我在国内读的四年本科,毕业3年了,今年跟老公团聚移民来多伦多,想去读个college好找工作,看了置顶的帖子,去OCAS网站注册申请了Seneca今年9月开学的会计技术专业,因为我的学位证毕业证都没带过来,也没做过评估,想请教下Seneca这个专业是一定需要学历评估的吗,如果让家人在国内做公证并翻译有效吗?还是必需做WES/ICAS?WES就是清华认证吗?成绩单也是必需的吗?PS,在线支付了申请费之后收到OCAS的email,大概如下:Thank you for applying to Ontario's colleges. Your application and application fee Not Available have been processed.(这句让我很是焦虑,无效是几个意思。。?)You have indicated that you have international education documents. If you already have a Credential Assessment Report issued by World Education Services (WES) or International Credential Assessment Service (ICAS), contact the agency to see if the report can be sent to us. Also contact the Admissions Office at the college(s) to which you are applying to confirm if the information in the report is sufficient for the college admission process.If you do not have an Credential Assessment Report, contact the college(s) to which you have applied to confirm if a Credential Assessment Report is required. If a report is required by the college(s), confirm if both the secondary (high school) documents report and postsecondary (college/university) documents are necessary. To obtain a Credential Assessment Report visit either ICAS http://www.icascanada.ca/ocas or WES http://www.wes.org/ca/students/index.asp for information about obtaining a report and having it transmitted to colleges. Additional information is also available at ontariocolleges.ca邮件里也没提报告怎么给他们,如果做好评估后,是寄过去还是发邮件?。。。或者还需要我等待OCAS寄信过来再动作?这样9月份的课程还来得及吗。。。求教!!!
BJ case,2013/12/13签收,2014/1/7 AR1,2014/1/20 DM1,2014/2/25 补护信,2014/2/26 IP,2014/3/11 DM2,2014/3/15 大信封 赏 2014-06-23#2 夕 1,497 $0.00 老老实实到WES那里认证吧~~~~~~~~~~~
8月13日签收,12月1日面试通过当日下午取签,12月6日启程去加拿大,加拿大时间12月6日登陆加拿大(Winnipeg)! 赏 2014-07-15#3 兮 20 $0.00 我也收到了同样的信,按里面说的好像是要和college里面的人谈下你这个专业需不需要这个学历认证,
兮呀 说:我也收到了同样的信,按里面说的好像是要和college里面的人谈下你这个专业需不需要这个学历认证,点击展开...嗯嗯谢谢!大概过一周多学校会寄信通知去参加预录取考试~不需要认证啦
BJ case,2013/12/13签收,2014/1/7 AR1,2014/1/20 DM1,2014/2/25 补护信,2014/2/26 IP,2014/3/11 DM2,2014/3/15 大信封 赏 2014-08-13#5 O 805 $0.00 没要求高中成绩吗?
ok01 说:没要求高中成绩吗?点击展开...没有。。。
BJ case,2013/12/13签收,2014/1/7 AR1,2014/1/20 DM1,2014/2/25 补护信,2014/2/26 IP,2014/3/11 DM2,2014/3/15 大信封 赏 2014-11-29#7 Y 2,497 $0.00 公证过的行不行?我的还得要求成绩,晕呀,去哪里找成绩呢?
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