荣耀 说:如题https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/calgary/preschool-melanie-nickle-roots-and-wings-leanne-collings-1.5352556点击展开...经济困难的时候,应该加大财政刺激,适当扩大赤子啊!这下可好,保守党紧缩财政,影响民生...
茹妹 说:擦有人抢我生意点击展开...我真以为是你
荣耀 说:如题https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/calgary/preschool-melanie-nickle-roots-and-wings-leanne-collings-1.5352556点击展开...感觉就是配合联邦政府勒紧裤腰带,牺牲一大群也要支持魁北克的福利
SLS 说:这种福利除了魁省,其他所有的省都没有吧?我们家反正没领过。点击展开...目前阿省还真有,这福利还真不错,到20年给取消了

“I believe that Alberta is not just a place on the map.This Alberta is a place where we judge people not on the basis of where they were born, how they pray or who they love, but on how hard they work, and how well they treat others.”--Jason Kennedy 赏 2019-11-08#9

Work Hard for Better Canada
付费矿工 1,545$(0.28$赞力,#32) 4,998 $7.06 $1,545.03 另外关于阿省情况真的要具体对待。阿省自从油价下跌以及NDP大行举债,现在开始开始债务恶性循环的初始阶段。如果不控制好债务,就是另一个安省,卖机场,电厂,公共设施,最后导致公共设施服务价格飞涨。阿省的目标是:Budget 2019 estimates the deficit for the current fiscal year will be $8.7 billion, which is $2 billion more than the $6.7 billion deficit last year. The UCP hopes to reduce the deficit in chunks. Budget 2019 projects a deficit of $5.9 billion in 2020, $2.6 billion in 2021, and a small projected surplus of $0.6 billion in 2022.可以看看这十几年在油价的债务变化:Alberta had more assets than debt from 2000 to 2015. In 2007, Alberta had a bit more than $35 billion more assets than debt. The former Progressive Conservative government then ran a series of deficits, so by 2014 Alberta had slightly more than $13 billion in assets in excess of its debt. In 2018, the last year of the Alberta New Democratic Party (NDP) government, Alberta had about $27.5 billion in debt in excess of its assets.但是在如此债务快速增加的时候,阿省仍然要支付不菲的equ费用:Of an equalization “pie” of $19 billion for the current fiscal year。“Every year, Alberta sends $20-billion in transfers to other provinces through the federal government,”评论
“I believe that Alberta is not just a place on the map.This Alberta is a place where we judge people not on the basis of where they were born, how they pray or who they love, but on how hard they work, and how well they treat others.”--Jason Kennedy 赏 2019-11-08#10

Work Hard for Better Canada
付费矿工 1,545$(0.28$赞力,#32) 4,998 $7.06 $1,545.03 最终带来的结局就是:阿省财政赤字不断攀升,还需要持续出血给联邦for equalization,联邦还卡着能源政策。油管不是hold就是cancelled。省级层面对能源又没有决定权,那你说怎么办?只有截流。降工资总比失业好吧。希望都能互相理解。我们也不想降低公共服务水平,可是我们能怎么办呢?坐以待毙?就像Kenney said in a televised suppertime address to the province. “Now, let’s be clear: this will not be an easy budget.” ·生活百科 出口有限按需
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