加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息The boy who lived before


LITTLE Cameron Macaulay was a typical six-year-old, always talking about his mum and family. He liked to draw pictures of his home too ― a long single-storey, white house standing in a bay.But it sent shivers down his mum’s spine ― because Cameron said it was somewhere they had never been, 160 miles away from where they lived.And he said the mother he was talking about was his “old mum.”Convinced he had lived a previous life Cameron worried his former family would be missing him.The Glasgow lad said they were on the Isle Of Barra.Mum Norma, 42, said: “Ever since Cameron could speak he’s come up with tales of a childhood on Barra.“He spoke about his former parents, how his dad died, and his brothers and sisters.“Eventually we just had to take him there to see what we could find. “It was an astonishing experience.”Cameron’s journey to find his previous life is now the subject of a spooky TV documentary.Norma said: “His dad and I are no longer together but neither of our families have ever been to the island.“At first we just put his stories down to a vivid imagination.” Then life took a more sinister turn as Cameron started to become distressed at being away from his Barra family.Norma said: “It was awful and went on for years.“When he started nursery his teacher asked to see me and told me all the things Cameron was saying about Barra. He missed his mummy and his brothers and sisters there.“He missed playing in rockpools on the beach beside his house.“And he complained that in our house there was only one toilet, whereas in Barra, they had three.“He used to cry for his mummy. He said she’d be missing him and he wanted to let his family in Barra know he was all right.“It was very distressing. He was inconsolable.” Memorable view ... Isle of Barra which Cameron said was his former home “He wouldn’t stop talking about Barra, where they went, what they did and how he watched the planes landing on the beach from his bedroom window.“He even said his dad was called Shane Robertson, who had died because ‘he didn’t look both ways.’“I assume he means knocked over by a car but he never says that.“One day his nursery teacher told me a film company were looking for people who believed they had lived before.“She suggested I contact them about Cameron. My family were horrified. There was a lot of opposition to it. I’m a single parent so it was me and Cameron’s brother Martin, who is only a year older than him, who were being badly affected by this.“Cameron wouldn’t stop begging me to take him to Barra. It was constant.“I contacted the film company and they followed Cameron’s journey to Barra.“We had child psychologist Dr Jim Tucker, from Virginia, with us.“He specialises in reincarnation and has researched other children like Cameron.“When Cameron was told we were going to Barra he was jumping all over the place with excitement.” The family flew from Glasgow last February and landed on Cockleshell Bay an hour later.Norma said: “He asked me if his face was shiny, because he was so happy. Cameron and Norma ... he says 'if you die you come back again' “When we got to the island and DID land on a beach, just as Cameron had described, he turned to Martin and me and said, ‘Now do you believe me?’He got off the plane, threw his arms in the air and yelled ‘I’m back.’“He talked about his Barra mum, telling me she had brown hair down to her waist before she’d had it cut.“He said I’d like her and she’d like me. He was anxious for us to meet.“He also talked about a ‘big book’ he used to read, and God and Jesus.“We’re not a religious family but his Barra family were.”The Macaulays booked into a hotel and began their search for clues to Cameron’s past. Norma said: “We contacted the Heritage Centre and asked if they’d heard of a Robertson family who lived in a white house overlooking a bay.“They hadn’t. Cameron was very disappointed. We drove around the island but he didn’t see the house. “Then we realised that if he saw planes land on the beach from his bedroom window, we were driving the wrong way.”Next the family received a call from their hotel to confirm that a family called Robertson once had a white house on the bay.Norma explains: “We didn’t tell Cameron anything. We just drove towards where we were told the house was and waited to see what would happen.“He recognised it immediately and was overjoyed.“But as we walked to the door all the colour drained from Cameron’s face and he became very quiet.“I think he thought it would be exactly the same as he remembered it, that his Barra mum would be waiting for him inside. He looked sad. There was no one there. The previous owner had died but a keyholder let us in.“There were lots of nooks and crannies and Cameron knew every bit of the house ― including the THREE toilets and the beach view from his bedroom window. In the garden, he took us to the ‘secret entrance’ he’d been talking about for years.”Researchers also managed to track down one of the Robertson family who had owned the house.Norma said: “We visited them at their new address in Stirling, but couldn’t find anything about a Shane Robertson.“Cameron was eager to see old family photographs in case he found his dad or himself in any.“He’d always talked about a big black car and a black and white dog.“The car and the dog were in the photos.”Since the family returned to their home in Clydebank, Glasgow, Cameron has been much calmer.Norma said: “Going to Barra was the best thing we could have done.“It’s put Cameron’s mind at ease. He no longer talks about Barra with such longing.“Now he knows we no longer think he was making things up.“We didn’t get all the answers we were looking for ― and, apparently, past life memories fade as the person gets older.“Cameron has never spoken about dying to me. But he told his pal not to worry about dying, because you just come back again.“When I asked him how he ended up with me, he tells me he ‘fell through and went into my tummy.’“And when I ask him what his name was before, he says, ‘It’s Cameron. It’s still me.’“I don’t think we’ll ever get all the answers.”The Boy Who Lived Before is on Five on Monday, September 18, at 9pm

