加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息各位达夏:按最近听说了一件事,请大恰帮忙!
各位大虾。。。小弟最近听说:如果使用月票的话可以将购买的票和月票留下来年底可报税!不知有无此事? 点击展开...多伦多这儿可以退税
加西万里行旅途杂记 比较几个省的亲属团聚类省提名温哥华家庭旅馆通讯录 温哥华的成人高中 莲藕家的新房子--自建房过程全记录(进行中)藕也织围脖:http://t.sina.com.cn/1852492914 赏 2006-08-31#4 89 $0.00 不知怎样退呢?
各位大虾。。。 赏 2006-08-31#5 4 44 $0.00 News releaseCanada Revenue Agency tells monthly public transit pass holders: Keep your pass!Ottawa, June 19, 2006... The Canada Revenue Agency is advising transit users to keep their monthly transit passes and receipts if they plan to claim a proposed new tax credit for public transit use on their 2006 income tax return.If a transit pass displays the following information, the pass itself will be sufficient to support a claim for the tax credit:an indication that it is a monthly (or longer duration) pass; the date or period for which the pass is valid; the name of the transit authority or organization issuing the pass; the amount paid for the pass; and, the identity of the rider, either by name or unique identifier. If a transit user's pass does not contain all of this information, the Agency advises that transit users also obtain a dated receipt, or retain cancelled cheques or credit card statements, to support the claim. The credit will be available for the portion of the pass that is used on or after July 1st, even if the pass is purchased before that date.Additional information on how to claim the proposed tax credit for public transit passes will be posted soon on the Canada Revenue Agency Web site at www.cra.gc.ca.The transit pass credit, announced as part of the May 2006 federal budget, will allow individuals to claim the cost of passes for commuting on buses, streetcars, subways, commuter trains and local ferries. In addition to claiming his or her own cost of transit passes, an individual can make a claim on behalf of a spouse or common-law partner, and the individual's children under the age of 19, to the extent that they have not already been claimed by them.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
各位大虾。。。 赏 2006-09-02#7 388 $0.00 同意楼上的观点!确有其事!
·生活百科 家里还有水疗中心/游泳池 - 电力充足吗?
·生活百科 SA TOU 和时区