加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息Speaking my mind, no matter the issue
Rex Murphy: Speaking my mind, no matter the issueRex MurphySaturday, Feb. 22, 2014Ted Rhodes/Calgary HeraldThe first speech I gave outside Newfoundland was about Joey Smallwood. I gave it 50 years ago, and my reward was a broadcast address by Smallwood to all of Newfoundland telling me not to come home.Since then, I’ve given a lot of talks — perhaps more than a thousand. Since my teens, I have been blathering; and, according to one book reviewer, show no sign of abating. She wrote, and I treasure it, “When Rex Murphy dies, they’ll have to kill his mouth with a stick.”I’ve given talks to farmers, academics, A&W hamburger-restaurant franchisees (a nicer group of people I have not met), and civil servants at both the provincial and federal level. I spoke once about 15 or so years ago to the Canadian Federation of Municipalities (along with Jack Layton, as it happened) at a meeting in Alberta. We both had fun on the platform. Jack’s text was his own. Wrote it himself. So was mine — as it always is.I’ve spoken at fundraisers, literary gatherings, at St. Patrick’s Day festivities and three times (John Ivison, please note) at Robbie Burns events in three different cities. I’m very proud to have spoken to Jewish audiences at several Negev dinners, sometimes very emotional affairs.Over five decades, I have not had so much as a single suggestion that anything I have said was anything but my own words. Until nowI’ve spoken more often to teachers organizations than any other group. But I’ve also spoken frequently to nurses, health care workers in general; rural and urban municipalities, to Boards of Trade and hospital fundraisers, technical colleges, and once at a charming evening organized by family, friends and close associates of the founder of the Dollar Store.And yes, I often get paid for my bon mots — usually more than a dollar.Curiously, during all those encounters, spanning (sadly for me) five decades — I have not had so much as a single suggestion that anything I have said anywhere during that long saga was anything but my own words, flowing from my own motivations, and not opinions “for hire” to whomever I spoke.Not once … till now. I value independence of thought and expression, intensely. If my thoughts are not my own, they are nothing.Yet some bloggers now are questioning my commitment to that principle, thanks largely to a talk I gave recently to Business Forum, a gathering sponsored by the Calgary-based Bennett Jones law firm, featuring oil executives, First Nation leadership, premiers of Alberta and New Brunswick, and delegates from over the world.A well pad and drilling rig at Cenovus's Christina Lake oil sands operation in northern Alberta CNW Group/Cenovus Energy Inc.My subject was the Alberta Oil Boom, principally referring to Fort McMurray and — importantly — those who work there (a corps or workers that once included my own brother, so I know something of what I speak). I spoke about my views on the region’s national importance, the rescue it offered to so many thousands of Newfoundlanders who found jobs there after the fish crisis back home, and my view of the remorseless scapegoating of the oilsands as a singular threat to the planet. Neil Young’s comparison of the oilsands with Hiroshima had not been made at the time. But it stands, too sadly, as an illustration of the radical opposition to Alberta, its oil industry, and those who work in it.I also particularly wanted to say something about the timidity and ineptness of the oil industry in providing an inventory of the benefits — as I see them — of what it is doing and has already done; and asked the audience members, pointedly, why the industry is so lacking in confidence, and not headlining what should be seen as a great national — not just Albertan — project.I said that Canadians should be celebrating the industry’s achievements, and noting the technological miracles that our scientists and engineers have produced in this sector. I drew particular note to many of my personal friends who have had new and successful starts in Alberta over the last two decades. These are real benefits, too often left unarticulated, not placed on the scale when benefit versus risk is being weighed.These opinions and ideas are not ingenious, or startling, but I will claim for them that they are, to adapt Shakespeare’s words, “that poor thing, my own.” No oil worker asked me to say them. No premier. No oil executive. It was just me. Rex.Essentially the cry is that I’m a ventriloquist for hire. It’s an empty, insulting slur against my reputation as a journalistI looked forward to giving the talk, and thought some inventory of the Alberta boom’s economic and social benefits has long been missing from debate. I also incorporated some of these same thoughts into my National Post columns and other journalism — and later returned to the theme when Mr. Young blundered into the debate with his anti-oilsands demagoguery. Since my speeches and my columns originate from the same un-shutuppable brain, it is hardly a surprise that the same themes arise in both media.Now some columnists and some foundations (including the Sierra Club, which is, quite ironically, working the issue into a fund-raising campaign) are making claims by innuendo and artful headlines (“friends with benefits”) that amount to saying that I’m in bed with the oil companies, I’m undercover with Big Oil.Essentially the cry is that I’m a ventriloquist for hire. It’s an empty, insulting slur against my reputation as a journalist.In my speeches, I have a few goals. I try to give a good effort. I try to be interesting, sometimes even reach for humour. But what I absolutely guarantee is that what opinions people hear from me are mine. They are not hand-me-downs. They are not repeats. There are no conditions, no comfy side deals. No, dollars sliding under the table for a “special mention.” No preliminaries or conditions attached to what I say. Nor ever, have I been invited out to that lonely derrick on the edge of the fields where I am told the “oil companies” plot the future of the world and hunt down the last panda with a bullet made from the concentrated bones of the last grey whale.I have never on television, in a column or in a speech said, written or delivered any views other than my own and what I actually believe. That’s my practice and I don’t much intend to change. Those who seek to shut me up on this, or any other subject, will need more than a few vicious blog posts.They’ll need a stick.National PostPosted in: Full Comment Tags: Alberta, Alberta Oil Sands, Rex Murphy
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