加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息请问pension income是退休金,不是国内缴的养老金?
一直没有明白国内工作,缴的养老金,不算是pension income吧?说是income,钱不是我的;说不是,它又打到了我的账户里???抑或,这个pension和国内的养老金根本就不搭嘎?即便是国内退休在领取养老金,也不算是pension income?IncomeYou have to report your world income for the part of the year that you were a resident of Canada. 当你成为加拿大永久居民,你必须报告你的世界收入。World income is income from all sources, both inside and outside Canada.世界收入是指你所有的收入,不管是来自加拿大还是加拿大以外的国家。 In some cases, pension income from outside of Canada may be exempt from tax in Canada due to a tax treaty, but you must still report the income on your tax return.来自加拿大以外的养老金收入,在某些情况下可以不用课税。但即便如此你也必须在税表中进行申报。 You can deduct the exempt part on line 256 of your tax return.
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