加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息一般人事部的面试会问啥问题?
如果一个人脑袋装满了如下内容:李鸿章丧权辱国、义和团保家卫国、太平天国农民起义、蒋介石只会摘桃子、地主个个是周扒皮、旧社会暗无天日、美帝亡我之心不死、有国才有家,俄罗斯是兄弟。那么恭喜你!你基本具备脑残和傻逼的基本配置了…… ——作家王朔 赏 2014-11-19#3 付费矿工 27$(0.00$赞力,#76) 8,083 $1.24 $27.01 半小时很快的,问不了几个问题
Georgian College学 IT, 全省就业率第一!Overcoming your challenges at Georgian 赏 2014-11-19#4 C 7,960 $0.00 最简单的如上最难的 -1。 Why do you think we should hire you?2. What was the most compliment you obtained from your previous job and why?3. What was the most difficult task/event you were assigned to in your former position and why?4. What is your best advantage and worst disadvantage, and why?5. Under the circumstances that you disagreed with the decision your supervisor made, what would you do?6. Under the circumstances that your best staff disagreed with the decision you made and submitted his/her strong negative opinions to public, how would you deal with it?
crystallintw 说:最简单的如上最难的 -1。 Why do you think we should hire you?2. What was the most compliment you obtained from your previous job and why?3. What was the most difficult task/event you were assigned to in your former position and why?4. What is your best advantage and worst disadvantage, and why?5. Under the circumstances that you disagreed with the decision your supervisor made, what would you do?6. Under the circumstances that your best staff disagreed with the decision you made and submitted his/her strong negative opinions to public, how would you deal with it?点击展开...很有意思。请问第5和第6如何回答最好呢?
crystallintw 说:难透了。没标准答案。基本上愈是大公司,于是人事斗争复杂的地儿,愈爱问这种问题。点击展开...职场好可怕……
这世界辽阔,我们会实现每一个梦。最简单的如上最难的 -1。 Why do you think we should hire you?2. What was the most compliment you obtained from your previous job and why?3. What was the most difficult task/event you were assigned to in your former position and why?4. What is your best advantage and worst disadvantage, and why?5. Under the circumstances that you disagreed with the decision your supervisor made, what would you do?6. Under the circumstances that your best staff disagreed with the decision you made and submitted his/her strong negative opinions to public, how would you deal with it?点击展开...
盘古 说:要多少钱,什么时候能上班,reference点击展开...应该不是。现在还没有和专业经理见面呢。是先和人事部经理谈。我比较怵这个。
snowflake2012 说:很有意思。请问第5和第6如何回答最好呢?点击展开...好人做到底,给个SAMPLE ANSWER.谢谢。
zkm2009 说:好人做到底,给个SAMPLE ANSWER.谢谢。点击展开...5. Under the circumstances that you disagreed with the decision your supervisor made, what would you do?跟领导交心,谈谈自己的想法,然后伟光正的领导决定怎么做。6. Under the circumstances that your best staff disagreed with the decision you made and submitted his/her strong negative opinions to public, how would you deal with it?沟通沟通再沟通
如果一个人脑袋装满了如下内容:李鸿章丧权辱国、义和团保家卫国、太平天国农民起义、蒋介石只会摘桃子、地主个个是周扒皮、旧社会暗无天日、美帝亡我之心不死、有国才有家,俄罗斯是兄弟。那么恭喜你!你基本具备脑残和傻逼的基本配置了…… ——作家王朔 赏 2014-11-20#13 13,038 $0.00 其实众多的这类问题,无非就是多沟通,不抢领导风头,早请示晚汇报,自己爱学习,善于没活找活干。毛主席当初怎么要求大家的,你就怎么做,绝对没错
如果一个人脑袋装满了如下内容:李鸿章丧权辱国、义和团保家卫国、太平天国农民起义、蒋介石只会摘桃子、地主个个是周扒皮、旧社会暗无天日、美帝亡我之心不死、有国才有家,俄罗斯是兄弟。那么恭喜你!你基本具备脑残和傻逼的基本配置了…… ——作家王朔 赏 2014-11-20#14 羊 590 $0.00 善于没活找活干, 这个最难做到,深有体会啊
·生活百科 来自3个不同的光伏系统的教训
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