加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息看了一下,似乎support payment可以用来抵税哦???


看了一下,似乎support payment可以用来抵税哦???就是给老婆小孩的抚养费但是说明文件里面完全没有说必须离婚才能搞, 也就是说正常普通家庭也可以搞了? 那不是很好嘛? 能避很多的税啊有专家吗?Support paymentsIf you make spousal or child support payments, you may be ableto deduct the amounts you paid, even if your former spouse orcommon-law partner does not live in Canada. For moreinformation, see Guide P102, Support Payments.http://www.cra-arc.gc.ca/E/pub/tg/p102/p102-e.html#P138_8609What are support payments? A support payment is an amount payable or receivable as an allowance on a periodic basis for the maintenance of the recipient, children of the recipient, or both. There are two types of support payments. The tax rules are different depending on the type of situation. Support for a spouse or common-law partner means support payments made under a court order or written agreement that are only for the recipient's maintenance (referred to in this guide as spousal support).Support for a child means any support payment that is not identified in the court order or written agreement as being only for the recipient’s maintenance. If an order or agreement provides for a global amount of support to be paid for the recipient and a child, the full amount is considered support for a child. For your payment to be considered a support payment, the following five conditions must be met. 1. The payment must be made under the terms of a court order or written agreement. NoteIn the case of paternity agreements, they must be in the form of a court order issued by a court or a competent tribunal in accordance with the laws of a province. Written agreements are not acceptable even if they are registered with the court. 2. The payer must be living separate and apart from the recipient at the time the payment was made because of a breakdown in the relationship, if the recipient is the payer’s current or former spouse or common-law partner. Otherwise, the payer must be the legal parent of a child of the recipient. 3. The payment is made for the maintenance of the recipient, child of the recipient, or both, and the recipient has discretion as to the use of the amount. 4. The allowance must be payable on a periodic basis. For the definition of allowance and periodic payments. Note The timing of the payments must be set out in the court order or written agreement. 5. The payments must be made directly to the recipient. Note Under certain conditions, payments can be made to a third-party. For more information, see Specific-purpose and third-party payments.

加币比美元值钱5%, 但是加国货物售价比美国贵20-30%...回复: 看了一下,似乎support payment可以用来抵税哦???不需要专家,只要找个懂英文的看一下你Copy的那段话就可以告诉你并不是 “说明文件里面完全没有说必须离婚才能搞”

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