加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息TFSA 免税帐户


进入2009年,加拿大的金融业出现了一个新的生机,那就是Tax Free Savings Account,即免税帐户,这里开个专贴,讨论这个帐户,欢迎大家积极参与。

回复: TFSA 免税帐户1.资格和年龄要开立TFSA,必须是年满18岁的居民,且提供SIN。TFSA在这一点上和RRSP相比,有两大区别:1)即便是18岁以下的孩子,都有可能可以开RRSP,比如孩子参加商业广告,获得收入,报完税后得到RRSP额度。但只有成年人才可以开TFSA。2)政府规定RRSP持有人年满71岁后,必须提取现金、或转换成RRIF、或购买年金。而TFSA没有年龄上限,可以持续拥有直至人死亡。

回复: TFSA 免税帐户2.TFSA额度2009年是TFSA的第一年,额度为加元5000。理论上说,政府将每年根据通货膨胀率,调整TFSA的额度,但事实上并非如此。调整将以500加元为幅度。据预测,如果央行将通货膨胀率控制在一定范围内的话,2010和2011年很可能仍然是各5000加元的额度,2012年可能增加到5500加元。

回复: TFSA 免税帐户继续吧,等着听听.

期权是毒药,以毒攻毒,毒药可治病救人,期权能发家致富.股市有风险,期权更危险,凡跟风者,后果自负.回复: TFSA 免税帐户楼主继续啊,等着了。

回复: TFSA 免税帐户3.关于contributions in kind(实物出资)开了TFSA以后,不一定非要现金出资入帐,也还可以将自己目前拥有的证券作为实物出资入TFSA帐户。比如,如果你有GIC,可以将该GIC转入TFSA帐户,在转入TFSA帐户之前赚取的利息需要交税,转入TFSA帐户之后的利息是免税的,但是要注意的是,转入TFSA帐户的GIC面值和应计利息不超过TFSA帐户的额度。在这一点上,TFSA和RRSP有相似之处,即可以将证券作为实物出资投资到TFSA或RRSP帐户里。因此,这里的税收问题值得注意。1)Canada Revenue Agency将实物出资交易(例如股票,基金等),看作两个交易:第一是将实物出售,第二是出资入帐。第一步骤的交易中产生的任何收益需要计入当年纳税申报。2)在上述第一步骤交易中产生的资本收益需要纳税申报,如产生资本损失却是不能在报税中抵扣的。所以,实物出资的话,千万不要将亏损的证券出资入TFSA帐户。应该先自己将该证券出售,实现可抵扣的资本亏损,然后将出售所得现金投资入TFSA帐户。

回复: TFSA 免税帐户学习。

http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=386790 2010-06-19#8 冬瓜 495 $0.00 Don't overcontribute TFSA accountMany Canadians who opened a tax-free savings account are getting a nasty surprise this month. They’re being penalized for excess contributions, even though they kept their balances under the $5,000 annual limit. If you have contributed the maximum to a TFSA and you withdraw any of your money, you must wait until the following year to contribute again. Removing and replacing money in a single year means you’ll get dinged for 1 per cent of the amount you contributed over the initial $5,000. Take Catherine Lyall, who put $5,000 into a TFSA last year. Short of money to pay bills, she took out $4,970 from the account and put it back later in 2009. The CRA said she had over-contributed $4,970 for six months ? or $29,820 in total ? and had to pay back 1 per cent (or $298.20). Meanwhile, she earned about $48 of tax-free interest ? far outweighed by the penalty. Qasim Abbas has a similar story. After putting $5,000 into a TSFA on Jan. 2, 2009, he took out $1,500 on Jan. 26 and replaced it on Feb. 2, 2009. He was told he had made a $1,500 over-contribution for 11 months ? or $16,500 in total ? and he owed $165. Transfers can also get you into trouble. Witold Borozynski opened a tax-free account with ING Direct on Jan. 1, 2009. Finding a better offer at HSBC, he transferred $4,999 from ING to a TFSA at HSBC on Jan. 22, 2009. He was over the limit in the first month of the year, the CRA said. He owed 1 per cent of $4,999 times 12 months ? or $59,988 in total ? which meant a tax bill of $599.98.“I feel I was charged taxes on money I never had,” he said. “Maybe it’s a classic example of missing the super-fine print.” Federal finance minister Jim Flaherty announced technical changes last October designed to restrict tax avoidance schemes and prohibit asset transfer transactions between TFSAs and other registered or non-registered accounts.But he didn’t say transfers of TFSAs from one institution to another would be penalized ? or transfers within a single institution ? even though it’s happening to some taxpayers.Max Peterson transferred his TFSA from a TD Waterhouse discount brokerage account to a TD Canada Trust branch last year. Now he’s learned that the transfer was counted as a new contribution. Gerry Vercaigne did the opposite, moving his TFSA from a TD Canada Trust branch to his TD Waterhouse brokerage accounts. He’s been told to pay $392.62 in tax on $39,626 in over-contributions ? and his wife, who did the same thing, has a similar tax bill. I’m hearing from many people ordered to pay tax on so-called TFSA over-contributions. Their letters, dated June 1, demand a response by the end of the month. Taxpayers have two options, explains CRA spokeswoman Caitlin Workman. They can send in payment right away if they agree with the proposed TFSA return for 2009. Or they can complete a form (RC243-SCH-A), showing the changes they want to make. Disagreement can be costly if you have no case.“If we do not receive your TFSA return and payment on or before June 30, 2010, we will issue an assessment, which will include any penalties and interest that may apply,” Brigitte Latimer, CRA assistant director of data assessment, wrote to Abbas. Many people are going online with complaints at the Canadian Tax Resource Blog, http://blog.taxresource.ca, and my own blog, http://www.ellenroseman.com. Taxpayers and financial institutions need help understanding how the TFSA rules work. It would be nice to see Ottawa do a public education campaign and waive penalties for over-contributions made in error during the first year.

