加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息2014年最适合工作的10家公司


Whether it's the management, sweet perks, or endless opportunities, some companies just know how to make their employees happy. 无论是管理、高额的奖金还是无限的机会,一些公司就是知道如何让他们的员工欢悦。 Job community site Glassdoor released its annual Employees’ Choice Award, which measures employee satisfaction on a scale of one to five, as well as their overall experience at the companies.职业社区网站Glassdoor在衡量了包括员工在公司获得的所有经验在内的一到五项现况发布了一年一度的“员工选择奖”。 Employees were asked to rate how satisfied they were with their company, CEO, career opportunities, compensation and benefits, culture and values, senior management, work-life balance, and whether they would recommend the company to a friend.员工们被问询了他们对公司、董事、工作机会、酬劳和福利、文化和价值、高级管理的满意度以及他们是否将公司视为他们的朋友。 Glassdoor's list, which is solely based on employee reviews and feedback, ranks the top 50 companies to work for in 2014.After falling from the top spot last year, consulting firm Bain & Company this year reclaims the No. 1 ranking it landed on the 2012 list. Meanwhile, Facebook fell from first place last year to No. 5 this year. Glassdoor的名单仅基于员工的评论和反馈,列出了2014年最适合工作的前50名。Out of the 50 companies that made the list, seven have consistently ranked as great places to work since Glassdoor first compiled the list in 2009. They are Bain & Company, Google, Chevron, Qualcomm, National Instruments, Apple, and CareerBuilder. 在名单上的50家公司中,有7家自Glassdoor于2009年开始整理顺位开始就一直榜上有名。它们分别是:贝恩、谷歌、雪佛兰、高通、国家仪器、苹果和凯业必达。There are also 17 newcomers to Glassdoor's list, including Twitter, Disney, and Chick-fil-A.名单上也有三位新晋公司,分别是推特、迪士尼和Chick-fil-A. Here, we've highlighted the top 10:这里我们重点列出前10名: 1. Bain & Company贝恩公司 CEO: Bob Bechek首席执行官:鲍勃·博切克 Employee satisfaction rating: 4.4员工满意度:4.4 What employees think: “Interesting, impactful work: There is rarely a boring day, much less a boring project. The problems we're solving are usually what's written in the WSJ about our client — big, complicated challenges, often challenges that are leading issues for that entire industry.” —Bain & Company Principal (San Francisco, CA)员工们认为:“既有趣又有效率:在这里,很少有过无聊的一天,而无聊的项目更少。我们正解决的问题通常都是记录在WSJ中关于我们顾客的——巨大的、复杂的挑战,而这些挑战经常是整个工业的首要问题。” 2. Twitter推特 CEO: Dick Costolo首席执行官:迪克·科斯特罗 Employee satisfaction rating: 4.4员工满意度:4.4 What employees think: “It's the ideal balance of fun and very cool work. You got all the resources to be awesome. Food, tech giants, drinks, unbelievable perks!” —Twitter Software Engineer II (New York, NY)员工们认为:“在这里工作是快乐和帅气工作的平衡结合。你会得到所有很棒的资源。食物、科技、饮品和意想不到的奖金!” 3. LinkedIn邻客音 CEO: Jeff Weiner首席执行官:杰夫·韦勒 Employee satisfaction rating: 4.6员工满意度:4.6 What employees think: "LinkedIn is a great company and has a strong brand, but what I love more is the environment I get to work in every day. Scooters, cube decorating competitions, fund raising events for charities, hilarious and brilliant coworkers, food, group fitness classes, etc." —LinkedIn Manager (Chicago, IL)员工们认为:“LinkedIn是一家拥有强大品牌效应的公司,但是我更喜欢的是每天的工作环境。”

