscd_embedded_url&view=original弱弱的问,permanent和contractor有什么区别呢?点击展开...permanent has medical, dental and three weeks vacation.contractor has nothing.
回复: 6w permanent or 8W contractor , which is better?要看是什么行业来定.点击展开...IT
回复: 6w permanent or 8W contractor , which is better?我也觉得8w的contractor好。
回复: 6w permanent or 8W contractor , which is better?IT点击展开...如果是IT选后者比较好,因为本来就是不稳定的行业,趁着热乎劲先赶紧挣钱再说~~~~~
Delight In Simple Pleasures![SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]permanent has medical, dental and three weeks vacation. contractor has nothing.点击展开...The other important benifit is Pension Plan.
回复: 6w permanent or 8W contractor , which is better?不是很缺钱当然选前者, 这点差别扣完税能差多少, 特别是摊到每个月后, 别忘了还有3个星期VACTION, 这也是钱哪!
回复: 6w permanent or 8W contractor , which is better?对了,借宝地问一下,CPP是什么东西?
回复: 6w permanent or 8W contractor , which is better?对了,借宝地问一下,CPP是什么东西?点击展开...Pension Plan.canada Pension Plan. that's CPP , it's the same for permanent or contractor, for everybody who works
回复: 6w permanent or 8W contractor , which is better?如果是IT选后者比较好,因为本来就是不稳定的行业,趁着热乎劲先赶紧挣钱再说~~~~~点击展开...that's what I thought
回复: 6w permanent or 8W contractor , which is better?不是很缺钱当然选前者, 这点差别扣完税能差多少, 特别是摊到每个月后, 别忘了还有3个星期VACTION, 这也是钱哪!点击展开...as a contractor, you can control your payroll and save some money for tax
回复: 6w permanent or 8W contractor , which is better?有钱先赚再说,选后者.这世道鬼知道怎么变.
回复: 6w permanent or 8W contractor , which is better?as a contractor, you can control your payroll and save some money for tax点击展开...must be corporate
回复: 6w permanent or 8W contractor , which is better?most of persons would choose the latter.
回复: 6w permanent or 8W contractor , which is better?must be corporate点击展开...yes, my friend is incorporated.
回复: 6w permanent or 8W contractor , which is better?Pension Plan. canada Pension Plan. that's CPP , it's the same for permanent or contractor, for everybody who works点击展开... Pension Plan have three types and all of them is your income after after 65 age , the first one is company pension plan, the second is the CPP, and three is some goverment benfit for senior person. Normally you can get 70 percent of salary every month after 65 age.So it is most important benfit for all of permanent .
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