加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息从此远离 TD,实在太窝心了


终于受不了放弃,今天在电话里大骂了他们一顿之后,刚才又写了一封投诉信给他们。懒得翻译了,有兴趣就自己看吧。I tried to open a TFSA investment account 3 weeks ago (Nov 17th). I met with a finance advisor in a branch and he helped me fill out all the forms and had the account open. Everything seemed to be so nice. The very next day, the advisor called me that I need to provide my SIN, and he explicitly told me that I could just go to any branch, show the document to the teller, and ask the teller to update my profile, so that he would help me resubmit the application. I followed his instruction and did that. After a few days, I saw the invest account show up in my online banking, so I tried to deposit 3k to the account and prepare to do some trading, but I couldn't. The online system showed an error and asked me to call. I was thinking it probably just needed some time to process everything, so I decided to wait another couple days. Last week, Monday (Nov 26th), the account was still not working, so I called Waterhouse and checked what's going on. They told me, oh, we still need your SIN, so the account is being locked (why the hell you allow me to transfer the money to an account if it's locked!). I told the staff that I had done as the finance advisor directed. The staff on the phone said I had to fax them the photocopy of my SIN as well as a letter of direction. (He even said I could just fax by myself, I didn’t even need a branch to do it. Check the recorded call if that really exists!) OK, I would do that. I went to a TD branch next day, and asked a teller to do it. The teller appeared to be confused but she helped me anyway. After 2 days, the account was still locked. So I called WaterHouse customer service again. This time, a different staff (I assume) said, hmm, we need you to date the letter of direction and the branch needs to stamp on it (why didn't you tell me the first time!). OK, I would do what you said. I went to a branch, explained the story again. The teller helped me everything and faxed the documents again. After another week (Dec 5th, , 14 business days after I request to open the account), the account is still locked. And nobody from Waterhouse has called me for anything. I decided to phone them again. This time, once again, another staff (I assume) on the phone told me, “we probably have received the photocopy of your SIN, but I don’t see it on the file. Let me try to ask someone else”. After a few minutes, he came back and said, “you need to fax us your visa on the passport”. Well, I am a PR, but I have lived in Canada for a long time. And my SIN is not a temporary number, which has already proved that I am a PR. That does NOT make any sense for me to present my visa and even anything from my passport (btw, you guys already have my driver license information!). I just cannot take it any more, so I decide to withdraw the money, even though it’s my this-year TFSA contribution. What really unacceptable are:-TD staffs appear to be uneducated. When I met with the finance advisor, he should have checked if my information is complete before sending me out (I wrote him 2 emails later and received no response). -Every time I called, I was asked to provide something more. They just cannot ask for everything in one time. I feel like being played by those customer service staffs. (check the recorded call if that really exists, every time the staff said, this is exactly what you need to do, then next time, oh, we still need this. I guess if I still follow your instruction, next time I call, I will need to submit a birth certificate, gender certificate, human being certificate, whatever). -TD WaterHouse does not value clients (at least not me, maybe because I didn’t deposit too much money). If a client calls, that means there is a situation to follow, so follow it and resolve the situation please. If you need me to fax something, call me when you receive the fax; if you need more information, call me. No one ever contacts me (well, only one person contacts me, for survey! I should redo that survey now!). Anyway, I am done with TD Canada. I am pulling all my money out and move to another bank. I don’t have a lot of money, so you don’t really have to value me. But shame on you!

回复: 从此远离 TD,实在太窝心了在接触越来越多的本地工作者之后,你会发现加拿大人的特点: 工作尽量少做(难听点:偷懒),缺乏责任心,但表面工夫很好:说的很好听,笑的也不错。 你的事件中,错在给你开户的人,没有要SIN卡,并留复印件存档,至于后来者则可能工作不到位,没把文档存到需要的地方。 所以,我们要尽可能的自己想周全,做周全。比如,这个账户和税务局关联(你一年存超过5千,他们会找你),所以SIN卡资料肯定要;然后出错了,最好回原开户行补材料,自己直接把材料送去,减少银行中转,降低工作不到位造成的麻烦。 我曾经因为搬家,改地址,连让TELLER改了几次,最后银行的信还是寄到旧地址,愤怒之下,关了账户。那是另一家银行。不知道为什么TELLER的电脑屏已经显示新地址,信还是寄旧地址。也许电脑系统没传达,也许那个发信的人没更新地址。

回复: 从此远离 TD,实在太窝心了写的好,看得俺也一肚子气,真匪夷所思,怀疑:一是智商问题,二是都在混饭吃。

It is the best of times, it is the worst of times; it is the age of wisdom, it is the age of foolishness.回复: 从此远离 TD,实在太窝心了好样的,佩服!不过我还是坚守TD。

回复: 从此远离 TD,实在太窝心了哪家银行都可能有这类事情,就是看被谁赶上了。我的遭遇是在RBC,也就让我永远远离了那家银行。

回复: 从此远离 TD,实在太窝心了我讨厌汇丰银行,回回在柜台问个问题都不会回答。回回都把我搞到一边找个人具体接待我,回回浪费很多个人宝贵时间,一句话,柜台的都是只管存和取,其他的一概不知!后台的工作人员就是不停的核对信息,做些不着边的事!回回都很生气,想换家说国语的银行,不知道各位有哪家好推荐?谢谢