[FONT=楷体_GB2312]删除昨天的烦恼、选择今天的快乐、设置明天的幸福、存储永远的爱心[/FONT][FONT=楷体_GB2312]取消无谓的烦恼、粘贴美丽的心情、复制醉人的风景、记录精彩的人生[/FONT]回复: 2014年最适合工作的10家公司4. Eastman Chemical伊士曼化学产品公司 CEO: Jim Rogers首席执行官:吉姆·罗杰斯 Employee satisfaction rating: 4.6员工满意度:4.6 What employees think: "Eastman cares about its people through open communication, training opportunities, career advancement and work-life balance — SAFETY is a top priority." —Eastman Chemical Global Product and Pricing Manager (Saint Louis, MO)员工们认为:“Eastman通过公开的交流、锻炼机会、职场晋升和平衡工作和生活关心它的员工。” 5. Facebook脸书 CEO: Mark Zuckerberg首席执行官:马克·扎克伯格 Employee satisfaction rating: 4.6员工满意度:4.6 What employees think: "Excellent benefits and employee perks — on site health care, chiropractor, acupuncture, gym and many others I haven't tried out yet. Another huge bonus for me is the support I have here as a woman in the tech community, it's pretty amazing." —Facebook Program Manager (Menlo Park, CA)员工们认为:“很棒的福利和员工奖金——网上医保、脊椎按摩、针灸、健身很多很多我还没来得及尝试。另一项给我的大的奖金是补贴我作为一个女性在技术领域工作,真的很令人惊喜。” 6. Guidewire CEO: Marcus Ryu首席执行官:马库斯·鲁 Employee satisfaction rating: 4.6员工满意度:4.6 What employees think: "Smart people, good salary and benefits, fast-paced, lots of opportunity to see that something needs to be done and do it. Recognition for good work or good efforts." —Guidewire Technical Writer (Foster City, CA)员工们认为:“人才、优渥的薪水和福利、快节奏的生活、可以预见很多的机会并需要我们做很多事情。以求得到工作好或努力的认可。” 7. Interactive Intelligence CEO: Donald E. Brown首席执行官:唐纳德E·布朗 Employee satisfaction rating: 4.4员工满意度:4.4 What employees think: “Flexible environment, high-caliber personnel, competitive compensation, strong leadership, company has solid finances and is in high-growth mode. Interesting technology and challenging problems to solve.” —Interactive Intelligence Lead Software Engineer (Indianapolis, IN)员工们认为:“便利的环境、高素质人才、按劳分配、强有力的领导班子,公司有稳定的经济基础以及正处于高速增长模式。更有有趣的技术和有挑战性的问题亟待解决。” 8. Google谷歌 CEO: Larry Page首席执行官:拉里·佩奇 Employee satisfaction rating: 4.1员工满意度:4.1 What employees think: "Lots of smart people, fantastic perks. I learned more here than I have anywhere else in my professional history. The older teams, such as infrastructure and apps have people that can teach you more in an hour than you learn many places in your entire tenure." —Google Software Engineer (San Francisco, CA)员工们认为:“很多人才、极好的薪酬。我在这学到的东西比在整个专业历史中任何地方学到的都多。有经验的队伍,例如基础设施和应用团队有许多人在一个小时内教你的东西能比在其它许多地方工作一生学到的都多。” 9. Orbitz Worldwide CEO: Barney Harford首席执行官:巴尼·哈福德 Employee satisfaction rating: 4.0员工满意度:4.0 What employees think: "Great people — smart, friendly, and willing to share their knowledge. The work atmosphere is fantastic — very energetic and exciting to be at work each day. A place where diversity and unique qualities are praised and wanted."—Orbitz Worldwide Inside Sales Associate (Chicago, IL)员工们认为:“人才——智慧、友善并且非常乐意分享他们的知识。工作环境非常好——真是每天在这里工作都感觉非常有精力和激情。这是一个崇尚和需要多样性和特立独行品质的地方。” 10. Nestlé Purina PetCare雀巢普瑞纳宠物食品公司 CEO: Pat McGinnis首席执行官:帕特·麦金尼斯 Employee satisfaction rating: 4.1员工满意度:4.1 What employees think: "People are smiling, happy, always willing to help lend a hand or share knowledge to help you do your job better. The health benefits are top tier, the work is challenging, yet energizing." —Nestle Purina PetCare Senior Manufacturing Software Engineer (Saint Louis, MO)员工们认为:“这里的人们微笑、开心、总是非常乐意给别人提供帮助或是分享一些经验帮助你工作的更好。医疗保险是顶级的,工作非常有挑战性,却也引人奋发向上。”

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