回复: TFSA 免税帐户从TFSA中取/借钱买房(第一次购房)有具体规定吗?谢.

回复: TFSA 免税帐户从TFSA中取/借钱买房(第一次购房)有具体规定吗?谢.点击展开...印象中RRSP中才有类似的安排。TFSA中的contribution或earning没有取出时间或用途的限制。

I live where I want to live and work where I have to work.​从TFSA中取/借钱买房(第一次购房)有具体规定吗?谢.点击展开...没有限制

回复: TFSA 免税帐户上个月糊里糊涂地被银行的客户经理提醒开了这个TFSA帐户,听到这么高的罚款吓死了。我去年没开TFSA,所以今年开了之后,一下子存了10000元,没问题吧?还有报税时是不是就不填这个帐户的利息收入就可以了?还请哪位大侠给指点一下,谢谢了。

回复: TFSA 免税帐户上个月糊里糊涂地被银行的客户经理提醒开了这个TFSA帐户,听到这么高的罚款吓死了。我去年没开TFSA,所以今年开了之后,一下子存了10000元,没问题吧?还有报税时是不是就不填这个帐户的利息收入就可以了?还请哪位大侠给指点一下,谢谢了。点击展开...TSFA每年都有5000元的contribution room。2年累计下来就是1W元,您正好用足了,没事儿。

I live where I want to live and work where I have to work.​回复: TFSA 免税帐户TFSA的最佳用法莫过于投资,如果光用于储蓄就太浪费了。比如用它开个股票账户,虽然放钱不多,但股票投资也就是量力而行,买个合适的股票(投资的就别看新股了,找业绩好的成长性强的吧),放上两年,等它翻个滚什么的再说。

少许找工经验,希望能对看到的朋友有所帮助加拿大不是天堂,中国不是地狱准备出发?一些行李准备的经验吧自制拉面吃到嘴 中国道德缺失现状及方向新移民上学的选择--石油行业TFSA的最佳用法莫过于投资,如果光用于储蓄就太浪费了。比如用它开个股票账户,虽然放钱不多,但股票投资也就是量力而行,买个合适的股票(投资的就别看新股了,找业绩好的成长性强的吧),放上两年,等它翻个滚什么的再说。点击展开...有道理。请问LS用的是那家银行的TFSA投资服务? 有账户管理费或交易手续费吗?费用怎么计算?

I live where I want to live and work where I have to work.​有道理。请问LS用的是那家银行的TFSA投资服务? 有账户管理费或交易手续费吗?费用怎么计算?点击展开...Scotia的,没有管理费,手续费是一笔30刀。对于我等做长线的,够了。

少许找工经验,希望能对看到的朋友有所帮助加拿大不是天堂,中国不是地狱准备出发?一些行李准备的经验吧自制拉面吃到嘴 中国道德缺失现状及方向新移民上学的选择--石油行业Scotia的,没有管理费,手续费是一笔30刀。对于我等做长线的,够了。点击展开...:p 不便宜啊! 据说QuestTrade比较便宜。研究研究先。。。

I live where I want to live and work where I have to work.​回复: TFSA 免税帐户LS说的对,我也觉得网上的那个平台比银行便宜,我的经验是尽量不要再银行做投资类的东西,银行就是开账户的,其他的都不合适。包括教育基金什么的,都不要弄银行的呵呵

回复: TFSA 免税帐户LS说的对,我也觉得网上的那个平台比银行便宜,我的经验是尽量不要再银行做投资类的东西,银行就是开账户的,其他的都不合适。包括教育基金什么的,都不要弄银行的呵呵点击展开... 除支票账户和信用卡外,我也不打算再跟银行有其他瓜葛。 你用过QuestTrade吗?感觉如何?

I live where I want to live and work where I have to work.​回复: TFSA 免税帐户请大家积极发言. 准备用TFSA 帐户投资于北美股市,大家有好的心得吗?先谢谢啦!

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