加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息TORNADO WATCH IN EFFECT 大家要做好准备啊


http://www.saskatoon.ca/org/news_releases/detail.asp?id=2379NEWS RELEASES For Immediate Release: July 9, 2007IS07-271TORNADO WATCH IN EFFECT - RESIDENTS REMINDED TO BE PREPAREDEnvironment Canada has issued a “Tornado Watch” for Saskatoon. Residents are reminded to be prepared for all hazards that affect our area, and to take proper safety precautions. If a tornado threatens: Take shelter immediately -Preferably in the basement under a stairway or sturdy work table in the centre of the house. If there’s no basement, the safest spot is the ground floor in the centre of the house. Small rooms tend to be more structurally sound so seek shelter in a hallway, small room, closet or bathroom. Lying in the bathtub with a mattress on top of you may provide good protection. -If you’re in a vehicle or mobile home, get outside and find other shelter if the tornado is strong. Avoid wide-span buildings, such as shopping centres, auditoriums and supermarkets with large roofs. Go to a nearby sturdy shelter, or the lower floor, an inside room, restroom or hallway, or get under a sturdy building. -In high rise buildings, move to lower levels, small interior rooms or stairwells. -Stay away from windows, doors and exterior walls. Flying glass is extremely dangerous. Outdoors, with no shelter available, lie flat in a ditch or other low-lying area, and protect your head with your arms. Don’t get caught in a vehicle or mobile home, which the tornado can lift. Take shelter elsewhere, or if none is available, even a ditch offers better protection. Choose a location where your vehicle won’t be hurled or rolled on top of you. If you live in a mobile home, go to a nearby sturdy shelter when a severe storm is approaching. Beware of flying debris. Even small objects such can become lethal missiles. Remember that damaged and weakened structures, fallen debris, downed electrical wires, and gas leaks are potential dangers after a storm has passed. Environment Canada lifted the “Tornado Warning” at 4:24 p.m., however a “Tornado Watch” currently remains in effect. Residents are encouraged to monitor the situation through local radio and television stations. Information on what to do before, during and after a disaster is available at www.saskatoon.ca under “H” for Home Preparedness Plan. -30-Media, for more information: Dan Paulsen. Assistant Chief Saskatoon Fire and Protective Services 975-3030

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