回复: 从此远离 TD,实在太窝心了来了加拿大后发现这里银行的工作人员很多业务不熟练的,同一件事情,各有各的说法,运气好的,碰上靠谱的人,一次就能办成,否则就要折腾几次。不比较不知道,国内银行电信的服务已算很好了。TD曾想去开户的,碰到个风风火火却一问三不知的客户经理,还让我们等了半天,后来就没开户。

回复: 从此远离 TD,实在太窝心了通篇思路混乱,词不达语,不知所云。奉劝lz最好找个 financial advisor who has same mother tongue with you, 否则是没人会明白你讲什么的。

回复: 从此远离 TD,实在太窝心了我弱弱地推荐:TD (虽然在这个帖子里面提这个建议很伤大雅) 因为我自己就是同时在cibc,td有账户的。相比之下,td网点多,中文服务多(不论是员工,还是电话银行),上班时间长。 我以前在多伦多下班后,到银行办点事,cibc大部分基本就已经关门了,但是td有不少分支直到晚上7点还营业。点击展开...我是TD的忠实客户,所有的帐户都在TD

回复: 从此远离 TD,实在太窝心了来加三个月,到现在只开了一个帐户,是TD的,到目前为止暂时还可以,网点多,服务时间长,中文服务,前天还在他们一分行得到送的一本新台历,另自己厚脸皮要了几支原珠笔,所以斗胆上来为他们说几句好话。

我做的菜,我的MV回复: 从此远离 TD,实在太窝心了我刚转到TD,感觉还可以。楼下TD周四周五晚上8点才下班。

北京227. 2010.04.06 初料妥投悉尼 20120223 毕业 20120625 北京长登多伦多20121126 Downtown上班回复: 从此远离 TD,实在太窝心了大致意思看明白了。LZ是否找的它家的中文服务代表?我个人觉得华人客服的水平比英文的强,而且也没有语言沟通的问题。 还有,如I guess if I still follow your instruction, next time I call, I will need to submit a birth certificate, gender certificate, human being certificate, whatever 这类话其实不应该写在投诉信里,投诉就事论事,这些话实在没法给你自己的形象加分。。。 你在信里说了两遍letter of direction,我想你应该不是笔误,你确认不是Letter of Instruction (LOI)?

回复: 从此远离 TD,实在太窝心了我弱弱地推荐:TD (虽然在这个帖子里面提这个建议很伤大雅) 因为我自己就是同时在cibc,td有账户的。相比之下,td网点多,中文服务多(不论是员工,还是电话银行),上班时间长。 我以前在多伦多下班后,到银行办点事,cibc大部分基本就已经关门了,但是td有不少分支直到晚上7点还营业。点击展开...又撞上了,修炉子的MM,TD真的比CIBC好多了。我是从C跳到TD的。建议LZ找到比TD好的再跳也不迟,日常业务,房屋贷款,玩股票都是TD最方便,纯属个人看法。

回复: 从此远离 TD,实在太窝心了中国有句古话,不打不相识,楼主留步,TD在加拿大几大行算好的了。

回复: 从此远离 TD,实在太窝心了通篇思路混乱,词不达语,不知所云。奉劝lz最好找个 financial advisor who has same mother tongue with you, 否则是没人会明白你讲什么的。点击展开...不明白我哪里说的不清楚,还请指教我至少对自己的英语交流还是有得自信

回复: 从此远离 TD,实在太窝心了大致意思看明白了。LZ是否找的它家的中文服务代表?我个人觉得华人客服的水平比英文的强,而且也没有语言沟通的问题。 还有,如I guess if I still follow your instruction, next time I call, I will need to submit a birth certificate, gender certificate, human being certificate, whatever 这类话其实不应该写在投诉信里,投诉就事论事,这些话实在没法给你自己的形象加分。。。 你在信里说了两遍letter of direction,我想你应该不是笔误,你确认不是Letter of Instruction (LOI)?点击展开...no, it's letter of direction是 TD 的电话客服说的,要我自己写的

回复: 从此远离 TD,实在太窝心了补充一下,我知道每间银行都差不多,我已经在加拿大差不多10年了,我在几家不同的银行都有帐号。只是这次想在 waterhouse 买他的 e-series 而已。没有想到前后折腾几乎一个月都没有搞好。我最不满意的是,他们的客服系统混乱。it's like, oh, your account has 10 items missing, let me tell you the first one on the list this time; when you call next time, we will see if you have done the first item properly...他们就好像坐在那里,什么也不做,直到我打电话才动一下我已经说了,when a customer calls, that means there is an issue, then they should try to follow and resolve it. the system should have been much simpler if they create a ticket, which only the client can close it. A staff will this ticket in a queue and someone should monitor the queue and resolve clients' problems one by one. if they need me to fax, call me when they receive the fax; if something is still missing, call me! anyway, if some of you don't get the feeling, that's fine. I guess those only know the pain when it hurts themselves .

回复: 从此远离 TD,实在太窝心了TD的中文服务很好的,银行里的人不一定清楚 waterhouse的业务,最好是先打waterhouse的中文服务电话问清楚流程,再到分行去办理. 如果分行具体经办人不清楚,可以让他们打电话去waterhouse确认

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