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federal non-refundable tax credits是啥东西啊?联邦 非返金 税务优惠金?这是用来抵扣税金的?比如,今年我应该缴税1000。但如果我的医疗支出和孩子的fitness花掉了我100的话,那么就可以抵扣掉100,只缴税900就可以了?For the part of the year you were a resident of CanadaYou can claim the following federal non-refundable tax credits, as long as they apply, to the part of the year that you were a resident of Canada:■Canada Pension Plan or Quebec Pension Plan contributions;加拿大养老金■social security arrangement contributions (see Form RC269, Employee Contributions to a Foreign Pension Plan or Social Security Arrangement for 2011 ? Non-United States Plans or Arrangements);社会保险■Employment Insurance premiums; 就业保险?■Provincial Parental Insurance Plan premiums;省父母保险计划?■volunteer firefighters’ amount; 志愿消防员■Canada employment amount; 加拿大就业?■public transit amount;交通费? ■children’s fitness amount; 孩子参加活动的费用■children’s arts amount;艺术课的费用 ■home buyers’ amount;购房费用 这个和首次购房得到的那个优惠,是一回事吗?我记得当时买房子的时候,直接享受了一个什么优惠,条件是必须是全球的手套购房。那么,这里,就不用再申请了吧? ■adoption expenses; 收养儿童的费用■pension income amount (for yourself);养老金收入的费用?■interest paid on loans for post-secondary education made to you under the Canada Student Loans Act, the Canada Student Financial Assistance Act, or similar provincial or territorial government laws;助学贷款的利息■tuition, education, and textbook amounts (for yourself);学费书本费等 ■medical expenses;药费 请问:女儿缝合伤口的费用,我做医疗检查的费用,药费,买的补铁片,退烧药,儿童vitaminD什么的,那个算,那个不算?还是只有处方药才算是? and ■donations and gifts.捐赠和礼物费用 请问,这个gife,给自己家人买的算不算?这个问法有点滑稽,我想给自己家人的礼物应该是不算的吧?
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