天行健,君子以自强不息;地势坤,君子以厚德载物。 2007-01-04#2 陶陶宝贝 163 $0.00 人真的有前世和来生吗?2006年9月8日英国太阳报在线报导了一个能记得前世的男孩子的故事。这个六岁的小男孩叫卡梅伦・麦考利(Cameron Macaulay) ,他和其他六岁的男孩子没什么两样,唯一不同的是他总是谈论的妈妈和家庭,以及喜欢画的家-一幢座落在海滨的白房子,都与他现在的生活无关。他所讲的是他从来没有去过的地方,而且是在离他们现在住的地方160英里的巴拉岛。这些让他的妈妈感到脊背发凉。卡梅伦对前世的记忆据卡梅伦・麦考利现在的妈妈、42岁的诺玛介绍,自小卡梅伦会说话起,他就讲述他在巴拉岛上时的童年生活。他讲述他的前世父母,他的爸爸是怎样死的,还有他的哥哥和姐姐们。他还说,他提到的妈妈是他以前的妈妈。他坚信自己有前世,卡梅伦很担心他前世的家庭很想念他。当他开始在托儿所时,他的老师要求见诺玛,并告诉诺玛卡梅伦讲的关于巴拉岛的所有事情。他想念他前世的哥哥和姐姐。他抱怨现在的家里只有一个卫生间,而巴拉岛的家却有3个。他以前哭着要他的前世的妈妈,他说她思念他,他想让他在巴拉岛的家人知道他现在挺好的。卡梅伦极为伤心。他不停的谈论巴拉岛,他们去到什么地方,他们做了什么,他怎样从他的卧室窗口看着飞机降落在海滩上。他甚至说他的爸爸叫谢恩・罗伯逊(Shane Robertson),他已经死了,因为他没有看看路的两边。(可能他的父亲被车撞了。)诺玛提到他爸爸和她现在是分居的,他们从来没有到过那个岛屿。他们开始只是把他的故事当成是他的生动的想象。后来当卡梅伦开始因为离开了巴拉岛的家而变得忧伤时,他的生活也变得更痛苦。诺玛觉得这种状况太可怕了,它持续了几年。有一天,他的托儿所老师告诉诺玛,一家电影公司正在寻找相信自己有前世的人。她建议诺玛去跟他们谈谈卡梅伦的事。诺玛的家庭感到惊骇。因为很多人并不认同轮回的存在。她又是一个单身母亲,还有一个比卡梅伦大一岁的儿子马丁,他也受到此事的影响。同时,卡梅伦不停的乞求诺玛带他去巴拉岛。这些让诺玛最后决定带他到巴拉岛,看看能发现什么。造访巴拉岛诺玛与电影公司联系上了。他们跟着卡梅伦一起去了巴拉岛。与他们同行的美国弗吉尼亚大学的心理学家杰姆・塔科(Jim Tucker)博士是研究儿童轮回转世的专家。当他们告诉卡梅伦要去巴拉岛时,他高兴的到处蹦蹦跳跳的。卡梅伦全家于去年二月份去了巴拉岛。诺玛说:卡梅伦问她他的脸是否很发亮,因为他很高兴。当他们到达巴拉岛时,飞机真的降落在沙滩上,就象卡梅伦描述的一样。卡梅伦转向马丁和诺玛,说:现在你们相信我了吗?当卡梅伦下了飞机,他挥舞着两臂,大声叫着:我回来了。他谈论着他的巴拉岛妈妈,告诉诺玛,在没剪发之前巴拉岛妈妈有一头垂到腰间的棕色头发。他说诺玛会喜欢巴拉岛妈妈,巴拉岛妈妈也会喜欢诺玛。他渴望这两个妈妈能相见。他也谈到他过去读到的“一本大书”,以及上帝和耶稣。诺玛说她的家不是一个有宗教信仰的家庭,但是他的巴拉岛家庭却是。他们住咄了旅馆,开始寻找有关卡梅伦过去的线索。据诺玛回忆,他们与当地的遗产中心取得了联系,询问当地是否有姓罗伯逊的家庭,住在一个可以俯瞰海滨的白房子里。答复是没有,这让卡梅伦非常失望。他们开着车在岛上寻找,但是没有找到那幢白房子。后来他们认识到如果他能看到飞机降落在海滩上,那么他们就开错了方向。同时,他们接到了旅馆打来的电话,肯定有一家叫罗伯逊的人曾经在海滨边的白房子里住过。诺玛解释,他们没有告诉卡梅伦这一切,就向那幢被告知的房子开去,看看将会发生什么。卡梅伦一下子就认出来了房子,兴高采烈。但是当他们走到门口时,兴奋的神采从卡梅伦的脸上褪了下去,他变得非常安静。诺玛猜想他认为就象他记忆中的一样,巴拉岛妈妈会在屋子里等着他,他看起来有些悲伤。屋子里一个人也没有。前一个房主已去世了,但保管钥匙的人让他们咄到屋里。房子里有很多偏僻的角落,卡梅伦全都知道。房子中果然有3 个卫生间,以及从他卧室窗口能够看到海景。回家后研究者也想追踪拥有这幢房子的罗伯逊家庭的一个成员。诺玛说,他们访问了这个成员在斯特林市(Stirling)的家,但是他们找不到任何关于谢恩・罗伯逊(Shane Robertson)的信息。卡梅伦渴望看到前世家庭的照片,或许他能找到他的爸爸或者他自己。他总是谈到一辆黑色的大车和一只黑白色的狗,车和狗都在照片里。自从他们回到在格拉斯哥市(Glasgow)的家后,卡梅伦安静多了。诺玛说,去巴拉岛是他们所做的最好的一件事。这次旅程让卡梅伦的心情舒畅,他不再那样向往的谈论巴拉岛。现在卡梅伦也明白他们不再认为他在编故事。他们得到了要找的答案。明显的,对前世的记忆会随着当事者年龄的增长而逐渐的消失。卡梅伦从来没有对诺玛谈起过死亡。但是他告诉他的好朋友,不要担心死亡,因为你还会回来的。当诺玛问卡梅伦,他怎么会和她在一起的。卡梅伦说,他掉了下来,咄到了诺玛的肚子里。再问他,他以前叫什么,他说,是卡梅伦,还是我。卡梅伦的经历已经被英国电视五台拍成了纪录片《这个男孩从前活过》。

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