加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息提问:lay off 申请EI 第一次在线报告时的疑问
lay off 申请EI 最后一周的礼拜二是最后一天。在做internet reporting时 问到:“Provide the total gross amount of earnings before deductions (including tips and commissions) that you received or will receive from all employers you worked for from Sunday to Saturday during the first week of this report. Round to the nearest dollar (do not enter cents) and do not use commas, spaces or periods.”我收到有三部分收入1 两天的工资2 攒的尚未用的休假折合工资3 离职补偿金。请问,问题中的total gross amount of earnings是 1 还是 1+2 是1+2+3?谢谢
bxwz2004 说:lay off 申请EI 最后一周的礼拜二是最后一天。在做internet reporting时 问到:“Provide the total gross amount of earnings before deductions (including tips and commissions) that you received or will receive from all employers you worked for from Sunday to Saturday during the first week of this report. Round to the nearest dollar (do not enter cents) and do not use commas, spaces or periods.”我收到有三部分收入1 两天的工资2 攒的尚未用的休假折合工资3 离职补偿金。请问,问题中的total gross amount of earnings是 1 还是 1+2 是1+2+3?谢谢点击展开...如果都是第一个礼拜收到的 1+2+3因为他们要算的是你现在手上能有多少收入。如果是之前收到的就不算 但不是说之前产生的收入可以不算
隐藏: 末法时代刘晓波如果都是第一个礼拜收到的 1+2+3因为他们要算的是你现在手上能有多少收入。如果是之前收到的就不算但不是说之前产生的收入可以不算点击展开...非常感谢!
这些收入应该是你的fainal pay里,应该已经体现在你的ROE里,不需要你Report,你应该report lay off之后的收入
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